It's been a week since James Gandolfini, the Emmy Award-winning actor who played Tony Soprano on the HBO drama The Sopranos, died in Rome at the age of 51. Gandolfini's portrayal of a deeply conflicted but introspective mob boss was monumental in several ways: It not only launched a golden age for scripted television dramas, garnering universal praise, but it also tapped into the anxious psyche of the aging American baby boomer. It also made Gandolfini -- a relative unknown until the show's 1999 debut -- into an international star. His funeral services took place Thursday.
一周前,曾在HBO的热播剧集《黑道家族》(The Sopranos)中扮演黑手党大佬托尼•斯普拉诺的美国演员、艾美奖得主詹姆斯•甘多菲尼在罗马去世,享年51岁。甘多菲尼在《黑道家族》中成功刻画了一个非常矛盾但又善于自省的黑手党大佬形象。这部剧不仅开辟了美剧的一个黄金时代,获得了普遍的赞誉,也反映出正在日渐老去的美国“婴儿潮”一代焦虑的内心。凭借这个角色,直到1999年该剧上映前还默默无闻的甘多菲尼一跃成为国际巨星。他的葬礼于上周四举行。
The story of a New Jersey mob kingpin who suffers panic attacks and seeks counseling resonated with viewers who felt, like Tony, that they were living the decline of the American experiment -- rather than "getting in on the ground floor" as he put it in the pilot. The show dealt with the malaise and ennui head-on, growing darker, even as the September 11 terrorist attacks fundamentally reshaped the country's self-image. Gandolfini's Tony -- broad shouldered, eyes forlorn, his sarcasm tinted with that distinctly North Jersey whine -- became an unlikely but captivating everyman. As David Chase, the show's creator, put it, a great deal of his "genius resided in those sad eyes."
But Tony Soprano was something else as well. He was a manager. Strategy is a primary plot point throughout the show's six seasons, as rival mobsters come and go. By the program's finale, in fact, Tony's therapist -- Dr. Jennifer Melfi portrayed by Lorraine Bracco -- concludes that her treatment itself was a kind of con all along, serving to hone Tony's prowess as a crook. With that in mind, here are three leadership lessons all business leaders can take from Tony Soprano:
Who's the boss? -- Season 1, Episode 4: "Meadowlands"
Situation: Tony's roiling conflict with his uncle, Corrado "Junior" Soprano, for control of the DiMeo crime family is threatening to spin out of control. Trucks are hijacked, footsoldiers murdered. At the same time, Tony is struggling to persuade his recalcitrant mother to move into a retirement community (a.k.a. a "nursing home").
Solution: As far as the Soprano matriarch is concerned, Dr. Melfi suggests that it is sometimes best to give the elderly the "illusion of control," advice that Tony applies to the conflict with his uncle. Though he is backed by the family's other captains, Tony ultimately seeks a diplomatic solution. He concedes nominal leadership of the family to Junior, carving out several advantages for himself: avoiding a costly intra-family war and gaining control of income-generating contracts as payment from Junior in return. Most importantly, Junior is set up as the target of an FBI investigation of the family.
Lesson: Control and the illusion of control are two different things. Letting go of the outright struggle for dominance can confer power. Or, as Tony puts it in a later season, "When guys are on the mattresses, they're not out earning."