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经典科幻文学:《银河系漫游指南》第10章 Part 1

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
A voice behind them said, "It is." The voice was low and hopeless and accompanied by a slight clanking sound. They span round and saw an abject steel man standing hunched in the doorway.一个声音从他们身后传来,“确实糟糕。”这声音低沉而毫无生气,伴随着轻微的叮当声。他们转过身来,看见一个可怜兮兮的金属人正站在门口。
"What?" they said.“什么?”他们问。
"Ghastly," continued Marvin, "it all is. Absolutely ghastly. Just don't even talk about it. Look at this door," he said, stepping through it. The irony circuits cut into his voice modulator as he mimicked the style of the sales brochure. "All the doors in this spaceship have a cheerful and sunny disposition. It is their pleasure to open for you, and their satisfaction to close again with the knowledge of a job well done."“糟糕,”马文接着说,“确实是的,简直糟糕透了。还是别再谈论这个问题了。看着这扇门,”他一边说,一边迈步进来。这时,他的反讽电路接通了他的语音调节器,他开始戏仿起那本销售册子的风格来,“‘这艘飞船上所有的门都具备乐观开朗的好脾气。它们很乐意为你敞开,并且知道要想完成好这项工作的话它们还得自动关上。’”
As the door closed behind them it became apparent that it did indeed have a satisfied sigh-like quality to it. "Hummmmmmmyummmmmmm ah!" it said.这扇门在他身后关闭,很显然,它确实具备了这样的好品质,伴随着一声感叹似的声音,“嗯……啊……啊!”
Marvin regarded it with cold loathing whilst his logic circuits chattered with disgust and tinkered with the concept of directing physical violence against it Further circuits cut in saying, Why bother? What's the point? Nothing is worth getting involved in. Further circuits amused themselves by analysing the molecular components of the door, and of the humanoids' brain cells. For a quick encore they measured the level of hydrogen emissions in the surrounding cubic parsec of space and then shut down again in boredom. A spasm of despair shook the robot's body as he turned.对这扇门,马文满腔冰冷的怨怒,他的逻辑电路不停地向他灌输蔑视的信号以及应该用物理暴力对付它的概念。深层次的电路则不停插话进来:“为什么会烦恼?事情的重点是什么?没什么事情值得全力投入去干。”更深层次的电路则通过分析这扇门的分子结构以及人类脑细胞的分子结构来给自己找乐子。
"Come on," he droned, "I've been ordered to take you down to the bridge. Here I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to take you down to the bridge. Call that job satisfaction? 'Cos I don't."“来吧,”他嗡嗡地说,“我得到指令把你们俩带到控制桥上去,所以我到了这儿。我的脑容量抵得上一颗行星,他们却叫我把你们带到控制桥上去。这能称得上令人满意的工作吗?我当然不这么认为。”
He turned and walked back to the hated door.他转过身去,走回到那扇可恶的门前。
"Er, excuse me," said Ford following after him, "which government owns this ship?"“噢,打扰一下,”福特跟在他身后说,“请问这艘飞船属于哪个政府?”
Marvin ignored him.马文没有理他。

A voice behind them said, "It is." The voice was low and hopeless and accompanied by a slight clanking sound. They span round and saw an abject steel man standing hunched in the doorway.
"What?" they said.
"Ghastly," continued Marvin, "it all is. Absolutely ghastly. Just don't even talk about it. Look at this door," he said, stepping through it. The irony circuits cut into his voice modulator as he mimicked the style of the sales brochure. "All the doors in this spaceship have a cheerful and sunny disposition. It is their pleasure to open for you, and their satisfaction to close again with the knowledge of a job well done."
As the door closed behind them it became apparent that it did indeed have a satisfied sigh-like quality to it. "Hummmmmmmyummmmmmm ah!" it said.
Marvin regarded it with cold loathing whilst his logic circuits chattered with disgust and tinkered with the concept of directing physical violence against it Further circuits cut in saying, Why bother? What's the point? Nothing is worth getting involved in. Further circuits amused themselves by analysing the molecular components of the door, and of the humanoids' brain cells. For a quick encore they measured the level of hydrogen emissions in the surrounding cubic parsec of space and then shut down again in boredom. A spasm of despair shook the robot's body as he turned.
"Come on," he droned, "I've been ordered to take you down to the bridge. Here I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to take you down to the bridge. Call that job satisfaction? 'Cos I don't."
He turned and walked back to the hated door.
"Er, excuse me," said Ford following after him, "which government owns this ship?"
Marvin ignored him.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
satisfaction [.sætis'fækʃən]


n. 赔偿,满意,妥善处理,乐事,确信

violence ['vaiələns]


n. 暴力,猛烈,强暴,暴行

bother ['bɔðə]


v. 使恼怒,使不安,烦扰,费心
n. 烦扰,

hydrogen ['haidridʒən]


n. 氢

concept ['kɔnsept]


n. 概念,观念

measured ['meʒəd]


adj. 量过的,慎重的,基于标准的,有韵律的 动词me

loathing ['ləuðiŋ]


n. 嫌恶 adj. 厌恶的 vt. 讨厌(loathe

doorway ['dɔ:wei]


n. 门口

disgust [dis'gʌst]


n. 厌恶,嫌恶
v. 令人厌恶

quality ['kwɔliti]


n. 品质,特质,才能
adj. 高品质的





