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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Zaphod tried to size the man up. Earnest type, he thought, not a barrel of laughs. He probably apportioned a fair whack of his time to running up and down heaving corridors, breaking down doors and making cryptic remarks in empty offices.赞福德试图评估一下这个人。很热心的类型,他想,不会是在开玩笑。只有这种人才会不辞辛苦,在起伏摇晃的走廊里跑上跑下,闯入一扇扇门内,在一间间空空如也的办公室里说这种让人摸不着头脑的话。
“Let me introduce myself,” the man said, “My name is Roosta, and this is my towel.”“自我介绍一下吧,”那人说。“我叫罗斯塔,这是我的毛巾。”
“Hello Roosta,” said Zaphod.“你好,罗斯塔。”赞福德说。
“Hello, towel,” he added as Roosta held out to him a rather nasty old flowery towel. Not knowing what to do with it, he shook it by the corner.“你好,毛巾。”当罗斯塔递给他一条相当肮脏但却花哨的旧毛巾时,他又补充了一句。他不知道该如何处置这条毛巾,只好拎着一个角抖了抖。
Outside the window, one of the huge slug-like, gunmetal-green spaceships growled past.窗户外面,一艘鼻涕虫状的、泛着铁灰绿光泽的巨型太空船隆隆飞过。
“Yes, go on,” said Marvin to the huge battle machine, “you’ll never guess.”“是的,来猜猜吧。”马文对这部巨大的战斗机器说,“你永远也猜不到的。”
“Errmmm…” said the machine, vibrating with unaccustomed thought, “laser beams?”“嗯嗯嗯嗯嗯……”机器说,因为这种它不习惯的思维方式而激动不已,“激光射束?”
Marvin shook his head solemnly.马文严肃地摇了摇头。
“No,” muttered the machine in its deep guttural rumble, “Too obvious. Anti-matter ray?” it hazarded.“不会是这个,”机器用一种像是从喉咙深处发出来的低沉声音嘀咕着,“这个太明显了。反物质射线?”它想赌一把运气。
“Far too obvious,” admonished Marvin.“这个岂不是更明显吗?”马文提醒它说。
“Yes,” grumbled the machine, somewhat abashed, “Er… how about an electron ram?”“是啊,”机器轰轰地说,感到有点儿惭愧。“嗯……电子锤,对不对?”
This was new to Marvin.对马文来说,这是个新鲜玩意儿。
“What’s that?” he said.“电子锤是什么?”他问。
“One of these,” said the machine with enthusiasm.“类似这种。”机器兴奋地说。
From its turret emerged a sharp prong which spat a single lethal blaze of light. Behind Marvin a wall roared and collapsed as a heap of dust. The dust billowed briefly, then settled.从它的炮塔里伸出一支尖刺,发射了一道致命的亮光。马文身后的那堵墙轰地垮掉了,变成了一堆灰。灰尘翻腾了一阵,这才落地。
“No,” said Marvin, “not one of those.”“不,”马文说,“也不是这一类的。”
“Good though, isn’t it?”“但这种武器相当不错,不是吗?”
“Very good,” agreed Marvin.“很不错。”马文表示同意。
“I know,” said the Frogstar battle machine, after another moment’s consideration, “you must have one of those new Xanthic Re-Structron Destabilized Zenon Emitters!”“我知道了。”又考虑了一阵后,这部蛙星战斗机器说,“你一定有一个那种新式的物质破坏及重构发射器!”
“Nice, aren’t they?” said Marvin.“那种武器棒极了,不是吗?”马文说。
“That’s what you’ve got?” said the machine in considerable awe.“你有的真是那种?”机器以一种相当敬畏的语气问。
“No,” said Marvin.“不是。”马文说。
“Oh,” said the machine, disappointed, “then it must be…”“喔,”机器失望地说,“那么一定是……”

Zaphod tried to size the man up. Earnest type, he thought, not a barrel of laughs. He probably apportioned a fair whack of his time to running up and down heaving corridors, breaking down doors and making cryptic remarks in empty offices.
“Let me introduce myself,” the man said, “My name is Roosta, and this is my towel.”
“Hello Roosta,” said Zaphod.
“Hello, towel,” he added as Roosta held out to him a rather nasty old flowery towel. Not knowing what to do with it, he shook it by the corner.
Outside the window, one of the huge slug-like, gunmetal-green spaceships growled past.
“Yes, go on,” said Marvin to the huge battle machine, “you’ll never guess.”
“Errmmm…” said the machine, vibrating with unaccustomed thought, “laser beams?”
Marvin shook his head solemnly.
“No,” muttered the machine in its deep guttural rumble, “Too obvious. Anti-matter ray?” it hazarded.
“Far too obvious,” admonished Marvin.
“Yes,” grumbled the machine, somewhat abashed, “Er… how about an electron ram?”
This was new to Marvin.
“What’s that?” he said.
“One of these,” said the machine with enthusiasm.
From its turret emerged a sharp prong which spat a single lethal blaze of light. Behind Marvin a wall roared and collapsed as a heap of dust. The dust billowed briefly, then settled.
“No,” said Marvin, “not one of those.”
“Good though, isn’t it?”
“Very good,” agreed Marvin.
“I know,” said the Frogstar battle machine, after another moment’s consideration, “you must have one of those new Xanthic Re-Structron Destabilized Zenon Emitters!”
“Nice, aren’t they?” said Marvin.
“That’s what you’ve got?” said the machine in considerable awe.
“No,” said Marvin.
“Oh,” said the machine, disappointed, “then it must be…”


重点单词   查看全部解释    
laser ['leizə]


n. 激光,镭射

turret ['tə:rit]


n. 小塔,角楼,攻城用仰冲车

blaze [bleiz]


n. 火焰,烈火
vi. 燃烧,发光

enthusiasm [in'θju:ziæzəm]


n. 热情,热心;热衷的事物

disappointed [.disə'pɔintid]


adj. 失望的

consideration [kənsidə'reiʃən]


n. 考虑,体贴,考虑因素,敬重,意见

cryptic ['kriptik]


adj. 秘密的(使用密码的,意义深远的)

awe [ɔ:]


n. 敬畏,恐惧
vt. 使敬畏或惊惧

settled ['setld]


adj. 固定的;稳定的 v. 解决;定居(settle

obvious ['ɔbviəs]


adj. 明显的,显然的





