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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Number Two’s eyes narrowed and became what are known in the Shouting and Killing People trade as cold slits, the idea presumably being to give your opponent the impression that you have lost your glasses or are having difficulty keeping awake. Why this is frightening is an, as yet, unresolved problem.二号的眼睛开始收缩,变成了杀人行当里所说的那种“冷缝”。其意图大概是为了给你的对手形成一种印象:你弄丢了你的跟镜,或者已经醉得睁不开限了。可是,这样做为什么会让对方感到恐惧?直到现在,这仍是一个有待解决的问题。
He advanced on the captain, his (Number Two’s) mouth a thin hard line. Again, tricky to know why this is understood as fighting behaviour. If, whilst wandering through the jungle of Traal, you were suddenly to come upon the fabled Ravenous Bugblatter Beast, you would have reason to be grateful if its mouth was a thin hard line rather than, as it usually is, a gaping mass of slavering fangs.他走向舰长,他的(二号的)嘴紧紧地抿成一条细线。为什么这会被理解为一种令人恐惧的表情,这个问题同样有待解决。试想,如果你穿越特托尔的丛林时突然迎面撞上了传说中的贪婪怪兽,而它的嘴紧紧抿成一条细线,而不是像通常那样,露出满嘴撩牙,那么,你肯定有理由庆幸。
“May I remind you sir,” hissed Number Two at the Captain, “that you have now been in that bath for over three years?!” This final shot delivered, Number Two spun on his heel and stalked off to a corner to practice darting eye movements in the mirror.“我能提醒你吗,长官,”二号嘶嘶地对舰长说,“你已经在这个澡盆里待了超过三年了?!”放完这最后一炮,二号转过身,大步走到一个角落里,开始对着镜子练习投射眼神的动作。
The Captain squirmed in his bath. He gave Ford Prefect a lame smile.舰长在他的浴缸里动了动,对福特长官报以一丝苦笑。
“Well you need to relax a lot in a job like mine,” he said.“哦,干我这样的工作,你需要放松。”他说。
Ford slowly lowered his hands. It provoked no reaction. Arthur lowered his.福特慢慢地把高举过头的双手放下来这个举动没有激起什么反应。阿瑟也放了下来。
Treading very slowly and carefully, Ford moved over to the bath pedestal. He patted it.非常缓慢、小心翼翼地,福特挪动步子来到浴缸底座前。他拍了拍它。
“Nice,” he lied.“这个浴缸真不错。”他在撒谎。
He wondered if it was safe to grin. Very slowly and carefully, he grinned. It was safe.他不知道咧嘴笑是否安生。非常缓慢、小心翼翼地,他咧开嘴笑了笑。这是安全的。
“Er…” he said to the Captain.“嗯,”他对舰长说。
“Yes?” said the Captain.“什么?”舰长说。
“I wonder,” said Ford, “could I ask you actually what your job is in fact?”“我想知道,”福特说,“我能问一问你的工作,呃,准确地说,实际上,是什么吗?”
A hand tapped him on the shoulder. He span round.一只手拍了拍他的肩膀,他回过身。
It was the first officer.是大副。
“Your drinks,” he said.“你的饮料。”他说。
“Ah, thank you,” said Ford. He and Arthur took their jynnan tonnyx. Arthur sipped his, and was surprised to discover it tasted very like a whisky and soda.“嗅,谢谢。”福特说。他和阿瑟接过基南汤力克斯。阿瑟啜了一小口自己那份,惊讶地发现它尝起来很像威士忌加苏打。
“I mean, I couldn’t help noticing,” said Ford, also taking a sip, “the bodies. In the hold.”“我的意思是,我没法不洼意到,”福特说,一边也啜了一小口,“那些尸体。货舱里那些。”
“Bodies?” said the Captain in surprise.“尸体?”舰长惊讶地说。
Ford paused and thought to himself. Never take anything for granted, he thought. Could it be that the Captain doesn’t know he’s got fifteen million dead bodies on his ship?福特停顿了片刻,自己想了想。任何事情都不能想当然,他想。难道舰长有可能不知道他的飞船上装了一千五百万具死尸?
The Captain was nodding cheerfully at him. He also appeared to be playing with a rubber duck.舰长正兴高采烈地冲着他点头,同时还在玩一只橡皮鸭子。
Ford looked around. Number Two was staring at him in the mirror, but only for an instant: his eyes were constantly on the move. The first officer was just standing there holding the drinks tray and smiling benignly.福特看了看周围。二号正从镜子里盯着他,但是只有短短的一瞬:他的眼腈在不停地移动。而大副就那么站着,端着饮料托盘,亲切地笑着。
“Bodies?” said the Captain again.“尸体?”舰长又说了一遍。
Ford licked his lips.福特舔了舔嘴唇。

Number Two’s eyes narrowed and became what are known in the Shouting and Killing People trade as cold slits, the idea presumably being to give your opponent the impression that you have lost your glasses or are having difficulty keeping awake. Why this is frightening is an, as yet, unresolved problem.
He advanced on the captain, his (Number Two’s) mouth a thin hard line. Again, tricky to know why this is understood as fighting behaviour. If, whilst wandering through the jungle of Traal, you were suddenly to come upon the fabled Ravenous Bugblatter Beast, you would have reason to be grateful if its mouth was a thin hard line rather than, as it usually is, a gaping mass of slavering fangs.
“May I remind you sir,” hissed Number Two at the Captain, “that you have now been in that bath for over three years?!” This final shot delivered, Number Two spun on his heel and stalked off to a corner to practice darting eye movements in the mirror.
The Captain squirmed in his bath. He gave Ford Prefect a lame smile.
“Well you need to relax a lot in a job like mine,” he said.
Ford slowly lowered his hands. It provoked no reaction. Arthur lowered his.
Treading very slowly and carefully, Ford moved over to the bath pedestal. He patted it.
“Nice,” he lied.
He wondered if it was safe to grin. Very slowly and carefully, he grinned. It was safe.
“Er…” he said to the Captain.
“Yes?” said the Captain.
“I wonder,” said Ford, “could I ask you actually what your job is in fact?”
A hand tapped him on the shoulder. He span round.
It was the first officer.
“Your drinks,” he said.
“Ah, thank you,” said Ford. He and Arthur took their jynnan tonnyx. Arthur sipped his, and was surprised to discover it tasted very like a whisky and soda.
“I mean, I couldn’t help noticing,” said Ford, also taking a sip, “the bodies. In the hold.”
“Bodies?” said the Captain in surprise.
Ford paused and thought to himself. Never take anything for granted, he thought. Could it be that the Captain doesn’t know he’s got fifteen million dead bodies on his ship?
The Captain was nodding cheerfully at him. He also appeared to be playing with a rubber duck.
Ford looked around. Number Two was staring at him in the mirror, but only for an instant: his eyes were constantly on the move. The first officer was just standing there holding the drinks tray and smiling benignly.
“Bodies?” said the Captain again.
Ford licked his lips.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
shoulder ['ʃəuldə]


n. 肩膀,肩部
v. 扛,肩负,承担,(用肩

advanced [əd'vɑ:nst]


adj. 高级的,先进的

reaction [ri'ækʃən]


n. 反应,反作用力,化学反应

opponent [ə'pəunənt]


n. 对手,敌手,反对者
adj. 敌对的,反

grin [grin]


v. 露齿而笑,(以咧嘴笑来)表示
n. 露齿

span [spæn]


n. 跨度,跨距,间距
vt. 横跨,贯穿,估

ravenous ['rævinəs]


adj. 贪婪的,极饿的

sip [sip]


n. 啜饮
v. 啜饮,啜

mass [mæs]


n. 块,大量,众多
adj. 群众的,大规模

frightening ['fraitniŋ]


adj. 令人恐惧的,令人害怕的 动词frighten的





