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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"An automatic system," he said and gave a small sigh. "Ancient computers ranged in the bowels of the planet tick away the dark millennia, and the ages hang heavy on their dusty data banks. I think they take the occasional pot shot to relieve the monotony."“那是一套自动系统,”他微微叹了一口气,“安装在星球地下深处的那些古代的电脑在千万年的黑暗中一直运行着,一个又一个世代沉重地压在它们布满灰尘的数据库上。我想,偶尔一次发射只不过是它们希望能稍稍改变一点儿这种千篇一律的单调的努力罢了。”
He looked gravely at Arthur and said, "I'm a great fan of science you know."他看着阿瑟,庄重地说:“你知道,我是一个科学的狂热信奉者。”
"Oh ... er, really?" said Arthur, who was beginning to find the man's curious, kindly manner disconcerting.“哦……嗯,真的吗?”阿瑟说,老人这种和善而又怪异的态度已经开始让他感到有点惊惶不安了。
"Oh, yes," said the old man, and simply stopped talking again.“晤,是的。”老人说,随即闭上了嘴。
"Ah," said Arthur, "er ..." He had an odd felling of being like a man in the act of adultery who is surprised when the woman's husband wanders into the room, changes his trousers, passes a few idle remarks about the weather and leaves again.“哦,嗯……”阿瑟突然产生了一种奇特的感觉,觉得自己就像一个正在和别人的老婆通奸的男人,看见那个当丈夫的走进房间,换了条裤子,对天气发表一通没头没脑的评论后又离开了。
"You seem ill at ease," said the old man with polite concern.“你好像不太自在。”老人礼貌地问。
"Er, no ... well, yes. Actually you see, we weren't really expecting to find anybody about in fact. I sort of gathered that you were all dead or something ..."“嗯,不……哦,是的。实际上,你瞧,我们其实并没有指望在这颗星球上找到什么人。据我了解,你们应该都死了或者……”
"Dead?" said the old man. "Good gracious no, we have but slept."“死?”老人说,“天啊,当然没有,我们只不过是睡了。”
"Slept?" said Arthur incredulously.“睡了?”阿瑟难以置信。
"Yes, through the economic recession you see," said the old man, apparently unconcerned about whether Arthur understood a word he was talking about or not.“是的,好渡过经济衰退。”老人说,显然并不太在意阿瑟能不能真正理解他所说的哪怕是一个词。于是阿瑟不得不再次提醒他。
"Er, economic recession?"“嗯,经济衰退?”
"Well you see, five million years ago the Galactic economy collapsed, and seeing that custom-made planets are something of a luxury commodity you see ..."“是的,你瞧,500万年以前,整个银河系的经济崩溃了,而订制行星属于奢侈品。你瞧……”
He paused and looked at Arthur.他停顿了一下,望着阿瑟。
"You know we built planets do you?" he asked solemnly.“你知道我们建造行星,是吧?”他严肃地问。
"Well yes," said Arthur, "I'd sort of gathered ..."“噢,是的,”阿瑟说,“我了解一点儿……”
"Fascinating trade," said the old man, and a wistful look came into his eyes, "doing the coastlines was always my favourite. Used to have endless fun doing the little bits in fjords ... so anyway," he said trying to find his thread again, "the recession came and we decided it would save us a lot of bother if we just slept through it. So we programmed the computers to revive us when it was all over."“诱人的贸易啊。”老人说,眼里流露出一丝怀念,“建造海岸线是我最喜欢的工作了,尤其是修建海湾,简直其乐无穷……别的也一样。”他说,一边试图重新找回自己的思路,“可是衰退期到来了。我们认为,如果在睡眠状态下度过这个时期,会减少许多麻烦。所以我们设定了程序,让电脑在衰退期完全结束后重新唤醒我们。”
The man stifled a very slight yawn and continued. "The computers were index linked to the Galactic stock market prices you see, so that we'd all be revived when everybody else had rebuilt the economy enough to afford our rather expensive services."老人忍住一个哈欠,继续说:“这些电脑直接与银河系股票市场的价格相联,你明白吗,所以一旦别的什么人重建了经济,足够负担得起我们昂贵的服务,我们就会被全部唤醒。”
Arthur, a regular Guardian reader, was deeply shocked at this.一直是左翼《卫报》忠实读者的阿瑟听了这番话也不由得非常震惊。
"That's a pretty unpleasant way to behave isn't it?"“应该不是什么令人愉快的选择,不是吗?”
"Is it?" asked the old man mildly. "I'm sorry, I'm a bit out of touch."“真的?”老人温和地问道,“对不起,我有点儿跟不上形势了。”

"An automatic system," he said and gave a small sigh. "Ancient computers ranged in the bowels of the planet tick away the dark millennia, and the ages hang heavy on their dusty data banks. I think they take the occasional pot shot to relieve the monotony."
He looked gravely at Arthur and said, "I'm a great fan of science you know."
"Oh ... er, really?" said Arthur, who was beginning to find the man's curious, kindly manner disconcerting.
"Oh, yes," said the old man, and simply stopped talking again.
"Ah," said Arthur, "er ..." He had an odd felling of being like a man in the act of adultery who is surprised when the woman's husband wanders into the room, changes his trousers, passes a few idle remarks about the weather and leaves again.
"You seem ill at ease," said the old man with polite concern.
"Er, no ... well, yes. Actually you see, we weren't really expecting to find anybody about in fact. I sort of gathered that you were all dead or something ..."
"Dead?" said the old man. "Good gracious no, we have but slept."
"Slept?" said Arthur incredulously.
"Yes, through the economic recession you see," said the old man, apparently unconcerned about whether Arthur understood a word he was talking about or not.
"Er, economic recession?"
"Well you see, five million years ago the Galactic economy collapsed, and seeing that custom-made planets are something of a luxury commodity you see ..."
He paused and looked at Arthur.
"You know we built planets do you?" he asked solemnly.
"Well yes," said Arthur, "I'd sort of gathered ..."
"Fascinating trade," said the old man, and a wistful look came into his eyes, "doing the coastlines was always my favourite. Used to have endless fun doing the little bits in fjords ... so anyway," he said trying to find his thread again, "the recession came and we decided it would save us a lot of bother if we just slept through it. So we programmed the computers to revive us when it was all over."
The man stifled a very slight yawn and continued. "The computers were index linked to the Galactic stock market prices you see, so that we'd all be revived when everybody else had rebuilt the economy enough to afford our rather expensive services."
Arthur, a regular Guardian reader, was deeply shocked at this.
"That's a pretty unpleasant way to behave isn't it?"
"Is it?" asked the old man mildly. "I'm sorry, I'm a bit out of touch."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
monotony [mə'nɔtəni]


n. 单调,枯燥,无味

thread [θred]


n. 线,细丝,线索,思路,螺纹
vt. 穿线

slight [slait]


adj. 轻微的,微小的,纤细的,脆弱的

unpleasant [ʌn'pleznt]


adj. 使人不愉快的,讨厌的

planet ['plænit]


n. 行星

wistful ['wistfəl]


adj. 渴望的,忧思的

curious ['kjuəriəs]


adj. 好奇的,奇特的

unconcerned [,ʌnkən'sə:nd]


adj. 不关心的;无忧虑的;无关的

relieve [ri'li:v]


v. 减轻,救济,解除

guardian ['gɑ:diən]


n. 保护人,监护人





