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狄更斯双语小说:《董贝父子》第28章Part 9

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

'He is very good-tempered,' said Florence, addressing herself with her natural grace and sweetness to the two lady strangers. 'He is only glad to see me. Pray forgive him.'

She saw in the glance they interchanged, that the lady who had screamed, and who was seated, was old; and that the other lady, who stood near her Papa, was very beautiful, and of an elegant figure.她在跟她们交换眼光的时候,看到那位刚才发出尖叫声并坐着的夫人已经老了,另一位站在她爸爸身旁的夫人长得很美丽,而且身材优雅。
'Mrs Skewton,' said her father, turning to the first, and holding out his hand, 'this is my daughter Florence.'“斯丘顿夫人,”她爸爸转向第一位夫人,指着弗洛伦斯,说道,“这是我的女儿弗洛伦斯。”
'Charming, I am sure,' observed the lady, putting up her glass. 'So natural! My darling Florence, you must kiss me, if you please.'“真的,她非常可爱,”那位夫人举起长柄眼镜看着她,说道,“多么自然!我亲爱的弗洛伦斯,你一定得亲我一下,好吗?”
Florence having done so, turned towards the other lady, by whom her father stood waiting.弗洛伦斯这样做了,然后转向另一位夫人,她爸爸站在她身边等待着。
'Edith,' said Mr Dombey, 'this is my daughter Florence. Florence, this lady will soon be your Mama.'“伊迪丝,”董贝先生说道,“这是我的女儿弗洛伦斯。弗洛伦斯,这位夫人不久就是你的妈妈了。”
Florence started, and looked up at the beautiful face in a conflict of emotions, among which the tears that name awakened, struggled for a moment with surprise, interest, admiration, and an indefinable sort of fear. Then she cried out, 'Oh, Papa, may you be happy! may you be very, very happy all your life!' and then fell weeping on the lady's bosom.弗洛伦斯吃了一惊,抬起眼睛,望着那张美丽的脸孔,心中充满了各种矛盾的情绪;在这当中,妈妈这个名词所唤出的眼泪在一刹那间跟惊异、好奇、羡慕和说不出的恐惧斗争着。然后,她喊道,“啊,爸爸,祝你幸福!祝你一辈子非常、非常幸福!”接着,她哭着扑向这位夫人的怀里。
There was a short silence. The beautiful lady, who at first had seemed to hesitate whether or no she should advance to Florence, held her to her breast, and pressed the hand with which she clasped her, close about her waist, as if to reassure her and comfort her. Not one word passed the lady's lips. She bent her head down over Florence, and she kissed her on the cheek, but she said no word.随后是短时间的沉默。那位美丽的夫人最初似乎有些犹豫,是不是要向前朝弗洛伦斯走去,这时她把她抱在怀里,紧紧地握着她紧抱住她腰身的手,仿佛让她放心和在安慰她。这位夫人一句话也没有说。她向弗洛伦斯低下头,吻着她的脸颊,但却没有说话。
'Shall we go on through the rooms,' said Mr Dombey, 'and see how our workmen are doing? Pray allow me, my dear madam.'“我们是不是到这些房间去走走,”董贝先生说道,“看看我们这些工人活干得怎么样了?请允许我,我亲爱的夫人。”
He said this in offering his arm to Mrs Skewton, who had been looking at Florence through her glass, as though picturing to herself what she might be made, by the infusion - from her own copious storehouse, no doubt - of a little more Heart and Nature. Florence was still sobbing on the lady's breast, and holding to her, when Mr Dombey was heard to say from the Conservatory:他一边说,一边向斯丘顿夫人伸出胳膊;斯丘顿夫人这时正用长柄眼镜看着弗洛伦斯,好像正在心中琢磨着,如果在弗洛伦斯身上注入稍多一些心灵与自然——当然是从她自己的仓库中取来的——的话,那么她会成为一个什么样的人呢。弗洛伦斯依旧伏在那位夫人的胸前哭泣,并紧抱着她,这时听到董贝先生从暖房中说道:
'Let us ask Edith. Dear me, where is she?'“让我问问伊迪丝。哎呀,她在哪里呀?”

'He is very good-tempered,' said Florence, addressing herself with her natural grace and sweetness to the two lady strangers. 'He is only glad to see me. Pray forgive him.'
She saw in the glance they interchanged, that the lady who had screamed, and who was seated, was old; and that the other lady, who stood near her Papa, was very beautiful, and of an elegant figure.
'Mrs Skewton,' said her father, turning to the first, and holding out his hand, 'this is my daughter Florence.'
'Charming, I am sure,' observed the lady, putting up her glass. 'So natural! My darling Florence, you must kiss me, if you please.'
Florence having done so, turned towards the other lady, by whom her father stood waiting.
'Edith,' said Mr Dombey, 'this is my daughter Florence. Florence, this lady will soon be your Mama.'
Florence started, and looked up at the beautiful face in a conflict of emotions, among which the tears that name awakened, struggled for a moment with surprise, interest, admiration, and an indefinable sort of fear. Then she cried out, 'Oh, Papa, may you be happy! may you be very, very happy all your life!' and then fell weeping on the lady's bosom.
There was a short silence. The beautiful lady, who at first had seemed to hesitate whether or no she should advance to Florence, held her to her breast, and pressed the hand with which she clasped her, close about her waist, as if to reassure her and comfort her. Not one word passed the lady's lips. She bent her head down over Florence, and she kissed her on the cheek, but she said no word.
'Shall we go on through the rooms,' said Mr Dombey, 'and see how our workmen are doing? Pray allow me, my dear madam.'
He said this in offering his arm to Mrs Skewton, who had been looking at Florence through her glass, as though picturing to herself what she might be made, by the infusion - from her own copious storehouse, no doubt - of a little more Heart and Nature. Florence was still sobbing on the lady's breast, and holding to her, when Mr Dombey was heard to say from the Conservatory:
'Let us ask Edith. Dear me, where is she?'

重点单词   查看全部解释    
reassure [ri:ə'ʃuə]


v. 使 ... 安心,再保证,重拾(信心等)

charming ['tʃɑ:miŋ]


adj. 迷人的

waist [weist]


n. 腰,腰部

grace [greis]


n. 优美,优雅,恩惠
vt. 使荣耀,使优美

indefinable [.indi'fainəbl]


adj. 不能下定义的,不确定的

glance [glɑ:ns]


v. 一瞥,扫视,匆匆一看,反光,闪烁,掠过

bent [bent]


bend的过去式和过去分词 adj. 下定决心的,弯曲的

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

conflict ['kɔnflikt]


n. 冲突,矛盾,斗争,战斗
vi. 冲突,争

elegant ['eligənt]


adj. 优雅的,精美的,俊美的





