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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
“Yes! A monstrous creature from the pit of hell with scything teeth ten thousand miles long, breath that would boil oceans, claws that could tear continents from their roots, a thousand eyes that burned like the sun, slavering jaws a million miles across, a monster such as you have never… never… ever…”“是的!一只来自地狱的巨型怪物,它那镰刀般的牙齿足有一万英里长,它的呼吸将使海洋沸腾,它的利爪将把大陆连根拔起,它的千只眼睛就像喷吐烈焰的太阳,它的下颚足有百万英里宽,一只怪兽,你从来没有……没有……从来……”
“And they made sure they sent you lot off first did they?” inquired Arthur.“他们决定首先派遣你们出发,是吗?”阿瑟问道,
“Oh yes,” said the Captain, “well everyone said, very nicely I thought, that it was very important for morale to feel that they would be arriving on a planet where they could be sure of a good haircut and where the phones were clean.”“哦,是的,”舰长说,“嗯,每个人都这么说,我想,觉得这样确实很不错。让全体民众感到他们将要去的新行星上可以剪出很捧的发型,这儿的电力也将足够。干干净净的——这非常重要。”
“Oh yes,” agreed Ford, “I can see that would be very important. And the other ships, er… they followed on after you did they?”“哦,当然,”福特赞许道,“肯定非常重要。另外两艘飞船呢,嗯……它们跟在你们后面,是吗?”
“Ah. Well it’s funny you should say that,” he said and allowed himself a slight frown at Ford Prefect, “because curiously enough we haven’t heard a peep out of them since we left five years ago… but they must be behind us somewhere.”“嚷,呃,你一说我还真觉得有点奇怪。”他朝福特长官微微皱了皱眉头,说道,“自从我们五年前出发以后,一直没有收到过他们的消息……不过他们一定是在我们身后的某个地方。”
He peered off into the distance again.他的目光投向远方。
Ford peered with him and gave a thoughtful frown.福特随着他望过去,若有所思地皱了皱眉。
“Unless of course,” he said softly, “they were eaten by the goat…”“当然,除非,”他轻轻地说,“他们被那只山羊给吃掉了。”
“Ah yes…” said the Captain with a slight hesitancy creeping into his voice, “the goat…” His eyes passed over the solid shapes of the instruments and computers that lined the bridge. They winked away innocently at him. He stared out at the stars, but none of them said a word. He glanced at his first and second officers, but they seemed lost in their own thoughts for a moment. He glanced at Ford Prefect who raised his eyebrows at him.“噢,是啊”舰长说,一丝迟疑爬进他的声音里,“山羊”他的目光掠过舰桥上排列的仪表和电脑,它们无辜地冲他闪烁着。他盯着外面的星空,但没有一颗是会说话的。他瞟了一眼自己的大副和二副,他们看上去似乎也迷失在他们自己的思绪中了。他又瞟了瞟福特长官,发现他对自己扬起了眉头。
“It’s a funny thing you know,” said the Captain at last, “but now that I actually come to tell the story to someone else… I mean does it strike you as odd Number Two?”“真是件有趣的事,你知道:”舰长最后说,“不过,既然说起这个问题,……我的意思是,你有什么想法吗,一号,”
“Errrrrrrrrrrr…” said Number Two.“嗯、嗯、嗯、嗯、嗯……”一号不知道该说什么。

“Yes! A monstrous creature from the pit of hell with scything teeth ten thousand miles long, breath that would boil oceans, claws that could tear continents from their roots, a thousand eyes that burned like the sun, slavering jaws a million miles across, a monster such as you have never… never… ever…”
“And they made sure they sent you lot off first did they?” inquired Arthur.
“Oh yes,” said the Captain, “well everyone said, very nicely I thought, that it was very important for morale to feel that they would be arriving on a planet where they could be sure of a good haircut and where the phones were clean.”
“Oh yes,” agreed Ford, “I can see that would be very important. And the other ships, er… they followed on after you did they?”
“Ah. Well it’s funny you should say that,” he said and allowed himself a slight frown at Ford Prefect, “because curiously enough we haven’t heard a peep out of them since we left five years ago… but they must be behind us somewhere.”
He peered off into the distance again.
Ford peered with him and gave a thoughtful frown.
“Unless of course,” he said softly, “they were eaten by the goat…”
“Ah yes…” said the Captain with a slight hesitancy creeping into his voice, “the goat…” His eyes passed over the solid shapes of the instruments and computers that lined the bridge. They winked away innocently at him. He stared out at the stars, but none of them said a word. He glanced at his first and second officers, but they seemed lost in their own thoughts for a moment. He glanced at Ford Prefect who raised his eyebrows at him.
“It’s a funny thing you know,” said the Captain at last, “but now that I actually come to tell the story to someone else… I mean does it strike you as odd Number Two?”
“Errrrrrrrrrrr…” said Number Two.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
strike [straik]


n. 罢工,打击,殴打
v. 打,撞,罢工,划

slight [slait]


adj. 轻微的,微小的,纤细的,脆弱的

planet ['plænit]


n. 行星

hesitancy ['hezitənsi]


n. 踌躇,犹豫

tear [tiə]


n. 眼泪,(撕破的)洞或裂缝,撕扯

thoughtful ['θɔ:tful]


adj. 深思的,体贴的

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

frown [fraun]


n. 皱眉,不悦
v. 皱眉头,不同意





