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狄更斯双语小说:《董贝父子》第28章Part 10

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

'Edith, my dear!' cried Mrs Skewton, 'where are you? Looking for Mr Dombey somewhere, I know. We are here, my love.'

The beautiful lady released her hold of Florence, and pressing her lips once more upon her face, withdrew hurriedly, and joined them. Florence remained standing In the same place: happy, sorry, joyful, and in tears, she knew not how, or how long, but all at once: when her new Mama came back, and took her in her arms again.美丽的夫人放松了她对弗洛伦斯的拥抱,又一次把嘴唇紧贴在她的脸上,然后急忙走出房间,参加到他们当中。弗洛伦斯一动不动地站在原来的地方:幸福、悲伤、高兴、流泪。当她的新妈妈回来又把她抱在怀中的时候,她不知道这是怎么发生的,也不知道时间过去了多久,只知道这一切都是同时发生的。
'Florence,' said the lady, hurriedly, and looking into her face with great earnestness. 'You will not begin by hating me?'“弗洛伦斯,”这位夫人极为恳切地注视着她的脸孔,急忙说道,“你不会一开始就恨我吧?”
'By hating you, Mama?' cried Florence, winding her arm round her neck, and returning the look.“恨你,妈妈?”弗洛伦斯用胳膊搂着她的脖子,注视着她,喊道。
'Hush! Begin by thinking well of me,' said the beautiful lady. 'Begin by believing that I will try to make you happy, and that I am prepared to love you, Florence. Good-bye. We shall meet again soon. Good-bye! Don't stay here, now.'“轻一些!一开始往好里想我吧,”美丽的夫人说道,“开始相信我将设法使你幸福,相信我是准备爱你的,弗洛伦斯。再见,我们很快就会再见面的。再见吧!现在别待在这里。”
Again she pressed her to her breast she had spoken in a rapid manner, but firmly - and Florence saw her rejoin them in the other room. 她又把她抱在胸前,刚才的这些话她是急促地说出的,但语气却是坚决的。弗洛伦斯看到她在另一间房间里参加到他们当中。

'Edith, my dear!' cried Mrs Skewton, 'where are you? Looking for Mr Dombey somewhere, I know. We are here, my love.'
The beautiful lady released her hold of Florence, and pressing her lips once more upon her face, withdrew hurriedly, and joined them. Florence remained standing In the same place: happy, sorry, joyful, and in tears, she knew not how, or how long, but all at once: when her new Mama came back, and took her in her arms again.
'Florence,' said the lady, hurriedly, and looking into her face with great earnestness. 'You will not begin by hating me?'
'By hating you, Mama?' cried Florence, winding her arm round her neck, and returning the look.
'Hush! Begin by thinking well of me,' said the beautiful lady. 'Begin by believing that I will try to make you happy, and that I am prepared to love you, Florence. Good-bye. We shall meet again soon. Good-bye! Don't stay here, now.'
Again she pressed her to her breast she had spoken in a rapid manner, but firmly - and Florence saw her rejoin them in the other room.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
pressing [presiŋ]


adj. 紧迫的,紧急的 press的现在分词

joyful ['dʒɔifəl]


adj. 欢喜的,高兴的

hush [hʌʃ]


n. 肃静,安静,沉默
vi. 安静下来,掩饰



n. 认真;诚挚;正经





