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澳推出2013世界最好工作 数万人争夺

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
More than 40,000 people from around the globe have applied for Australia's six "Best Jobs in the World", leaving Australian tourism officials with the mammoth task of paring the list down to 18 finalists.全球各地已经有4万多人申请了澳大利亚的六个“世界最好工作”,澳大利亚旅游局官员不得不担起把名单削减到18名最终入围者的繁重任务。
The six-month jobs, which include "Outback Adventurer" and "Chief Funster", attracted initial interest from more than 330,000 people from nearly 200 countries before applications closed late on Wednesday.这些为期六个月的“最好工作”包括“内陆探险者”和“玩乐达人”,到周三晚间申请截止时,已经有近200个国家的33万多人表示感兴趣。
Applicants were asked to submit a 30-second video explaining why they would be good for the jobs, which come with a stipend of A$100,000 ($105,400).申请人须提交一段时长30秒的视频,解释自己为什么适合这一工作。该工作的薪水高达10万澳元(合10.54万美元)。
Among the entries received were a woman snorkeling in stop-motion animation, and a man having a pillow fight with New Yorkers and dancing in his underwear in the subway.收到的参选视频中,有一个视频是一名女子用通气管在定格动画中“潜泳”,还有一个视频是一名男子和纽约人掀起枕头大战,并穿着内衣裤在地铁里跳舞。
"Getting lost has helped me find who I am. I have encountered all the best parts when I am lost on different journeys," said one woman, who was applying for the job of "Lifestyle Photographer". "Where will I get lost next?"一名申请“生活方式摄影师”职位的女性说:“迷路帮助我认识我自己。当我在不同旅途中迷路时,我遇到了生命中最好的部分。接下来我将在哪里迷路呢?”
The campaign was based on a 2009 initiative by authorities in Queensland state seeking an "island caretaker" on the world-famous Great Barrier Reef. That campaign attracted almost 35,000 entries and was won by Briton Ben Southall.这一活动基于昆士兰州当局2009年的一项提议——为世界闻名的大堡礁寻找一位“守岛人”。该活动在当时吸引了近3.5万申请人,最终英国人本•绍索尔胜出。
The "Chief Funster" will have VIP access to exclusive Sydney parties and festivals, while the Northern Territory's "Outback Adventurer" will get a taste of Australian bush life.“玩乐达人”将享有参加专属悉尼派对和节日庆祝会的VIP特权,而北领地的“内陆探险者”则能亲身感受澳洲丛林生活。
The 18 finalists will be flown to Australia for interviews, with the six winners announced on June 21. Americans topped the list of applicants, followed by Britons.18名入围者将乘飞机前往澳大利亚接受面试,最终的六名获胜者名单将于6月21日公布。提交申请的美国人最多,其次是英国人。
Queensland's 2009 campaign sparked similar campaigns around the world. Recently, the Chinese city of Hangzhou launched a Facebook campaign to find a "Modern Day Marco Polo".昆士兰州2009年的活动在世界各地引发了类似的活动。前不久,中国杭州市发起了一个寻找“现代马可•波罗”的Facebook活动。
Since winning the Queensland competition, Southall has married an Australian woman and now lives in the state capital Brisbane, where he works for the Queensland tourism board.自从在昆士兰最佳工作竞聘中获胜后,绍索尔如今已经和一位澳洲女子结了婚,现在住在昆士兰州首府布里斯班,在昆士兰旅游局工作。

More than 40,000 people from around the globe have applied for Australia's six "Best Jobs in the World", leaving Australian tourism officials with the mammoth task of paring the list down to 18 finalists.

The six-month jobs, which include "Outback Adventurer" and "Chief Funster", attracted initial interest from more than 330,000 people from nearly 200 countries before applications closed late on Wednesday.

Applicants were asked to submit a 30-second video explaining why they would be good for the jobs, which come with a stipend of A$100,000 ($105,400).

Among the entries received were a woman snorkeling in stop-motion animation, and a man having a pillow fight with New Yorkers and dancing in his underwear in the subway.

"Getting lost has helped me find who I am. I have encountered all the best parts when I am lost on different journeys," said one woman, who was applying for the job of "Lifestyle Photographer". "Where will I get lost next?"

The campaign was based on a 2009 initiative by authorities in Queensland state seeking an "island caretaker" on the world-famous Great Barrier Reef. That campaign attracted almost 35,000 entries and was won by Briton Ben Southall.

The "Chief Funster" will have VIP access to exclusive Sydney parties and festivals, while the Northern Territory's "Outback Adventurer" will get a taste of Australian bush life.

The 18 finalists will be flown to Australia for interviews, with the six winners announced on June 21. Americans topped the list of applicants, followed by Britons.

Queensland's 2009 campaign sparked similar campaigns around the world. Recently, the Chinese city of Hangzhou launched a Facebook campaign to find a "Modern Day Marco Polo".

Since winning the Queensland competition, Southall has married an Australian woman and now lives in the state capital Brisbane, where he works for the Queensland tourism board.











重点单词   查看全部解释    
territory ['teritəri]


n. 领土,版图,领域,范围

barrier ['bæriə]


n. 界线,屏障,栅栏,障碍物

initial [i'niʃəl]


n. (词)首字母
adj. 开始的,最初的,

campaign [kæm'pein]


n. 运动,活动,战役,竞选运动
v. 从事运

exclusive [iks'klu:siv]


adj. 独占的,唯一的,排外的
n. 独家新

announced [ə'naunst]



competition [kɔmpi'tiʃən]


n. 比赛,竞争,竞赛

initiative [i'niʃətiv]


adj. 创始的,初步的,自发的
n. 第一步

animation [.æni'meiʃən]


n. 活泼,有生气,卡通制作

stipend ['staipend]


n. 薪水,定期津贴


关键字: 工作 澳洲 资讯 双语




