Renault will piggyback on partner Nissan’s product and strategy in its overdue entry to the Chinese carmaking market as it seeks rapid catch-up with competitors.
The French carmaker this month received approval for a $1.3bn joint venture to build cars in China, the biggest car market, with Dongfeng, which has built cars with Nissan in the country for the past 10 years.
Renault would use the same product platforms built and sold by Nissan in China under different model names, and share market segments, engines, parts and supply chains, three people with knowledge of the company’s strategy told the Financial Times.
Renault would position itself as an affordable luxury brand in China, the people said, as it looked to snatch share in the country, where sales growth has for years offset a shrinking market in Europe for carmakers such as Volkswagen and General Motors.
上述人士表示,雷诺在中国将定位于一个价格适中的豪华品牌。该公司将寻求争夺中国市场的份额;对大众(Volkswagen)和通用汽车(General Motors)等汽车制造商来说,中国的销售增长多年来一直在抵消不断收缩的欧洲市场的影响。
The Japanese company builds a suite of cars including its midsized Teana sedan in China, a model that uses a product platform that can support Renault models such as the Laguna sedan.
Renault’s venture with Dongfeng will build cars and engines for both companies and start with an annual production capacity of 150,000 vehicles.
The French carmaker will officially announce the details of its strategy for China today.
Renault, which owns 43.4 per cent of Nissan, has operated in alliance with the Japanese carmaker since 1999, leveraging joint products, purchasing and production to save billions of euros every year.
Nissan and Renault’s individual joint ventures in China with Dongfeng are legally required to remain separate entities, unlike its operations in India, where the two operate as one business.
But the original agreement signed between Nissan and Dongfeng in 2003 includes a provision to integrate Renault into what officials in the three companies refer to as a “prosperous triangle” in China.
“I would expect China to be the area where the synergies and the alliances will be the best,” said Jérémie Papin, finance director of the Renault Nissan alliance.
“我期望中国成为协同效应和联盟达到极致的地方,”雷诺-日产联盟(Renault Nissan alliance)财务总监杰瑞米•帕潘(Jérémie Papin)表示。
Renault’s lack of manufacturing capacity in China has made it an outlier among global car brands that have flocked to the country over the past couple of decades in search of growth.
The French carmaker has sought to join its Japanese partner in spreading its reach over the past decade in order to lessen its dependence on Europe, where the market has slumped to a 20-year low.
Nissan sold 1.25m vehicles in China last year in conjunction with Dongfeng and accounted for almost 60 per cent of the Chinese company’s net profit in the first six months of this year, according to Citi.
Dongfeng, based in Wuhan, eastern central China, has become China’s best-known carmarker outside the country thanks to joint ventures with Honda, Nissan, PSA Peugeot Citroën and Renault, and its ongoing talks with Peugeot to take a stake in the French carmaker.
总部位于华中城市武汉的东风,已成为海外最知名的中国汽车制造商,与本田(Honda)、日产、标致雪铁龙(PSA Peugeot Citroën)和雷诺分别建立了合资企业,并且正与标致谈判,拟入股这家法国汽车制造商。