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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
“Where is your jacket?” “你的夹克在哪儿?”
Zaphod looked at him in mystification.赞福德迷惑地看着他。
“My jacket? I took it off. It’s outside.”“我的夹克?我脱掉了,扔在外面。”
“Good, we will go and find it.”“好的,我们出去找到它。”
Zarniwoop stood up and gestured to Zaphod to follow him.扎尼乌普站起身,做了个手势,让赞福德跟着自己。
Out in the entrance chamber again, they could hear the screams of the passengers being fed coffee and biscuits.他们再次来到出人间,听见了那些正被提供咖啡和点心的乘客们的尖叫声。
“It has not been a pleasant experience waiting for you,” said Zarniwoop.“在这个地方等你可不是一件让人愉快的事。”扎尼乌普说。
“Not pleasant for you!” bawled Zaphod, “How do you think…”“你还不愉快!”赞福德叫道,“那你认为……?”
Zarniwoop held up a silencing finger as the hatchway swung open. A few feet away from them they could see Zaphod’s jacket lying in the debris.正在这时,舱门打开了,扎尼乌普竖起一根指头,示意他安静。距离他们几英尺以外,赞幅德的央克躺在一堆碎片中;
“A very remarkable and very powerful ship,” said Zarniwoop, “watch.”“真是一艘动力强劲的非凡的飞船。”扎尼乌普说,“你看。”
As they watched, the pocket on the jacket suddenly bulged. It split, it ripped. The small metal model of the Heart of Gold that Zaphod had been bewildered to discover in his pocket was growing.当他们看过去时,夹克上的衣兜突然膨胀起来,它逐渐开裂,被慢慢撑破。黄金之心号的金属小模型,也就是当初赞槁德在自己的衣兜里发现的、让他迷惑不解的那个小金属块,正在长大。
It grew, it continued to grow. It reached, after two minutes, its full size.它继续生长着。两分钟过后,它达到了完整的尺寸。
“At an Improbability Level,” said Zarniwoop, “of… oh I don’t know, but something very large.”“在一个非概率场的水平上,”扎尼乌普说,“嗯……我不知道,不过确实是个大家伙。”
Zaphod swayed.赞福德摇晃着。
“You mean I had it with me all the time?”“你的意思是说,我一直把它带在身上?”
“Zarniwoop smiled. He lifted up his briefcase and opened it.扎尼乌普笑了笑。他提起他的公文包,打开。
He twisted a single switch inside it.他扭了一下包里的一个开关。
“Goodbye artificial Universe,” he said, “hello real one!”“再见,人造宇宙!”他说,“你好,真实宇宙!”
The scene before them shimmered briefly – and reappeared exactly as before.他们眼前的景象短暂地闪烁了几下——然后重新出现,和此前一模一样,
“You see?” said Zarniwoop, “exactly the same.”“瞧见了吗,”扎尼乌普说,“完全一样,”
“You mean,” repeated Zaphod tautly, “that I had it with me all the time?”“你的意思是,”赞福德的声音紧绷绷的,“我一直把它带在身上?”
“Oh yes,” said Zarniwoop, “of course. That was the whole point.”“哦,是的。”扎尼乌普说,“当然。这是最关键的一点。”
“That’s it,” said Zaphod, “you can count me out, from hereon in you can count me out. I’ve had all I want of this. You play your own games.”“那就行了,”赞福德说,“你可以把我排除在外。从现在起你就可以把我排除在外了,我对这件事已经受够了。你玩你自己的游戏去吧,”
“I’m afraid you cannot leave,” said Zarniwoop, “you are entwined in the Improbability field. You cannot escape.” “恐怕你还不能离开,”扎尼鸟普说,“你已经被缠进非概率场中了。你逃不掉的。”

“Where is your jacket?”
Zaphod looked at him in mystification.
“My jacket? I took it off. It’s outside.”
“Good, we will go and find it.”
Zarniwoop stood up and gestured to Zaphod to follow him.
Out in the entrance chamber again, they could hear the screams of the passengers being fed coffee and biscuits.
“It has not been a pleasant experience waiting for you,” said Zarniwoop.
“Not pleasant for you!” bawled Zaphod, “How do you think…”
Zarniwoop held up a silencing finger as the hatchway swung open. A few feet away from them they could see Zaphod’s jacket lying in the debris.
“A very remarkable and very powerful ship,” said Zarniwoop, “watch.”
As they watched, the pocket on the jacket suddenly bulged. It split, it ripped. The small metal model of the Heart of Gold that Zaphod had been bewildered to discover in his pocket was growing.
It grew, it continued to grow. It reached, after two minutes, its full size.
“At an Improbability Level,” said Zarniwoop, “of… oh I don’t know, but something very large.”
Zaphod swayed.
“You mean I had it with me all the time?”
“Zarniwoop smiled. He lifted up his briefcase and opened it.
He twisted a single switch inside it.
“Goodbye artificial Universe,” he said, “hello real one!”
The scene before them shimmered briefly – and reappeared exactly as before.
“You see?” said Zarniwoop, “exactly the same.”
“You mean,” repeated Zaphod tautly, “that I had it with me all the time?”
“Oh yes,” said Zarniwoop, “of course. That was the whole point.”
“That’s it,” said Zaphod, “you can count me out, from hereon in you can count me out. I’ve had all I want of this. You play your own games.”
“I’m afraid you cannot leave,” said Zarniwoop, “you are entwined in the Improbability field. You cannot escape.”


重点单词   查看全部解释    
mystification [,mistifi'keiʃən]


n. 神秘化;困惑不解;骗人的把戏

escape [is'keip]


v. 逃跑,逃脱,避开
n. 逃跑,逃脱,(逃

universe ['ju:nivə:s]


n. 宇宙,万物,世界

split [split]


n. 劈开,裂片,裂口
adj. 分散的

switch [switʃ]


n. 开关,转换,鞭子
v. 转换,改变,交换

artificial [.ɑ:ti'fiʃəl]


adj. 人造的,虚伪的,武断的

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

scene [si:n]


n. 场,景,情景

twisted ['twistid]


adj. 扭曲的 v. 扭动(twist的过去式)

remarkable [ri'mɑ:kəbl]


adj. 显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的





