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狄更斯双语小说:《董贝父子》第27章Part 05

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

As her eye rested on him for an instant, and then lighted on the ground, he saw in its bright and searching glance a suspicion that he had not come up at the moment of his interference, but had secretly observed her sooner. As he saw that, she saw in his eye that her distrust was not without foundation.

'Really,' cried Mrs Skewton, who had taken this opportunity of inspecting Mr Carker through her glass, and satisfying herself (as she lisped audibly to the Major) that he was all heart; 'really now, this is one of the most enchanting coincidences that I ever heard of. The idea! My dearest Edith, there is such an obvious destiny in it, that really one might almost be induced to cross one's arms upon one's frock, and say, like those wicked Turks, there is no What's-his-name but Thingummy, and What-you-may-call-it is his prophet!'“真的,”斯丘顿夫人曾在这些时间中通过长柄眼镜细细观察卡克先生,并称心满意地说,他怀有一片善良的心意(她是对少校这么说的,虽然口齿不清,但仍能听得出来),“真的,这是我平生听到过的最美妙动人的巧合中的一个。想一想吧!我最亲爱的伊迪丝,这分明是命中注定的,真叫人想把两手交叉在胸前,像那些邪恶的土耳其人一样说,除了——那叫什么来的以外,那就没有——他叫什么名字——和你可以在他的预言者里称为什么的了!”
Edith designed no revision of this extraordinary quotation from the Koran, but Mr Dombey felt it necessary to offer a few polite remarks.伊迪丝不屑校正这句引自可兰经、被引得非常可笑的引语,但董贝先生感到有必要说几句客气话。
'It gives me great pleasure,' said Mr Dombey, with cumbrous gallantry, 'that a gentleman so nearly connected with myself as Carker is, should have had the honour and happiness of rendering the least assistance to Mrs Granger.' Mr Dombey bowed to her. 'But it gives me some pain, and it occasions me to be really envious of Carker;' he unconsciously laid stress on these words, as sensible that they must appear to involve a very surprising proposition; 'envious of Carker, that I had not that honour and that happiness myself.' Mr Dombey bowed again. Edith, saving for a curl of her lip, was motionless.“这使我感到万分高兴,”董贝先生很做作地向女士们献示殷勤,说道,“一位像卡克这样跟我本人关系这么密切的先生能光荣和幸福地给格兰杰夫人提供一点小小的帮助。”董贝先生向她鞠了一个躬,“但这使我感到有些痛苦,说真的,我妒嫉卡克,”他不知不觉地在这几个字上加重了语气,好像他知道这一定使人感到这是个很惊人的说法似的;“我妒嫉卡克,因为我本人不曾有那样的光荣和幸福。”董贝先生又鞠了一个躬。伊迪丝除了撇了一下嘴外,一动也不动。
'By the Lord, Sir,' cried the Major, bursting into speech at sight of the waiter, who was come to announce breakfast, 'it's an extraordinary thing to me that no one can have the honour and happiness of shooting all such beggars through the head without being brought to book for it. But here's an arm for Mrs Granger if she'll do J. B. the honour to accept it; and the greatest service Joe can render you, Ma'am, just now, is, to lead you into table!'“真的,先生,”少校看到侍者前来通知去吃早饭,就立刻打开了话匣子,喊道,“使我感到惊奇的是,没有一个人能光荣和幸福地用枪射穿这些乞丐的头而不被抓去讯问的。但是这里有一只胳膊愿意为格兰杰夫人效劳,如果她肯接受它,把这份光荣赐给乔·白的话;现在乔能为您作出的最大的效劳,夫人,就是领您到餐桌去!”
With this, the Major gave his arm to Edith; Mr Dombey led the way with Mrs Skewton; Mrs Carker went last, smiling on the party.少校说了这些话,就把胳膊递给伊迪丝;董贝先生和斯丘顿夫人在前面领路;卡克先生走在最后,笑嘻嘻地望着这些人。

As her eye rested on him for an instant, and then lighted on the ground, he saw in its bright and searching glance a suspicion that he had not come up at the moment of his interference, but had secretly observed her sooner. As he saw that, she saw in his eye that her distrust was not without foundation.
'Really,' cried Mrs Skewton, who had taken this opportunity of inspecting Mr Carker through her glass, and satisfying herself (as she lisped audibly to the Major) that he was all heart; 'really now, this is one of the most enchanting coincidences that I ever heard of. The idea! My dearest Edith, there is such an obvious destiny in it, that really one might almost be induced to cross one's arms upon one's frock, and say, like those wicked Turks, there is no What's-his-name but Thingummy, and What-you-may-call-it is his prophet!'
Edith designed no revision of this extraordinary quotation from the Koran, but Mr Dombey felt it necessary to offer a few polite remarks.
'It gives me great pleasure,' said Mr Dombey, with cumbrous gallantry, 'that a gentleman so nearly connected with myself as Carker is, should have had the honour and happiness of rendering the least assistance to Mrs Granger.' Mr Dombey bowed to her. 'But it gives me some pain, and it occasions me to be really envious of Carker;' he unconsciously laid stress on these words, as sensible that they must appear to involve a very surprising proposition; 'envious of Carker, that I had not that honour and that happiness myself.' Mr Dombey bowed again. Edith, saving for a curl of her lip, was motionless.
'By the Lord, Sir,' cried the Major, bursting into speech at sight of the waiter, who was come to announce breakfast, 'it's an extraordinary thing to me that no one can have the honour and happiness of shooting all such beggars through the head without being brought to book for it. But here's an arm for Mrs Granger if she'll do J. B. the honour to accept it; and the greatest service Joe can render you, Ma'am, just now, is, to lead you into table!'
With this, the Major gave his arm to Edith; Mr Dombey led the way with Mrs Skewton; Mrs Carker went last, smiling on the party.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
suspicion [səs'piʃən]


n. 猜疑,怀疑

extraordinary [iks'trɔ:dnri]


adj. 非凡的,特别的,特派的

obvious ['ɔbviəs]


adj. 明显的,显然的

prophet ['prɔfit]


n. 预言者,先知,提倡者

sensible ['sensəbl]


adj. 可察觉的,意识到的,实用的
n. 可

proposition [.prɔpə'ziʃən]


n. 建议,命题,主张
vt. 向 ... 提

motionless ['məuʃənlis]


adj. 不动的,静止的

curl [kə:l]


n. 卷曲,卷发,年轮,漩涡,[足]曲线球

stress [stres]


n. 紧张,压力
v. 强调,着重

envious ['enviəs]


adj. 嫉妒的
adj. [古]好胜的,羡慕





