Benjamin Franklin once said, “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” Fast forward to today and rising early is still considered a common quality of highly successful people.
本杰明•富兰克林曾经说过,“早睡早起使人健康、富有和聪明 。”直至今天,早起仍被视为成功人士的一种常见品质 。
Of course, it's important to note that waking up early shouldn't come at the expense of getting enough sleep: Adequate shuteye is also an important component of success.
当然,重要的是要注意,早起不应该是以牺牲充足睡眠为代价:充足的睡眠也是成功的一个重要因素 。
We took a look at what some of the world's most successful people -- past and present -- do first-thing when they get up in the morning. Not everyone on the list is an early bird, but they all know how to leverage their mornings to start working on a positive and productive note.
我们研究了过去和现在世界上最成功的一些人,他们早上起床后做的第一件事 。该表单上不是每个人都早起者,但他们都知道如何利用早晨以便开始积极和富有成效地工作 。
1. Barack Obama
Obama is a self-proclaimed night owl -- but he wakes up early to squeeze in a workout before getting in to the office at 8:30 a.m. or 9 a.m.
奥巴马自称是夜猫子,但在早上8:30或9点要到办公室之前,他会起的很早来挤出时间锻炼 。
"Health is obviously important to Obama," writes Robert Pagliarini of CBS News. "So much so that it's the first thing he does in the morning. He doesn't hope to squeeze in a workout if he has time, he ensures he has time by doing it first thing."
“健康对奥巴马很重要,”哥伦比亚广播公司的罗伯特•帕格利瑞尼写道 。“所以这是他早上做的第一件事 。他不希望他有时间的时候来挤出一点来锻炼,他确保他有时间做这第一件事 。”