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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
He was a feared gambler, few dared to take him on, so high and audacious were his stakes. He played the game due to a pain of his heart, losing and wasting his wretched money in the game brought him an angry joy, in no other way he could demonstrate his disdain for wealth, the merchants' false god, more clearly and more mockingly. Thus he gambled with high stakes and mercilessly, hating himself, mocking himself, won thousands, threw away thousands, lost money, lost jewelry, lost a house in the country, won again, lost again. That fear, that terrible and petrifying fear, which he felt while he was rolling the dice, while he was worried about losing high stakes, that fear he loved and sought to always renew it, always increase it, always get it to a slightly higher level, for in this feeling alone he still felt something like happiness, something like an intoxication, something like an elevated form of life in the midst of his saturated, lukewarm, dull life.他是个令人生畏的赌徒,一般人不大敢跟他赌,因为他下赌注时特别多特别狠。他进行赌博是出于内心的困境,输掉花光那些讨厌的金钱使他得到一种发怒式的快乐,而用别的方式他就不能对商人奉为偶像的财富表示出更清楚更尖刻的蔑视。因此,他毫不可惜地押大注,憎恨自己,嘲讽自己,一赢千金,又千金一掷,输掉钱,输掉首饰,输掉别墅,然后再赢回来,又输掉。他喜欢那种恐怕,那种赌博中因为押上了大注而提心吊担时感到的恐惧,那种可怕的令人窒息的恐惧,并且努力使这种恐惧不断重现,不断增强,被刺激得越来越强,因为只有在这种感觉中他才多少有点儿幸福,有点儿陶醉,在他那百无聊赖的、温吞吞的、单调乏味的生活当中才多少有点儿心安理得。
And after each big loss, his mind was set on new riches, pursued the trade more zealously, forced his debtors more strictly to pay, because he wanted to continue gambling, he wanted to continue squandering, continue demonstrating his disdain of wealth. Siddhartha lost his calmness when losses occurred, lost his patience when he was not payed on time, lost his kindness towards beggars, lost his disposition for giving away and loaning money to those who petitioned him. He, who gambled away tens of thousands at one roll of the dice and laughed at it, became more strict and more petty in his business, occasionally dreaming at night about money! And whenever he woke up from this ugly spell, whenever he found his face in the mirror at the bedroom's wall to have aged and become more ugly, whenever embarrassment and disgust came over him, he continued fleeing, fleeing into a new game, fleeing into a numbing of his mind brought on by sex, by wine, and from there he fled back into the urge to pile up and obtain possessions. In this pointless cycle he ran, growing tired, growing old, growing ill.在每一次大输之后,他都设法积累新年的财富,更热心地做买卖,更严厉地逼迫债户还帐,因为他要继续赌,继续挥霍,继续对财富表示他的轻蔑。席特哈尔塔在输钱时失去了从容镇定,对拖欠的债户失去了耐心,对乞丐失去了同情,对施舍失去了兴趣,也不再借钱给求贷者。他在豪赌中可以一掷万金并且付之一笑,可是做起生意却越发严厉,越发小气,夜里做梦有时也梦到钱!他常常从这种可憎的迷醉中醒来,常常从卧室墙上的镜子里照见自己的脸变老变丑了,羞愧和恶心常常袭扰他,于是他继续逃避,逃到新的赌博之中,逃到肉欲和酗酒的麻醉之中,再从那儿回到攒钱和赚钱的本能之中。在这种毫无意义的循环中他疲于奔命,日渐衰老,病魔缠身。

He was a feared gambler, few dared to take him on, so high and audacious were his stakes. He played the game due to a pain of his heart, losing and wasting his wretched money in the game brought him an angry joy, in no other way he could demonstrate his disdain for wealth, the merchants' false god, more clearly and more mockingly. Thus he gambled with high stakes and mercilessly, hating himself, mocking himself, won thousands, threw away thousands, lost money, lost jewelry, lost a house in the country, won again, lost again. That fear, that terrible and petrifying fear, which he felt while he was rolling the dice, while he was worried about losing high stakes, that fear he loved and sought to always renew it, always increase it, always get it to a slightly higher level, for in this feeling alone he still felt something like happiness, something like an intoxication, something like an elevated form of life in the midst of his saturated, lukewarm, dull life.
And after each big loss, his mind was set on new riches, pursued the trade more zealously, forced his debtors more strictly to pay, because he wanted to continue gambling, he wanted to continue squandering, continue demonstrating his disdain of wealth. Siddhartha lost his calmness when losses occurred, lost his patience when he was not payed on time, lost his kindness towards beggars, lost his disposition for giving away and loaning money to those who petitioned him. He, who gambled away tens of thousands at one roll of the dice and laughed at it, became more strict and more petty in his business, occasionally dreaming at night about money! And whenever he woke up from this ugly spell, whenever he found his face in the mirror at the bedroom's wall to have aged and become more ugly, whenever embarrassment and disgust came over him, he continued fleeing, fleeing into a new game, fleeing into a numbing of his mind brought on by sex, by wine, and from there he fled back into the urge to pile up and obtain possessions. In this pointless cycle he ran, growing tired, growing old, growing ill.

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occasionally [ə'keiʒənəli]


adv. 偶尔地

disgust [dis'gʌst]


n. 厌恶,嫌恶
v. 令人厌恶

saturated ['sætʃəreitid]


adj. 饱和的,渗透的,深颜色的

pointless ['pɔintlis]


adj. 不尖的,钝的,不得要领的

dull [dʌl]


adj. 呆滞的,迟钝的,无趣的,钝的,暗的

strict [strikt]


adj. 严格的,精确的,完全的



n. 平静,安宁;冷静,镇静

urge [ə:dʒ]


vt. 驱策,鼓励,力陈,催促
vi. 极力主

audacious [ɔ:'deiʃəs]


adj. 无畏的,放肆的,大胆创新的

disposition [.dispə'ziʃən]


n. 性情,倾向,安排,处置,控制


关键字: 阅读 名著 双语




