Google (GOOG) is currently making a tablet with advanced vision capabilities, according to the Wall Street Journal.
根据《华尔街日报》(the Wall Street Journal)消息,谷歌(Google)正在开发一款拥有先进视觉功能的平板电脑。
The company aims to build 4,000 prototype tablets with 7-inch screens next month. According to the report, the tablets will include two back cameras, infrared depth sensors and software to show three-dimensional images of objects.
The technology could allow for the visually impaired to better navigate spaces inside and can also add to the experience of playing video games.
The group, which is called Project Tango, released a smartphone with similar capabilities in February. In a statement on the company's site about the phone: "Project Tango is an attempt to create a mobile device unlike like any other, a mobile device that shares our sense of space and movement, that understands and perceives the world the same way we do."
这个研发团体被称为Project Tango,他们在今年2月发布了一款拥有类似功能的智能手机。谷歌网站上关于这款手机有一份声明,其中写道:“Project Tango是我们的一次尝试,我们试图研发一款不同于任何其他设备的产品,希望它能够拥有我们的空间感和运动感,能够像我们一样理解和感知这个世界。”
Facebook (FB) will become a Google competitor in the advanced vision technology space after its purchase of Oculus VR, which makes virtual reality headgear, for $2 billion in March.
Facebook在今年3月以20亿美元收购头戴式虚拟现实技术设备的制造商Oculus VR后,成为了谷歌在先进视觉技术领域的竞争者。
Google plans to release tablets to developers in order to give them the opportunity to experiment and create applications.
A comment from Google was not immediately available.