n. 存货,储备; 树干; 血统; 股份; 家畜
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4. Taking Social Security too early
4. 过早支取社保金
If you can afford to delay taking your Social Security retirement benefit, do.
Someone earning $50,000 a year who starts claiming Social Security as soon as he or she is able, age 62, will typically collect a monthly check of about $1,000, according to the Social Security Administration. If they wait until they are 70, that amount would double.
根据美国社会安全局(Social Security Administration)的数据,年薪五万美元的员工若在自己年满62岁这一支取社保金的规定年龄后即开始使用社保,则通常每月可以得到大约1,000美元。如果他们能够等到70岁,那么这个数字将会翻倍。
Taking Social Security too early, or without thinking through the consequences, is one of the biggest financial blunders people can make─roughly on a par with buying tech stocks in 2000 or a Las Vegas condo in 2006. The lure of getting money early can blind people to the big cost down the road.
(Many retirees may not have much of a choice. Hard labor at low pay over a lifetime takes its toll on a person. Also, many companies all but force older workers into early retirements.)
In any case, it doesn't take more than just a few years before the total money accrued with the higher, later benefits surpasses the total earned starting at the earlier retirement age.
But that understates the bigger issue. Social Security is insurance. For many retirees, the big risk isn't that they will run out of money before they turn 70, but after 85. According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than half of women currently age 65 will live to 85 or longer, and three out of eight men.
不过,这样说会让人们忽视一个更大的问题。社保金是一种保险。对于许多退休者而言,最大的风险不在于他们会在70岁之前没钱了,而是在85岁之后。根据美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control)的数据,目前年龄在65岁的女性中,超过半数的人将活到85岁甚至更久,男性中的这个比例为八分之三。
David Blanchett, head of retirement research for financial research firm Morningstar, says it makes sense for women, married couples and those with good health to wait longer for a bigger paycheck.
晨星公司(Morningstar)负责退休问题研究的主管戴维?布兰切特(David Blanchett)说,对于女性、已婚夫妇和那些身体状况良好者而言,应该多等些时间以便得到更高的福利,因为这样做更为合理。
重点单词 | 查看全部解释 | |||
stock | [stɔk] | |||
delay | [di'lei] | |||
insurance | [in'ʃuərəns] | 联想记忆 | ||
reverse | [ri'və:s] | 联想记忆 | ||
commission | [kə'miʃən] | 联想记忆 | ||
incomplete | [.inkəm'pli:t] | |||
haven | ['heivn] | 联想记忆 | ||
explicitly | [ik'splisitli] | |||
control | [kən'trəul] | |||
smart | [smɑ:t] |
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