Escape the chaos of Bangkok in Chiang Mai, Thailand
Bright flashing lights of Bangkok city.曼谷城闪耀的灯光
I WAS in Bangkok and less than enamoured. The night-life is chaotic, as are the crowded streets, the tourist-laden temples and the city itself, so overflowing with skyscrapers and malls and concrete that it seems about to burst. It was an impression based on a short, first-time visit, to be sure, but I felt the need to escape.
我曾游览曼谷,却不因它而迷醉 。喧嚣充斥着这里的夜生活,充斥着拥挤的街道 。游客挤满了这里的寺庙,挤满了整座城市 。满眼是摩天大厦、商场和钢筋混凝土的建筑,挤得城市似乎要突然爆炸 。虽然这是我首次游览曼谷,停留的时间也很短暂,这足以给我一种要逃离的冲动 。
I contemplated hopping a shuttle van south to the beaches, but they can be just as overcrowded. Looking for peace in Pattaya is like looking for a sober person at a uni party.
我想跳上一辆汽车或卡车南行到沙滩,但我知道那只会把我带到另一个拥挤的地方 。在芭堤雅寻找安静就像要在疯狂的大学派对中找到一个清醒的人一样困难 。