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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
After an hour, since no sleep had come over his eyes, the Brahman stood up, paced to and fro, and left the house. Through the small window of the chamber he looked back inside, and there he saw Siddhartha standing, his arms folded, not moving from his spot. Pale shimmered his bright robe. With anxiety in his heart, the father returned to his bed.过了一个钟头,这个婆罗门睡不着便又爬起来,在房间里踱来踱去,然后走出了房子。他透过小窗往屋里瞅,看见席特哈尔塔仍站在那儿,交叉着双臂,一动不动,浅色上衣映出了淡淡的光。父亲心里很不安地回到了他的床上。
After another hour, since no sleep had come over his eyes, the Brahman stood up again, paced to and fro, walked out of the house and saw that the moon had risen. Through the window of the chamber he looked back inside; there stood Siddhartha, not moving from his spot, his arms folded, moonlight reflecting from his bare shins. With worry in his heart, the father went back to bed.又过了一个钟头,这个婆罗门仍无睡意,便又爬起来,在房间里踱来踱去,然后走到了房子前面,看见月亮已经升起。他透过小窗往屋里瞅,看见席特哈尔塔仍站在那儿,一动不动,两臂交叉,月光照亮了他的光光的小腿。父亲又忧心忡忡地摸回到自己的床铺。
And he came back after an hour, he came back after two hours, looked through the small window, saw Siddhartha standing, in the moon light, by the light of the stars, in the darkness. And he came back hour after hour, silently, he looked into the chamber, saw him standing in the same place, filled his heart with anger, filled his heart with unrest, filled his heart with anguish, filled it with sadness.再过一个钟头,他又起来了一次;再过两个钟头,他又重复了一遍。他透过小窗看见席特哈尔塔仍站在月光中,站在星光下,站在夜暗里。一个又一个钟头过去了,他默默地往屋里瞅,看见站立者依然一动不动。他心里充满了恼怒,充满了不安,充满了犹豫,充满了痛苦。
And in the night's last hour, before the day began, he returned, stepped into the room, saw the young man standing there, who seemed tall and like a stranger to him.在天亮之前的最后一小时里,他折回来,走进了房间,看见年轻人仍站在那儿,觉得他忽然长大了,但是也好像陌生了。
"Siddhartha," he spoke, "what are you waiting for?"“席特哈尔塔,”他说,“你还在等什么?”
"You know what."“你知道。”
"Will you always stand that way and wait, until it'll becomes morning, noon, and evening?"“你就这么一直站着,等到天亮,等天中午,等到晚上吗?”
"I will stand and wait.“是的,我就这么站着等。”
"You will become tired, Siddhartha."“你会累的,席特哈尔塔。”
"I will become tired."“是的,我会累。”
"You will fall asleep, Siddhartha."“你会睡着的,席特哈尔塔。”
"I will not fall asleep."“我不会睡着。”
"You will die, Siddhartha."“你会死的,席特哈尔塔。”
"I will die."“是的,我会死。”
"And would you rather die, than obey your father?"“你宁可死掉,也不听父亲的话么?”
"Siddhartha has always obeyed his father."“席特哈尔塔总是听父亲的话。”
"So will you abandon your plan?"“那么,你愿意放弃自己的打算么?”
"Siddhartha will do what his father will tell him to do."“席特哈尔塔会按父亲的吩咐去做。”
The first light of day shone into the room. The Brahman saw that Siddhartha was trembling softly in his knees. In Siddhartha's face he saw no trembling, his eyes were fixed on a distant spot. Then his father realized that even now Siddhartha no longer dwelt with him in his home, that he had already left him.第一缕晨光照进了房间。婆罗门父亲看到席的两膝在微微颤抖。在席特哈尔塔的脸上见不到颤拌,他的眼睛注视着远方。这时,父亲意识到席特哈尔塔已不在自己身边,不在家乡,他已经离开了父亲。
The Father touched Siddhartha's shoulder.父亲抚摩着席特哈尔塔的肩膀。
"You will," he spoke, "go into the forest and be a Samana. When you'll have found blissfulness in the forest, then come back and teach me to be blissful. If you'll find disappointment, then return and let us once again make offerings to the gods together. Go now and kiss your mother, tell her where you are going to. But for me it is time to go to the river and to perform the first ablution."他说:“你要走进森林去当一个沙门了。如果你在森林里找到了永恒的幸福,就回来教给我。如果你得到的只是失望,就回来重新跟我们一起敬奉神灵。去吧,去吻别你母亲,告诉她你去哪儿。至于我,现在该是去河边第一次沐浴的时候了。”
He took his hand from the shoulder of his son and went outside. Siddhartha wavered to the side, as he tried to walk. He put his limbs back under control, bowed to his father, and went to his mother to do as his father had said.他从儿子的肩上抽回手,出去了。席特哈尔塔打算移动步子,可是身子朝旁边晃了一下。他强迫自己向父亲鞠躬,然后就去见母亲,按照父亲的吩咐去向她道别。
As he slowly left on stiff legs in the first light of day the still quiet town, a shadow rose near the last hut, who had crouched there, and joined the pilgrim--Govinda.当他在晨曦中迈开麻木僵硬的双腿,慢慢离开那依然寂静的城市时,从城市一家茅屋旁闪出一个蹲在那儿的人影,加入了朝圣的行列——那是戈文达。

After an hour, since no sleep had come over his eyes, the Brahman stood up, paced to and fro, and left the house. Through the small window of the chamber he looked back inside, and there he saw Siddhartha standing, his arms folded, not moving from his spot. Pale shimmered his bright robe. With anxiety in his heart, the father returned to his bed.

After another hour, since no sleep had come over his eyes, the Brahman stood up again, paced to and fro, walked out of the house and saw that the moon had risen. Through the window of the chamber he looked back inside; there stood Siddhartha, not moving from his spot, his arms folded, moonlight reflecting from his bare shins. With worry in his heart, the father went back to bed.

And he came back after an hour, he came back after two hours, looked through the small window, saw Siddhartha standing, in the moon light, by the light of the stars, in the darkness. And he came back hour after hour, silently, he looked into the chamber, saw him standing in the same place, filled his heart with anger, filled his heart with unrest, filled his heart with anguish, filled it with sadness.

And in the night's last hour, before the day began, he returned, stepped into the room, saw the young man standing there, who seemed tall and like a stranger to him.

"Siddhartha," he spoke, "what are you waiting for?"

"You know what."

"Will you always stand that way and wait, until it'll becomes morning, noon, and evening?"

"I will stand and wait.

"You will become tired, Siddhartha."

"I will become tired."

"You will fall asleep, Siddhartha."

"I will not fall asleep."

"You will die, Siddhartha."

"I will die."

"And would you rather die, than obey your father?"

"Siddhartha has always obeyed his father."

"So will you abandon your plan?"

"Siddhartha will do what his father will tell him to do."

The first light of day shone into the room. The Brahman saw that Siddhartha was trembling softly in his knees. In Siddhartha's face he saw no trembling, his eyes were fixed on a distant spot. Then his father realized that even now Siddhartha no longer dwelt with him in his home, that he had already left him.

The Father touched Siddhartha's shoulder.

"You will," he spoke, "go into the forest and be a Samana. When you'll have found blissfulness in the forest, then come back and teach me to be blissful. If you'll find disappointment, then return and let us once again make offerings to the gods together. Go now and kiss your mother, tell her where you are going to. But for me it is time to go to the river and to perform the first ablution."

He took his hand from the shoulder of his son and went outside. Siddhartha wavered to the side, as he tried to walk. He put his limbs back under control, bowed to his father, and went to his mother to do as his father had said.

As he slowly left on stiff legs in the first light of day the still quiet town, a shadow rose near the last hut, who had crouched there, and joined the pilgrim--Govinda.























重点单词   查看全部解释    
shadow ['ʃædəu]


n. 阴影,影子,荫,阴暗,暗处
vt. 投阴

stiff [stif]


adj. 硬的,僵直的,生硬的,拘谨的,不灵活的

fro [frəu]


adv. 向那边,向后,离开,回来

shoulder ['ʃəuldə]


n. 肩膀,肩部
v. 扛,肩负,承担,(用肩

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

disappointment [.disə'pɔintmənt]


n. 失望,令人失望的人或事

perform [pə'fɔ:m]


v. 执行,运转,举行,表演

abandon [ə'bændən]


v. 放弃,遗弃,沉溺
n. 放纵

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

anguish ['æŋgwiʃ]


n. 苦闷,痛苦
v. 使 ... 极苦闷,使


关键字: 名著 阅读 双语




