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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

The year being now expired, Captain Cuttle deemed it expedient to open the packet; but as he had always designed doing this in the presence of Rob the Grinder, who had brought it to him, and as he had an idea that it would be regular and ship-shape to open it in the presence of somebody, he was sadly put to it for want of a witness. In this difficulty, he hailed one day with unusual delight the announcement in the Shipping Intelligence of the arrival of the Cautious Clara, Captain John Bunsby, from a coasting voyage; and to that philosopher immediately dispatched a letter by post, enjoining inviolable secrecy as to his place of residence, and requesting to be favoured with an early visit, in the evening season.

Bunsby, who was one of those sages who act upon conviction, took some days to get the conviction thoroughly into his mind, that he had received a letter to this effect. But when he had grappled with the fact, and mastered it, he promptly sent his boy with the message, 'He's a coming to-night.' Who being instructed to deliver those words and disappear, fulfilled his mission like a tarry spirit, charged with a mysterious warning.邦斯贝是那些按照信念行事的聪明人当中的一位,他花了几天工夫才在心中完全树立了这个信念:他已收到了一封大意如此的信。可是当他掌握了这个事实,并彻底弄清楚它之后,他立即就派他的见习船员送去口信:”他今天晚上就来。”这位见习船员被指示去传达这些任务之后就消失不见了,他像一个担负着神秘嘱托、身上涂着柏油的精灵似的,完成了他的使命。
The Captain, well pleased to receive it, made preparation of pipes and rum and water, and awaited his visitor in the back parlour. At the hour of eight, a deep lowing, as of a nautical Bull, outside the shop-door, succeeded by the knocking of a stick on the panel, announced to the listening ear of Captain Cuttle, that Bunsby was alongside; whom he instantly admitted, shaggy and loose, and with his stolid mahogany visage, as usual, appearing to have no consciousness of anything before it, but to be attentively observing something that was taking place in quite another part of the world.船长接到口信十分高兴,准备好朗姆酒和水,在后客厅里等候着他的客人。八点钟,店门外像是海牛发出的一声深沉的叫声,接着是手杖在门上嵌板上的敲打声,向卡特尔船长注意听着的耳朵通报:邦斯贝已向他靠拢了;船长立即让他进来;他头发蓬松,红木色的脸孔显得迟钝发呆;像往常一样,他仿佛没有看到眼前的任何东西,而是在注意观察世界另一部分发生的什么事。
'Bunsby,' said the Captain, grasping him by the hand, 'what cheer, my lad, what cheer?'“邦斯贝,”船长抓住他的手,说道,”您好吧,好朋友,您好吧!”
'Shipmet,' replied the voice within Bunsby, unaccompanied by any sign on the part of the Commander himself, 'hearty, hearty.'“老船友,”邦斯贝身体内发出的回答道,但是这位商船指挥者本人的神态却没有任何相应的变化,”我身体还不错,还不错。”
'Bunsby!' said the Captain, rendering irrepressible homage to his genius, 'here you are! a man as can give an opinion as is brighter than di'monds - and give me the lad with the tarry trousers as shines to me like di'monds bright, for which you'll overhaul the Stanfell's Budget, and when found make a note.' Here you are, a man as gave an opinion in this here very place, that has come true, every letter on it,' which the Captain sincerely believed.“邦斯贝,”船长向他的天才表示了难以抑制的敬意,说道,”您来啦!您的见解比钻石还明亮呵!您给我派来的那位穿柏油裤子的年轻小伙子就像钻石一样闪闪发光!请您查一下《斯坦菲尔选集》,可以找到这句

The year being now expired, Captain Cuttle deemed it expedient to open the packet; but as he had always designed doing this in the presence of Rob the Grinder, who had brought it to him, and as he had an idea that it would be regular and ship-shape to open it in the presence of somebody, he was sadly put to it for want of a witness. In this difficulty, he hailed one day with unusual delight the announcement in the Shipping Intelligence of the arrival of the Cautious Clara, Captain John Bunsby, from a coasting voyage; and to that philosopher immediately dispatched a letter by post, enjoining inviolable secrecy as to his place of residence, and requesting to be favoured with an early visit, in the evening season.
Bunsby, who was one of those sages who act upon conviction, took some days to get the conviction thoroughly into his mind, that he had received a letter to this effect. But when he had grappled with the fact, and mastered it, he promptly sent his boy with the message, 'He's a coming to-night.' Who being instructed to deliver those words and disappear, fulfilled his mission like a tarry spirit, charged with a mysterious warning.
The Captain, well pleased to receive it, made preparation of pipes and rum and water, and awaited his visitor in the back parlour. At the hour of eight, a deep lowing, as of a nautical Bull, outside the shop-door, succeeded by the knocking of a stick on the panel, announced to the listening ear of Captain Cuttle, that Bunsby was alongside; whom he instantly admitted, shaggy and loose, and with his stolid mahogany visage, as usual, appearing to have no consciousness of anything before it, but to be attentively observing something that was taking place in quite another part of the world.
'Bunsby,' said the Captain, grasping him by the hand, 'what cheer, my lad, what cheer?'
'Shipmet,' replied the voice within Bunsby, unaccompanied by any sign on the part of the Commander himself, 'hearty, hearty.'
'Bunsby!' said the Captain, rendering irrepressible homage to his genius, 'here you are! a man as can give an opinion as is brighter than di'monds - and give me the lad with the tarry trousers as shines to me like di'monds bright, for which you'll overhaul the Stanfell's Budget, and when found make a note.' Here you are, a man as gave an opinion in this here very place, that has come true, every letter on it,' which the Captain sincerely believed.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
presence ['prezns]


n. 出席,到场,存在
n. 仪态,风度

witness ['witnis]


n. 目击者,证人
vt. 目击,见证,出席,

conviction [kən'vikʃən]


n. 定罪,信服,坚信

delight [di'lait]


n. 高兴,快乐
v. (使)高兴,(使)欣喜

unusual [ʌn'ju:ʒuəl]


adj. 不平常的,异常的

promptly [prɔmptli]


adv. 敏捷地,迅速地

trousers ['trauzəz]


n. 裤子

residence ['rezidəns]


n. 住处,住宅,居住

irrepressible [.iri'presəbl]


adj. 抑制不住的,难以征服的

nautical ['nɔ:tikəl]


adj. 海上的,航海的,船员的





