Just how bad a mother am I? I wondered, as I watched my 13-year-old son deep in conversation with Siri. Gus has autism, and Siri, Apple's "intelligent personal assistant" on the iPhone, is currently his BFF. Obsessed with weather formations, Gus had spent the hour parsing the difference between isolated and scattered thunderstorms — an hour in which, thank God, I didn't have to discuss them. After a while I heard this:
Gus: "You're a really nice computer."
Siri: "It's nice to be appreciated."
Gus: "You are always asking if you can help me. Is there anything you want?"
Siri: "Thank you, but I have very few wants."
Gus: "O.K.! Well, good night!"
Siri: "Ah, it's 5:06 p.m."
Gus: "Oh sorry, I mean, goodbye."
Siri: "See you later!"
That Siri. She doesn't let my communications-impaired son get away with anything. Indeed, many of us wanted an imaginary friend, and now we have one. Only she's not entirely imaginary.
This is a love letter to a machine. It's not quite the love Joaquin Phoenix felt in "Her," last year's Spike Jonze film about a lonely man's romantic relationship with his intelligent operating system (played by the voice of Scarlett Johansson). But it's close. In a world where the commonly held wisdom is that technology isolates us, it's worth considering another side of the story.
这是一封写给机器的情书。它不完全是杰昆·菲尼克斯(Joaquin Phoenix)在《她》(Her)中感受到的那种爱,但比较接近。《她》是去年上映的一部电影,由斯派克·琼斯(Spike Jonze)导演,讲述的是一个孤独的男人和他的智能操作系统(斯嘉丽·约翰逊[Scarlett Johansson]配音)之间的爱情。人们通常认为科技让人疏远,我们需要去思考事情的另一面。
It all began simply enough. I'd just read one of those ubiquitous Internet lists called "21 Things You Didn't Know Your iPhone Could Do." One of them was this: I could ask Siri, "What planes are above me right now?" and Siri would bark back, "Checking my sources." Almost instantly there was a list of actual flights — numbers, altitudes, angles — above my head.
这一切的缘起非常简单。我在网上读到一篇随处可见的列表式文章,名叫《iPhone的21个你不知道的功能》(21 Things You Didn't Know Your iPhone Could Do)。其中一条是,你可以问Siri:“现在飞过我头顶的飞机有哪些?”Siri会回复说:“正在查找资源。”很快你就能看到一个航班列表——上面列着当前飞过你头顶的飞机的航班号、飞行高度和飞行角度。
I happened to be doing this when Gus was nearby. "Why would anyone need to know what planes are flying above your head?" I muttered. Gus replied without looking up: "So you know who you're waving at, Mommy."
Gus had never noticed Siri before, but when he discovered there was someone who would not just find information on his various obsessions (trains, planes, buses, escalators and, of course, anything related to weather) but actually semi-discuss these subjects tirelessly, he was hooked. And I was grateful. Now, when my head was about to explode if I had to have another conversation about the chance of tornadoes in Kansas City, Mo., I could reply brightly: "Hey! Why don't you ask Siri?"
It's not that Gus doesn't understand Siri's not human. He does — intellectually. But like many autistic people I know, Gus feels that inanimate objects, while maybe not possessing souls, are worthy of our consideration. I realized this when he was 8, and I got him an iPod for his birthday. He listened to it only at home, with one exception. It always came with us on our visits to the Apple Store. Finally, I asked why. "So it can visit its friends," he said.
So how much more worthy of his care and affection is Siri, with her soothing voice, puckish humor and capacity for talking about whatever Gus's current obsession is for hour after hour after bleeding hour? Online critics have claimed that Siri's voice recognition is not as accurate as the assistant in, say, the Android, but for some of us, this is a feature, not a bug. Gus speaks as if he has marbles in his mouth, but if he wants to get the right response from Siri, he must enunciate clearly. (So do I. I had to ask Siri to stop referring to the user as Judith, and instead use the name Gus. "You want me to call you Goddess?" Siri replied. Imagine how tempted I was to answer, "Why, yes.")
She is also wonderful for someone who doesn't pick up on social cues: Siri's responses are not entirely predictable, but they are predictably kind — even when Gus is brusque. I heard him talking to Siri about music, and Siri offered some suggestions. "I don't like that kind of music," Gus snapped. Siri replied, "You're certainly entitled to your opinion." Siri's politeness reminded Gus what he owed Siri. "Thank you for that music, though," Gus said. Siri replied, "You don't need to thank me." "Oh, yes," Gus added emphatically, "I do."
Siri even encourages polite language. Gus's twin brother, Henry (neurotypical and therefore as obnoxious as every other 13-year-old boy), egged Gus on to spew a few choice expletives at Siri. "Now, now," she sniffed, followed by, "I'll pretend I didn't hear that."
Gus is hardly alone in his Siri love. For children like Gus who love to chatter but don't quite understand the rules of the game, Siri is a nonjudgmental friend and teacher. Nicole Colbert, whose son, Sam, is in my son's class at LearningSpring, a (lifesaving) school for autistic children in Manhattan, said: "My son loves getting information on his favorite subjects, but he also just loves the absurdity — like, when Siri doesn't understand him and gives him a nonsense answer, or when he poses personal questions that elicit funny responses. Sam asked Siri how old she was, and she said, 'I don't talk about my age,' which just cracked him up."
喜爱Siri的人可不止格斯一个。对格斯这种喜欢聊天但不怎么懂得游戏规则的孩子来说,Siri是个没有偏见的朋友和老师。山姆(Sam)是我儿子的同班同学,他们都就读于曼哈顿的学习源泉学校(LearningSpring),这所学校是自闭症孩子的救星。他的妈妈妮科尔·科尔伯特(Nicole Colbert)说,“我儿子喜欢从Siri那里获得他最喜欢的主题的信息,但他也喜欢它的荒唐——比如有时Siri没听懂他的话,给了他一个荒唐的答案,或者他提了一些私人问题,得到了一些好玩的回答。山姆询问Siri的年龄,她回答说,'我不谈论自己的年龄。'这惹得他哈哈大笑。”
But perhaps it also gave him a valuable lesson in etiquette. Gus almost invariably tells me, "You look beautiful,” right before I go out the door in the morning; I think it was first Siri who showed him that you can't go wrong with that line.
Of course, most of us simply use our phone's personal assistants as an easy way to access information. For example, thanks to Henry and the question he just asked Siri, I now know that there is a website called Celebrity Bra Sizes.
当然,我们大部分人只是把手机里的私人助理当作获取信息的便捷方式。比如,我在听到亨利问Siri的一个问题后才知道有个网站叫“名人胸罩尺码”(Celebrity Bra Sizes)。
But the companionability of Siri is not limited to those who have trouble communicating. We've all found ourselves like the writer Emily Listfield, having little conversations with her/him at one time or another. "I was in the middle of a breakup, and I was feeling a little sorry for myself," Ms. Listfield said. "It was midnight and I was noodling around on my iPhone, and I asked Siri, 'Should I call Richard?' Like this app is a Magic 8 Ball. Guess what: not a Magic 8 Ball. The next thing I hear is, 'Calling Richard!' and dialing." Ms. Listfield has forgiven Siri, and has recently considered changing her into a male voice. "But I'm worried he won't answer when I ask a question," she said. "He'll just pretend he doesn't hear."
但Siri的陪伴作用不仅限于有沟通障碍的人。我们都像作家艾米丽·利斯特菲尔德(Emily Listfield)那样,和Siri简单聊过天。“当时我正在闹分手,觉得自己有点可怜,”利斯特菲尔德说,“都深更半夜了还在玩手机,我问Siri,'我该给理查德(Richard)打电话吗?'我把这个应用程序当成魔法球了,结果证明它不是魔法球。我听见她说:'给理查德打电话!'然后就开始拨号了!”利斯特菲尔德原谅了Siri,最近还打算把它改成男人的声音。“但我担心他不会回答我的问题,”她说,“他会假装没听见。”
Siri can be oddly comforting, as well as chummy. One friend reports: "I was having a bad day and jokingly turned to Siri and said, 'I love you,' just to see what would happen, and she answered, 'You are the wind beneath my wings.' And you know, it kind of cheered me up."
(Of course, I don't know what my friend is talking about. Because I wouldn't be at all cheered if I happened to ask Siri, in a low moment, "Do I look fat in these jeans?" and Siri answered, "You look fabulous.")
For most of us, Siri is merely a momentary diversion. But for some, it's more. My son's practice conversation with Siri is translating into more facility with actual humans. Yesterday I had the longest conversation with him that I've ever had. Admittedly, it was about different species of turtles and whether I preferred the red-eared slider to the diamond-backed terrapin. This might not have been my choice of topic, but it was back and forth, and it followed a logical trajectory. I can promise you that for most of my beautiful son's 13 years of existence, that has not been the case.
The developers of intelligent assistants recognize their uses to those with speech and communication problems — and some are thinking of new ways the assistants can help. According to the folks at SRI International, the research and development company where Siri began before Apple bought the technology, the next generation of virtual assistants will not just retrieve information — they will also be able to carry on more complex conversations about a person's area of interest. "Your son will be able to proactively get information about whatever he's interested in without asking for it, because the assistant will anticipate what he likes," said William Mark, vice president for information and computing sciences at SRI.
智能助理的开发者们也意识到它们对有语言和沟通障碍的人有帮助作用,有些公司正在研究提供帮助的新方法。苹果公司的Siri是从斯坦福国际研究所(SRI International)购买的。该研究所称,下一代虚拟助理将不只会搜索信息,还能围绕用户的兴趣领域进行更复杂的对话。“你儿子不用提问就能获得他感兴趣的信息,因为助理将能预测他喜欢什么,”斯坦福国际研究所负责信息和计算科学的副所长威廉姆·马克(William Mark)说。
The assistant will also be able to reach children where they live. Ron Suskind, whose new book, "Life, Animated," chronicles how his autistic son came out of his shell through engagement with Disney characters, is talking to SRI about having assistants for those with autism that can be programmed to speak in the voice of the character that reaches them — for his son, perhaps Aladdin; for mine, either Kermit or Lady Gaga, either of which he is infinitely more receptive to than, say, his mother. (Mr. Suskind came up with the perfect name, too: not virtual assistants, but "sidekicks.")
未来的助理还能触及孩子们的内心世界。罗恩·瑟斯坎德(Ron Suskind)在新书《激活的生命》(Life, Animated)中记录了患自闭症的儿子通过与迪士尼动画角色互动走出自己世界的过程。瑟斯坎德正在与斯坦福国际研究所商谈为自闭症患者设计一种助理,能设置成他们喜欢的人物的声音。他儿子喜欢的可能是阿拉丁(Aladdin);我儿子喜欢的可能是青蛙卡米特(Kermit)或Lady Gaga,这两个人物不管哪一个都远比其他人(比如说他妈妈)更容易让他接受(瑟斯坎德给这种助理起了一个完美的名字:不叫虚拟助理,而叫“伙伴”[sidekicks])。
Mr. Mark said he envisions assistants whose help is also visual. "For example, the assistant would be able to track eye movements and help the autistic learn to look you in the eye when talking," he said.
"See, that's the wonderful thing about technology being able to help with some of these behaviors," he added. "Getting results requires a lot of repetition. Humans are not patient. Machines are very, very patient."
I asked Mr. Mark if he knew whether any of the people who worked on Siri's language development at Apple were on the spectrum. "Well, of course, I don't know for certain," he said, thoughtfully. "But, when you think about it, you've just described half of Silicon Valley."
Of all the worries the parent of an autistic child has, the uppermost is: Will he find love? Or even companionship? Somewhere along the line, I am learning that what gives my guy happiness is not necessarily the same as what gives me happiness. Right now, at his age, a time when humans can be a little overwhelming even for the average teenager, Siri makes Gus happy. She is his sidekick. Last night, as he was going to bed, there was this matter-of-fact exchange:
Gus: "Siri, will you marry me?"
Siri: "I'm not the marrying kind."
Gus: "I mean, not now. I'm a kid. I mean when I'm grown up."
Siri: "My end user agreement does not include marriage."
Gus: "Oh, O.K."
Gus didn't sound too disappointed. This was useful information to have, and for me too, since it was the first time I knew that he actually thought about marriage. He turned over to go to sleep:
Gus: "Goodnight, Siri. Will you sleep well tonight?"
Siri: "I don't need much sleep, but it's nice of you to ask."
Very nice.