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来源:龙腾网 编辑:liekkas   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Now fast-forward to May 1928. The American composer George Gershwin wrote the “blues” section of his orchestral poem An American in Paris while staying at the Hotel Majestic, 19 Avenue Kléber. He was influenced, he said, by the sound of cars honking as it they circumnavigated the Arc de Triomphe 200 metres away.
现在让时间快进到1928年5月,美国作曲家佐治‧盖希文写好了他的交响乐诗篇《一位美国人在巴黎》里的其中《蓝调》的章节,当时他住在克莱贝尔大道19号的宏伟酒店。他表示: 由于汽车围绕着凯旋门200米处行走,他受到鸣喇叭的声音所影响。

Fast-forward again to 27 January 1973. The peace agreement to end the Vietnam war was concluded by, inter alia, Henry Kissinger after four years of talks and mutual insults. The talks, insults and final signing took place in the French government's international conference centre, formerly the Hotel Majestic, 19 Avenue Kléber.

An exterior shot of the Majestic Hotel

The Majestic, one of several long-lost, mythical hotels in Paris, will be reborn next Friday, 1 August.
宏伟酒店, 几个久违了的在巴黎如神话般的酒店之一,即将于8月1日周五重生。

After more than 70 years in other guises, the Hotel Majestic will rise again as the Peninsula, one of a new generation of super-luxury hotels in the French capital.

A partnership between the Qatari government and the Hong Kong and Shanghai Hotels Group has invested around EUR900m (£711m) – half to buy the building from the French government and about the same again to restore the hotel to its original 1908 splendour. With 200 rooms and suites, including five with their own roof-top gardens, this makes the Peninsula Paris, room for room, the most costly hotel ever created.

The new hotel – close to both the Arc de Triomphe and Eiffel Tower – has a breath-taking roof-top terrace and restaurant and an underground spa and swimming pool.
这全新的酒店, 其附近是凯旋门和艾菲尔铁塔,拥有令人叹为观止的屋顶露台和餐厅,还有一个地下温泉和游泳池。




