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狄更斯双语小说:《董贝父子》第27章Part 09

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Again Mr Carker saw the strife he had witnessed so unexpectedly among the trees. Again he saw the haughty languor and indifference come over it, and hide it like a cloud.

She did not raise her eyes to him; but with a slight peremptory motion of them, seemed to bid her mother come near. Mrs Skewton thought it expedient to understand the hint, and advancing quickly, with her two cavaliers, kept near her daughter from that time,她没有向他抬起眼睛,只是命令式地把眼睛稍稍地动了动,似乎招呼她母亲走近她。斯丘顿夫人认为领会这个暗示是合适的,就和她两位陪随的骑士很快走向前去,从那时起就一直走在她女儿近旁。
Mr Carker now, having nothing to distract his attention, began to discourse upon the pictures and to select the best, and point them out to Mr Dombey: speaking with his usual familiar recognition of Mr Dombey's greatness, and rendering homage by adjusting his eye-glass for him, or finding out the right place in his catalogue, or holding his stick, or the like. These services did not so much originate with Mr Carker, in truth, as with Mr Dombey himself, who was apt to assert his chieftainship by saying, with subdued authority, and in an easy way - for him - 'Here, Carker, have the goodness to assist me, will you?' which the smiling gentleman always did with pleasure.卡克先生现在没有什么吸引他注意的东西,就开始谈论图画,并选出那些最好的,指给董贝先生看;这时他没有忘记按照平时熟悉的方式突出董贝先生的伟大身份,并给他调整一下目镜,找出图画目录中现在正在看到的图画名称,以及给他拿手杖,等等,以表示对他的尊敬。说实在的,这些服务与其说是出于卡克先生的主动,还不如说是出于董贝先生的倡议。董贝先生喜爱显示他的权力,他用不很威严,对他来说是随随便便的语气说道,“喂,卡克,请您帮助我一下,好吗?”那位笑容满面的先生总是高高兴兴地遵命照办。
They made the tour of the pictures, the walls, crow's nest, and so forth; and as they were still one little party, and the Major was rather in the shade: being sleepy during the process of digestion: Mr Carker became communicative and agreeable. At first, he addressed himself for the most part to Mrs Skewton; but as that sensitive lady was in such ecstasies with the works of art, after the first quarter of an hour, that she could do nothing but yawn (they were such perfect inspirations, she observed as a reason for that mark of rapture), he transferred his attentions to Mr Dombey. Mr Dombey said little beyond an occasional 'Very true, Carker,' or 'Indeed, Carker,' but he tacitly encouraged Carker to proceed, and inwardly approved of his behaviour very much: deeming it as well that somebody should talk, and thinking that his remarks, which were, as one might say, a branch of the parent establishment, might amuse Mrs Granger. Mr Carker, who possessed an excellent discretion, never took the liberty of addressing that lady, direct; but she seemed to listen, though she never looked at him; and once or twice, when he was emphatic in his peculiar humility, the twilight smile stole over her face, not as a light, but as a deep black shadow.他们参观了图画、城墙、桅楼守望台,等等。当他们仍然是走在一起的一小群人时,少校正在消化食物,昏昏欲睡,处在默默无闻的状态中;这时候,卡克先生成了个爱交谈和使人高兴的人。最初,他主要是跟斯丘顿夫人攀谈,但是由于那位敏感的夫人对艺术作品是那么欣喜若狂,在第一刻钟内她除了像打呵欠似地大大地张开嘴巴直呵气之外,就不能再做别的了(她说,它们完全是灵感的杰作,这是她之所以作出那种兴高采烈的表示的原因),因此他就把注意力转向董贝先生。董贝先生除了偶尔说一句,“说得很对,卡克,”或“不错,卡克”之外,很少讲别的,但他默默地鼓励卡克继续说下去,内心非常赞许他的行为,因为他认为总得有人说话才好;卡克先生的说话可以说是从母公司分出去的子公司,完全代表了他本人,它可能会使格兰杰夫人感到有趣。卡克先生极为谨慎,从不冒失地直接对那位夫人说话,但是她似乎在听着,虽然从不看他;有一、两次,当他把他那独特的谦恭的态度表现得异乎寻常的时候,那若隐若现的微笑就偷偷地掠过她的脸庞,不像一道光线,而像是一个深沉的黑影。
Warwick Castle being at length pretty well exhausted, and the Major very much so: to say nothing of Mrs Skewton, whose peculiar demonstrations of delight had become very frequent Indeed: the carriage was again put In requisition, and they rode to several admired points of view In the neighbourhood. Mr Dombey ceremoniously observed of one of these, that a sketch, however slight, from the fair hand of Mrs Granger, would be a remembrance to him of that agreeable day: though he wanted no artificial remembrance, he was sure (here Mr Dombey made another of his bows), which he must always highly value. Withers the lean having Edith's sketch-book under his arm, was immediately called upon by Mrs Skewton to produce the same: and the carriage stopped, that Edith might make the drawing, which Mr Dombey was to put away among his treasures.沃里克城堡终于被详尽无遗地参观完毕,少校也已精疲力竭,至于斯丘顿夫人那就更不用说了;说真的,她按照她的那种特殊方式来表露内心的高兴已表露得愈来愈频繁了。这时,马车已重新准备好,他们前去附近的几个名胜地点。董贝先生彬彬有礼地说,格兰杰夫人如能亲手用她的妙笔给其中的一个风景区画一幅素描(即使画得潦草一些也行),那么对他来说这将是这愉快日子的一个纪念品(虽然他并不需要那些可以现成买到的纪念品),他一定会永远给予很高的评价;这时董贝先生又鞠了一个躬。消瘦的威瑟斯腋下夹着伊迪丝的速写簿,斯丘顿夫人立即嘱咐他把它送来;马车也停了下来,好让伊迪丝画画,这幅画是董贝先生打算和他的其他珍贵物品保存在一起的。
'But I am afraid I trouble you too much,' said Mr Dombey.“不过我担心我太麻烦您了,”董贝先生说道。

Again Mr Carker saw the strife he had witnessed so unexpectedly among the trees. Again he saw the haughty languor and indifference come over it, and hide it like a cloud.
She did not raise her eyes to him; but with a slight peremptory motion of them, seemed to bid her mother come near. Mrs Skewton thought it expedient to understand the hint, and advancing quickly, with her two cavaliers, kept near her daughter from that time,
Mr Carker now, having nothing to distract his attention, began to discourse upon the pictures and to select the best, and point them out to Mr Dombey: speaking with his usual familiar recognition of Mr Dombey's greatness, and rendering homage by adjusting his eye-glass for him, or finding out the right place in his catalogue, or holding his stick, or the like. These services did not so much originate with Mr Carker, in truth, as with Mr Dombey himself, who was apt to assert his chieftainship by saying, with subdued authority, and in an easy way - for him - 'Here, Carker, have the goodness to assist me, will you?' which the smiling gentleman always did with pleasure.
They made the tour of the pictures, the walls, crow's nest, and so forth; and as they were still one little party, and the Major was rather in the shade: being sleepy during the process of digestion: Mr Carker became communicative and agreeable. At first, he addressed himself for the most part to Mrs Skewton; but as that sensitive lady was in such ecstasies with the works of art, after the first quarter of an hour, that she could do nothing but yawn (they were such perfect inspirations, she observed as a reason for that mark of rapture), he transferred his attentions to Mr Dombey. Mr Dombey said little beyond an occasional 'Very true, Carker,' or 'Indeed, Carker,' but he tacitly encouraged Carker to proceed, and inwardly approved of his behaviour very much: deeming it as well that somebody should talk, and thinking that his remarks, which were, as one might say, a branch of the parent establishment, might amuse Mrs Granger. Mr Carker, who possessed an excellent discretion, never took the liberty of addressing that lady, direct; but she seemed to listen, though she never looked at him; and once or twice, when he was emphatic in his peculiar humility, the twilight smile stole over her face, not as a light, but as a deep black shadow.
Warwick Castle being at length pretty well exhausted, and the Major very much so: to say nothing of Mrs Skewton, whose peculiar demonstrations of delight had become very frequent Indeed: the carriage was again put In requisition, and they rode to several admired points of view In the neighbourhood. Mr Dombey ceremoniously observed of one of these, that a sketch, however slight, from the fair hand of Mrs Granger, would be a remembrance to him of that agreeable day: though he wanted no artificial remembrance, he was sure (here Mr Dombey made another of his bows), which he must always highly value. Withers the lean having Edith's sketch-book under his arm, was immediately called upon by Mrs Skewton to produce the same: and the carriage stopped, that Edith might make the drawing, which Mr Dombey was to put away among his treasures.
'But I am afraid I trouble you too much,' said Mr Dombey.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
slight [slait]


adj. 轻微的,微小的,纤细的,脆弱的

agreeable [ə'gri:əbəl]


adj. 愉快的,和蔼可亲的,欣然同意的,一致的

hint [hint]


n. 暗示
v. 暗示,示意

stick [stik]


n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<

delight [di'lait]


n. 高兴,快乐
v. (使)高兴,(使)欣喜

castle ['kɑ:sl]


n. 城堡
v. 置于城堡中,(棋)移动王车易

establishment [is'tæbliʃmənt]


n. 确立,制定,设施,机构,权威

digestion [di'dʒestʃən]


n. 消化,吸收,领悟 [生]细菌分解

languor ['læŋgə]


n. 怠惰,疲倦,无气力

shade [ʃeid]


n. 阴影,遮蔽,遮光物,(色彩的)浓淡





