White wine bargains are always rarer than their red counterparts but there are 28 truly fine wines here, from all over the world, listed in ascending order of lowest-known price in the UK.
Vigné-Lourac, Cuvée Classique 2012 IGP Comté Tolosan
Vigné-Lourac, Cuvée Classique 2012 IGP Comté Tolosan
Blend of southwest France (Mauzac, Loin de l’Oeil, Muscadelle) and Sauvignon Blanc grapes make an intensely “local” and comfortable wine with a certain smoky perfume and only moderate acidity. 12%
采用长相思(Sauvignon Blanc)与法国西南部葡萄品种混酿,包括莫扎克(Mauzac)、千里目(Loin de l’Oeil)和慕斯卡黛勒(Muscadelle)。这款葡萄酒的“地方特色”很强,有令人愉悦的烟熏味道和中等的酸度。酒精度:12%
£6.95 Great Western
可购于:伟西酒业(Great Western)价格:6.95英镑
Jérôme Choblet, Le Fief Guérin Vieilles Vignes Sur Lie 2012 Muscadet-Côtes de Grandlieu
Jérôme Choblet, Le Fief Guérin Vieilles Vignes Sur Lie 2012 Muscadet-Côtes de Grandlieu
Relatively full-bodied Muscadet but definitely saline and fun. Very juicy and salivatory with real depth of flavour. 2012 was a great Muscadet vintage. 12%
£7.99 Waitrose
Thymiopoulos Malagousia 2012 Náoussa
Thymiopoulos Malagousia 2012 Náoussa
Full marks to M&S for seeking out a fine example of the Greek Malagousia grape that is responsible for this clean, fragrant wine with an attractive undertow of molten honey and lively vegetation. Very good balance and interest. 12%
£8.99 Marks and Spencer
可购于:玛莎百货(M&S, Marks and Spencer)价格:8.99英镑
Miguel Torres, Cordillera Chardonnay 2011 Limarí Valley
Miguel Torres, Cordillera Chardonnay 2011 Limarí Valley
Half the fruit grown in this new, cool region was fermented in new French oak barrels. With its vaguely stony nose, it tastes more like Chablis than any other European style. Not the utmost in sophistication but great value. 13.5%
£10.44 Wilks & Co
可购于:威克斯酒业(Wilks & Co)价格:10.44英镑
Maison Roche de Bellene, Cuvée Spéciale 2011 Bourgogne
Maison Roche de Bellene, Cuvée Spéciale 2011 Bourgogne
Most Bourgogne Blanc comes from Mâcon but this barrel-fermented, keenly priced example, made by Nicolas Potel, is very pure and tastes very Côte d’Or. Creditably long. This would make a great house white. 13%
大多数勃艮第白葡萄酒(Bourgogne Blanc)来自于马孔(Mâcon)地区,不过这款出自力高宝德(Nicolas Potel)的橡木桶发酵葡萄酒非常纯净,口感有典型的金秋(Côte d’Or)风格,尾韵之长也是实至名归。可以作为一款非常棒的酒店特选白葡萄酒(house white)。酒精度:13%。
£10.95 The Wine Society
可购于:酒协佳酿(The Wine Society)价格:10.95英镑
André Pigeat 2012 Quincy
André Pigeat 2012 Quincy
Quincy can offer great value compared with its more famous neighbour Sancerre; much older vines too. Amazingly rich nose for a Sauvignon Blanc. Really seriously broad, floral and fun – but sufficiently fresh too. 12.5%
£11.95 Jeroboams
Ridgeback Chenin Blanc 2012 Paarl
Ridgeback Chenin Blanc 2012 Paarl
Mildly nutty nose with some flowers, honey and tension on the palate. No hurry to drink this. It’s unusually easy to see a relationship with Chenin Blanc’s roots in the Loire. Good stuff. 13%
柔和的坚果味道中带有一些花香、蜂蜜香,口感有张力,还可以继续陈放。在这款葡萄酒中很容易就能够找到白诗南(Chenin Blanc)在自己故乡卢瓦尔(Loire)所表现出的特色,确实非同寻常。一款很好的葡萄酒。酒精度:13%。
£11.99 Real Wine Co
可购于:真实酒业(Real Wine Co)价格:11.99英镑
Dom Lyrarakis, Thrapsathiri 2012 Crete
Dom Lyrarakis, Thrapsathiri 2012 Crete
Thrapsathiri is the grape. Some skin contact. Exciting grip on the palate and some refreshing aromas of vegetation. Produced in tiny quantities and offering real substance and interest. Neat finish. 13.5%
£12.95 Berry Bros
可购于:贝瑞兄弟(Berry Bros)价格:12.95英镑
Finca Viñoa 2012 Ribeiro
Finca Viñoa 2012 Ribeiro
Smart, heavy bottle. Made from a blend of four Galician grape varieties – mainly Treixadura. Satisfyingly complete, refreshing and persistent. 13.5%
£13.50 H2Vin
Dr Bürklin-Wolf, Wachenheimer Riesling trocken 2011 Pfalz
Dr Bürklin-Wolf, Wachenheimer Riesling trocken 2011 Pfalz
Unusually exuberant for a “village” rather than a single-vineyard wine. Perhaps prolonged biodynamic viticulture has imbued it with some extra zip and flavour. 12.5%
属于村庄级而非单一园级别,充满非同寻常的活力。这样的特点可能是来自酒庄持久以来奉行的生物动力学种植法(biodynamic viticulture)。
£13.50 Tanners
Dom Vincent Dampt 2012 Chablis
Dom Vincent Dampt 2012 Chablis
Very pale. Quite intense and sculpted. Good apéritif. A fine emissary of the superior 2012 vintage in Chablis. 12.5%
£13.95 Corney & Barrow
可购于:科内巴罗(Corney & Barrow)价格:13.95英镑
Château Roquefort, Roquefortissime 2012 Entre Deux Mers
Château Roquefort, Roquefortissime 2012 Entre Deux Mers
An all-Sauvignon dry white bordeaux from a family estate. Excellent price for a creamy wine aged in new French oak barrels. Bright-fruited and seductive. Good balance and already drinking well with no obvious oak. Green fruit flavours. 13%
£13.99 Waitrose