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经典科幻文学:《银河系漫游指南》第8章 Part 6

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

"I don't know," yelled Ford, "I don't know. It sounded like a measurement of probability."

"Probability? What do you mean?"“概率?你是什么意思?”
"Probability. You know, like two to one, three to one, five to four against. It said two to the power of one hundred thousand to one against. That's pretty improbable you know."“概率。你知道的,就像2比1,3比1,5比4什么的。这声音说2的100,000次方比1.你知道,这种概率也太小了点。”
A million-gallon vat of custard upended itself over them without warning.一个装着一百万加仑奶油冻的巨桶在他们头上倾倒下来,事先没有任何征兆。
"But what does it mean?" cried Arthur.“这又是什么意思?”阿瑟叫喊着。
"What, the custard?"“什么,奶油冻吗?”
"No, the measurement of probability!"“不,我是说那个不可能的极小概率测算1”
"I don't know. I don't know at all. I think we're on some kind of spaceship."“我不知道,我什么都不知道。我想我们是在一艘飞船上。”
"I can only assume," said Arthur, "that this is not the first-class compartment."“我惟一能推测的就是,”阿瑟说,“这不是头等舱。”
Bulges appeared in the fabric of space-time. Great ugly bulges.时空维度开始出现凸起的膨胀。巨大而丑陋的凸起。
"Haaaauuurrgghhh ..." said Arthur as he felt his body softening and bending in unusual directions. "Southend seems to be melting away ... the stars are swirling ... a dustbowl ... my legs are drifting off into the sunset ... my left arm's come off too." A frightening thought struck him: "Hell," he said, "how am I going to operate my digital watch now?" He wound his eyes desperately around in Ford's direction.“啊、啊、啊……”阿瑟叫起来,因为他感到自己的身体正在变软,向着一些不正常的方向弯曲,“南角好像正在融化……星星形成了旋涡……像一个尘暴区……我的双脚正在向旋涡中滑去……我的左臂也快进去了。”一个恐怖的念头突然降临,“该死,”他说,“现在我怎么操作我的电子表?”他绝望地把目光转向福特。
"Ford," he said, "you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."“福特,”他惊呼了一声,“你正在变成一只企鹅。快停下来。”
Again came the voice.这时,那个声音再次传来。
"Two to the power of seventy-five thousand to one against and falling."“2的75,000次方比1,正在下降。”
Ford waddled around his pond in a furious circle. "Hey, who are you," he quacked. "Where are you? What's going on and is there any way of stopping it?"“嘿,你是谁?”福特呷呷叫着问,“你在哪儿?这里到底发生了什么,有办法停下来吗?”

"I don't know," yelled Ford, "I don't know. It sounded like a measurement of probability."
"Probability? What do you mean?"
"Probability. You know, like two to one, three to one, five to four against. It said two to the power of one hundred thousand to one against. That's pretty improbable you know."
A million-gallon vat of custard upended itself over them without warning.
"But what does it mean?" cried Arthur.
"What, the custard?"
"No, the measurement of probability!"
"I don't know. I don't know at all. I think we're on some kind of spaceship."
"I can only assume," said Arthur, "that this is not the first-class compartment."
Bulges appeared in the fabric of space-time. Great ugly bulges.
"Haaaauuurrgghhh ..." said Arthur as he felt his body softening and bending in unusual directions. "Southend seems to be melting away ... the stars are swirling ... a dustbowl ... my legs are drifting off into the sunset ... my left arm's come off too." A frightening thought struck him: "Hell," he said, "how am I going to operate my digital watch now?" He wound his eyes desperately around in Ford's direction.
"Ford," he said, "you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
Again came the voice.
"Two to the power of seventy-five thousand to one against and falling."
Ford waddled around his pond in a furious circle. "Hey, who are you," he quacked. "Where are you? What's going on and is there any way of stopping it?"

重点单词   查看全部解释    
pond [pɔnd]


n. 池塘
v. 筑成池塘

improbable [im'prɔbəbl]


adj. 未必然的,不像会发生的,似不可信的

measurement ['meʒəmənt]


n. 测量,衡量,尺寸,大小

operate ['ɔpəreit]


v. 操作,运转,经营,动手术

probability [.prɔbə'biliti]


n. 可能性,或然率,机率

fabric ['fæbrik]


n. 织物,结构,构造
vt. 构筑

assume [ə'sju:m]


vt. 假定,设想,承担; (想当然的)认为

frightening ['fraitniŋ]


adj. 令人恐惧的,令人害怕的 动词frighten的

unusual [ʌn'ju:ʒuəl]


adj. 不平常的,异常的

circle ['sə:kl]


n. 圈子,圆周,循环
v. 环绕,盘旋,包围





