The two groups of mansos (bullocks)
The six fighting bulls that will take part in the evening bullfight start the run accompanied by an initial group of mansos, which act as "guides" to help the bulls cover the route. Two minutes after leaving the corral in Santo Domingo, a second group of bullocks (the so-called "sweep-up" group), which are slower and smaller than the first one, are let out to lead any bulls that might have stopped or been left behind in the bull run towards the bullring.
将六头旁晚会成为斗牛的公牛混合到其他牛群里面,作为先头军,被首先释放出牛栏,2分钟以后,牛栏再次打开,放出第二组公牛,这组公牛比前一组个头小,跑的慢,他们被曾为‘扫后’ 。他们的作用是引导前头部队中的掉队牛奔跑想最终目标 。