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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"I know it," said Siddhartha; his smile shone golden. "I know it, Govinda. And behold, with this we are right in the middle of the thicket of opinions, in the dispute about words. For I cannot deny, my words of love are in a contradiction, a seeming contradiction with Gotama's words. For this very reason, I distrust in words so much, for I know, this contradiction is a deception. I know that I am in agreement with Gotama. How should he not know love, he, who has discovered all elements of human existence in their transitoriness, in their meaninglessness, and yet loved people thus much, to use a long, laborious life only to help them, to teach them! Even with him, even with your great teacher, I prefer the thing over the words, place more importance on his acts and life than on his speeches, more on the gestures of his hand than his opinions. Not in his speech, not in his thoughts, I see his greatness, only in his actions, in his life."“我知道,”席特哈尔塔说,他的笑容闪现出金光。“我知道,戈文达。你瞧,咱们现在又陷入意见分歧,陷入言词之争了。我不能否论,我这些关于爱的言论与戈塔马的话有矛盾,有显然的矛盾。正因为如此,我才十分怀疑言词,因为我知道这种矛盾是错觉。我知道,我和戈塔马是一致的。怎么会连他也不了解爱呢?他熟知一切人性的暂时性和虚无性,却依然这样热爱人们,让漫长而艰难的一生完全致力于帮助他们,教导他们!在他身上,在你这位伟大的导师身上,我觉得也是事物胜于言词,他的行动和生活比他的言论更重要,他的手势比他的见解更重要。我认为他的伟大不在于言论,不在于思想,而在于行动,在于生活之中。”
For a long time, the two old men said nothing. Then spoke Govinda, while bowing for a farewell: "I thank you, Siddhartha, for telling me some of your thoughts. They are partially strange thoughts, not all have been instantly understandable to me. This being as it may, I thank you, and I wish you to have calm days."两个老人沉默了很久。后来,戈文达鞠躬道别,说:“我感谢你,席特哈尔塔,感谢你给我讲了你的想法。它们有些是很奇特的想法,我一下子没全听懂。别管它了,我感谢你,祝你生活平安!”
(But secretly he thought to himself: This Siddhartha is a bizarre person, he expresses bizarre thoughts, his teachings sound foolish. So differently sound the exalted one's pure teachings, clearer, purer, more comprehensible, nothing strange, foolish, or silly is contained in them. But different from his thoughts seemed to me Siddhartha's hands and feet, his eyes, his forehead, his breath, his smile, his greeting, his walk. Never again, after our exalted Gotama has become one with the Nirvana, never since then have I met a person of whom I felt: this is a holy man! Only him, this Siddhartha, I have found to be like this. May his teachings be strange, may his words sound foolish; out of his gaze and his hand, his skin and his hair, out of every part of him shines a purity, shines a calmness, shines a cheerfulness and mildness and holiness, which I have seen in no other person since the final death of our exalted teacher.)(但他暗地里心想:这个席特哈尔塔越位是个怪人,说的全是古怪的想法,他的学问说起来真怪僻。而活佛的精辟学说听着就不同,更明白、更纯正、更好懂,不含奇怪的、荒唐的或者可笑的东西。不过我觉得席特哈尔塔的手脚跟他的思想不同,还有他的眼睛、他的前额、他的呼唤、他的微笑、他的问候以及他的步态也不同。自从我们的活佛戈塔马涅槃之后,我再也没见过一个堪称是圣贤的人!只有他,这个席特哈尔塔,我觉得是如此。尽管他的学说很怪,他的话听着很荒唐,可是他的目光和他的手,他的皮肤和他的头发,以及他身上的一切,都闪耀着一种平静,闪耀着一种开朗、和善与圣洁,自从我们的活佛涅槃以后,这是我在别人身上从没见过的。)
As Govinda thought like this, and there was a conflict in his heart, he once again bowed to Siddhartha, drawn by love. Deeply he bowed to him who was calmly sitting.戈文达这么想着,心里很矛盾。他出于爱慕,再一次向席特哈尔塔鞠躬,向这个平静端坐的人深深鞠了一躬。
"Siddhartha," he spoke, "we have become old men. It is unlikely for one of us to see the other again in this incarnation. I see, beloved, that you have found peace. I confess that I haven't found it. Tell me, oh honourable one, one more word, give me something on my way which I can grasp, which I can understand! Give me something to be with me on my path. It it often hard, my path, often dark, Siddhartha."“席特哈尔塔,”他说,“咱们都已经是老人,恐怕谁都很难再见到对方这个样子了。亲爱的,我发现你已经得到了安宁。我承认自己没能找到。可敬的人呀,请再跟我说几句,送我几句我能掌握和理解的话吧!送我几句话上路吧。我的路常常很艰难,常常很昏暗呢,席特哈尔塔。”
Siddhartha said nothing and looked at him with the ever unchanged, quiet smile. Govinda stared at his face, with fear, with yearning, suffering, and the eternal search was visible in his look, eternal not-finding.席特哈尔塔默然无语,以总是同样平静的笑容望着他。戈文达呆呆地盯着他的脸,心怀恐惧和渴望,从戈文达的目光里流露出痛苦和永恒的探索,永远的无所收获。
Siddhartha saw it and smiled.席特哈尔塔看出了这一点,微微一笑。
"Bent down to me!" he whispered quietly in Govinda's ear. "Bend down to me! Like this, even closer! Very close! Kiss my forehead, Govinda!"“你弯下腰!”他轻声向戈文达耳语,“朝我弯下腰!这样,再近些,凑近嘛!亲吻我的额头,戈文达!”

"I know it," said Siddhartha; his smile shone golden. "I know it, Govinda. And behold, with this we are right in the middle of the thicket of opinions, in the dispute about words. For I cannot deny, my words of love are in a contradiction, a seeming contradiction with Gotama's words. For this very reason, I distrust in words so much, for I know, this contradiction is a deception. I know that I am in agreement with Gotama. How should he not know love, he, who has discovered all elements of human existence in their transitoriness, in their meaninglessness, and yet loved people thus much, to use a long, laborious life only to help them, to teach them! Even with him, even with your great teacher, I prefer the thing over the words, place more importance on his acts and life than on his speeches, more on the gestures of his hand than his opinions. Not in his speech, not in his thoughts, I see his greatness, only in his actions, in his life."
For a long time, the two old men said nothing. Then spoke Govinda, while bowing for a farewell: "I thank you, Siddhartha, for telling me some of your thoughts. They are partially strange thoughts, not all have been instantly understandable to me. This being as it may, I thank you, and I wish you to have calm days."
(But secretly he thought to himself: This Siddhartha is a bizarre person, he expresses bizarre thoughts, his teachings sound foolish. So differently sound the exalted one's pure teachings, clearer, purer, more comprehensible, nothing strange, foolish, or silly is contained in them. But different from his thoughts seemed to me Siddhartha's hands and feet, his eyes, his forehead, his breath, his smile, his greeting, his walk. Never again, after our exalted Gotama has become one with the Nirvana, never since then have I met a person of whom I felt: this is a holy man! Only him, this Siddhartha, I have found to be like this. May his teachings be strange, may his words sound foolish; out of his gaze and his hand, his skin and his hair, out of every part of him shines a purity, shines a calmness, shines a cheerfulness and mildness and holiness, which I have seen in no other person since the final death of our exalted teacher.)
As Govinda thought like this, and there was a conflict in his heart, he once again bowed to Siddhartha, drawn by love. Deeply he bowed to him who was calmly sitting.
"Siddhartha," he spoke, "we have become old men. It is unlikely for one of us to see the other again in this incarnation. I see, beloved, that you have found peace. I confess that I haven't found it. Tell me, oh honourable one, one more word, give me something on my way which I can grasp, which I can understand! Give me something to be with me on my path. It it often hard, my path, often dark, Siddhartha."
Siddhartha said nothing and looked at him with the ever unchanged, quiet smile. Govinda stared at his face, with fear, with yearning, suffering, and the eternal search was visible in his look, eternal not-finding.
Siddhartha saw it and smiled.
"Bent down to me!" he whispered quietly in Govinda's ear. "Bend down to me! Like this, even closer! Very close! Kiss my forehead, Govinda!"

重点单词   查看全部解释    
visible ['vizəbl]


adj. 可见的,看得见的
n. 可见物

unlikely [ʌn'laikli]


adj. 不太可能的

understandable [.ʌndə'stændəbl]


adj. 可理解的,能够懂的

bent [bent]


bend的过去式和过去分词 adj. 下定决心的,弯曲的

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

eternal [i'tə:nəl]


adj. 永久的,永恒的
n. 永恒的事

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

deception [di'sepʃən]


n. 骗局,诡计,欺诈

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

farewell ['fɛə'wel]


adj. 告别的
int. 再会,别了


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