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狄更斯双语小说:《董贝父子》第31章Part 4

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

'By Gad, Sir,' says the Major, 'I am warm. Joseph B. does not deny it, Dombey. He is warm. This is an occasion, Sir, that calls forth all the honest sympathies remaining in an old, infernal, battered, used-up, invalided, J. B. carcase. And I tell you what, Dombey - at such a time a man must blurt out what he feels, or put a muzzle on; and Joseph Bagstock tells you to your face, Dombey, as he tells his club behind your back, that he never will be muzzled when Paul Dombey is in question. Now, damme, Sir,' concludes the Major, with great firmness, 'what do you make of that?'

'Major,' says Mr Dombey, 'I assure you that I am really obliged to you. I had no idea of checking your too partial friendship.'“少校,”董贝先生说道,”请您相信,我确实很感谢您。我不打算抑制您这过于偏颇的友谊。”
'Not too partial, Sir!' exclaims the choleric Major. 'Dombey, I deny it.'“并不过于偏颇,先生!”急躁的少校喊道,”董贝,我否认这一点。”
'Your friendship I will say then,' pursues Mr Dombey, 'on any account. Nor can I forget, Major, on such an occasion as the present, how much I am indebted to it.'“既然是这样,我就说是您的友谊吧,”董贝先生继续说道,”无论如何我得这么说。在现在这样的时刻,少校,我也不能忘记我是多么感谢您的友谊。”
'Dombey,' says the Major, with appropriate action, 'that is the hand of Joseph Bagstock: of plain old Joey B., Sir, if you like that better! That is the hand, of which His Royal Highness the late Duke of York, did me the honour to observe, Sir, to His Royal Highness the late Duke of Kent, that it was the hand of Josh: a rough and tough, and possibly an up-to-snuff, old vagabond. Dombey, may the present moment be the least unhappy of our lives. God bless you!'“董贝,”少校作出适当的手势,说道,”这是约瑟夫?白格斯托克的手,直率的老乔埃?白的手,如果您更喜欢它的话!已故的约克郡公爵殿下曾使我感到无比光荣,他指着这只手向已故的肯特郡公爵殿下说,这是乔希的手,他是个粗暴的、坚强的,也许还是个精明的流浪汉。董贝,愿现在这个时刻是我们生活中最幸福的时刻。上帝保佑您!”
Now enters Mr Carker, gorgeous likewise, and smiling like a wedding-guest indeed. He can scarcely let Mr Dombey's hand go, he is so congratulatory; and he shakes the Major's hand so heartily at the same time, that his voice shakes too, in accord with his arms, as it comes sliding from between his teeth.这时卡克先生进来了,衣着也是豪华的;他满脸笑容,真像是个参加婚礼的客人。他十分热烈地祝贺着,简直舍不得把董贝先生的手放下,同时他又亲热地握着少校的手;当他的从牙齿中间悄悄出来的时候,和手一齐颤抖着。
'The very day is auspicious,' says Mr Carker. 'The brightest and most genial weather! I hope I am not a moment late?'“连日子也是吉祥的,”卡克先生说道,”阳光明媚、温暖舒适的气候!我希望我没有迟到一秒钟吧!”
'Punctual to your time, Sir,' says the Major.“来得很准时,先生,”少校说道。

'By Gad, Sir,' says the Major, 'I am warm. Joseph B. does not deny it, Dombey. He is warm. This is an occasion, Sir, that calls forth all the honest sympathies remaining in an old, infernal, battered, used-up, invalided, J. B. carcase. And I tell you what, Dombey - at such a time a man must blurt out what he feels, or put a muzzle on; and Joseph Bagstock tells you to your face, Dombey, as he tells his club behind your back, that he never will be muzzled when Paul Dombey is in question. Now, damme, Sir,' concludes the Major, with great firmness, 'what do you make of that?'
'Major,' says Mr Dombey, 'I assure you that I am really obliged to you. I had no idea of checking your too partial friendship.'
'Not too partial, Sir!' exclaims the choleric Major. 'Dombey, I deny it.'
'Your friendship I will say then,' pursues Mr Dombey, 'on any account. Nor can I forget, Major, on such an occasion as the present, how much I am indebted to it.'
'Dombey,' says the Major, with appropriate action, 'that is the hand of Joseph Bagstock: of plain old Joey B., Sir, if you like that better! That is the hand, of which His Royal Highness the late Duke of York, did me the honour to observe, Sir, to His Royal Highness the late Duke of Kent, that it was the hand of Josh: a rough and tough, and possibly an up-to-snuff, old vagabond. Dombey, may the present moment be the least unhappy of our lives. God bless you!'
Now enters Mr Carker, gorgeous likewise, and smiling like a wedding-guest indeed. He can scarcely let Mr Dombey's hand go, he is so congratulatory; and he shakes the Major's hand so heartily at the same time, that his voice shakes too, in accord with his arms, as it comes sliding from between his teeth.
'The very day is auspicious,' says Mr Carker. 'The brightest and most genial weather! I hope I am not a moment late?'
'Punctual to your time, Sir,' says the Major.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
unhappy [ʌn'hæpi]


adj. 不快乐的,不高兴的

accord [ə'kɔ:d]


n. 一致,符合
v. 使一致,调解,给予

partial ['pɑ:ʃəl]


adj. 部分的,偏袒的,偏爱的
n. 泛音

genial ['dʒi:njəl]


adj. 和蔼的,亲切的,宜人的

indebted [in'detid]


adj. 负债的,受惠的

plain [plein]


n. 平原,草原
adj. 清楚的,坦白的,简

auspicious [ɔ:'spiʃəs]


adj. 吉兆的,幸运的,有利的

rough [rʌf]


adj. 粗糙的,粗略的,粗暴的,艰难的,讨厌的,不适的

firmness ['fə:mnis]


n. 坚固,坚牢,坚定

appropriate [ə'prəupriət]


adj. 适当的,相称的
vt. 拨出(款项)





