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经典科幻文学:《生命 宇宙及一切》第9章5

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Did it span the miles majestically?“它是不是雄踞长空?”
It spanned the miles majestically.“它是雄据长空。”
Did it stretch like a silver thread far out into the invisible mist?“它是不是像一条银色丝带,延伸到无尽的迷雾深处?”
Yes, said Marvin. Do you want to hear this story?“是的。你要不要听故事?”
I want to hear your speech, said the mattress.“我想听你的演讲。”床垫说。
This is what I said. I said, “I would like to say that it is a very great pleasure, honour and privilege for me to open this bridge, but I can’t because my lying circuits are all out of commission. I hate and despise you all. I now declare this hapless cyberstructure open to the unthinkable abuse of all who wantonly cross her.” And I plugged myself into the opening circuits.“我是这么说的。我说:‘我想说,我感到极为荣幸、愉快和自豪,能够在此启动这座桥。可是我不能这么说,因为我的说谎电路全都停止运行了。我憎恨并鄙视你们所有人。现在我宣布这个不幸的数码桥开通了,从此开始接受所有只顾着通过她的人的不忍卒想的凌虐。’”然后我就按了开关。
Marvin paused, remembering the moment.马文停了下来,回忆着那一刻。
The mattress flurred and glurried. It flolloped, gupped and willomied, doing this last in a particularly floopy way.床垫又是迷漓又是格溧。它湃打着、沆奋着、沩拉着,最后变得非常凇软。
Voon, it wurfed at last. And it was a magnificent occasion?“浯呢。”它最后渭合道,“那一定是个激动人心的时刻?”
Reasonably magnificent. The entire thousand-mile-long bridge spontaneously folded up its glittering spans and sank weeping into the mire, taking everybody with it.“还算激动人心。整座长达几千里的桥自动合上了闪亮的桥面,流着泪沉进了泥潭,带着所有人一起。”
There was a sad and terrible pause at this point in the conversation during which a hundred thousand people seemed unexpectedly to say “wop” and a team of white robots descended from the sky like dandelion seeds drifting on the wind in tight military formation. For a sudden violent moment they were all there, in the swamp, wrenching Marvin’s false leg off, and then they were gone again in their ship, which said “foop”.谈话进行到这个悲惨可怕的地方时,随着一声好象成百上千人突然一起说“喔”的巨响,一群白色机器人,像蒲公英一样,列队从天上飘下。他们在这儿制造了很暴力的事件——在沼泽里,扭下了马文的假腿,然后飘回它们的飞船。飞船离开时说了一声“呼”。
You see the sort of thing I have to contend with? said Marvin to the gobbering mattress.“你都看见了吧?我都得忍受些什么事。”马文对油泣的床垫说道。
Suddenly, a moment later, the robots were back again for another violent incident, and this time when they left, the mattress was alone in the swamp. He flolloped around in astonishment and alarm. He almost lurgled in fear. He reared himself to see over the reeds, but there was nothing to see, just more reeds. He listened, but there was no sound on the wind beyond the now familiar sound of half-crazed etymologists calling distantly to each other across the sullen mire.过了一会儿,那些机器人突然又回来了,进行了另一场暴力活动。这次他们离开后,那张床垫发现沼泽里就自己一个了。他震惊了,慌慌张张地到处湃打着。他都快吓得混阙了。他立起来从芦苇上方远望,可是什么也看不见,只有更多的芦苇。他侧耳倾听,风中并无其他声音,只有那床垫们习以为常的、半疯的词源学家们隔着恶心的泥潭互相呼唤的遥远的声音。

Did it span the miles majestically?
It spanned the miles majestically.
Did it stretch like a silver thread far out into the invisible mist?
Yes, said Marvin. Do you want to hear this story?
I want to hear your speech, said the mattress.
This is what I said. I said, “I would like to say that it is a very great pleasure, honour and privilege for me to open this bridge, but I can’t because my lying circuits are all out of commission. I hate and despise you all. I now declare this hapless cyberstructure open to the unthinkable abuse of all who wantonly cross her.” And I plugged myself into the opening circuits.
Marvin paused, remembering the moment.
The mattress flurred and glurried. It flolloped, gupped and willomied, doing this last in a particularly floopy way.
Voon, it wurfed at last. And it was a magnificent occasion?
Reasonably magnificent. The entire thousand-mile-long bridge spontaneously folded up its glittering spans and sank weeping into the mire, taking everybody with it.
There was a sad and terrible pause at this point in the conversation during which a hundred thousand people seemed unexpectedly to say “wop” and a team of white robots descended from the sky like dandelion seeds drifting on the wind in tight military formation. For a sudden violent moment they were all there, in the swamp, wrenching Marvin’s false leg off, and then they were gone again in their ship, which said “foop”.
You see the sort of thing I have to contend with? said Marvin to the gobbering mattress.
Suddenly, a moment later, the robots were back again for another violent incident, and this time when they left, the mattress was alone in the swamp. He flolloped around in astonishment and alarm. He almost lurgled in fear. He reared himself to see over the reeds, but there was nothing to see, just more reeds. He listened, but there was no sound on the wind beyond the now familiar sound of half-crazed etymologists calling distantly to each other across the sullen mire.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
stretch [stretʃ]


n. 伸展,张开
adj. 可伸缩的

formation [fɔ:'meiʃən]


n. 构造,编队,形成,队形,[地]地层

mist [mist]


n. 雾,迷蒙,朦胧不清
vt. 使 ...

abuse [ə'bju:s,ə'bju:z]


n. 滥用,恶习
vt. 滥用,辱骂,虐待

mattress ['mætris]


n. 床垫

hapless ['hæplis]


adj. 倒霉的,不幸的

contend [kən'tend]


vi. 奋斗,斗争,辩论
vt. 坚持认为,竞

span [spæn]


n. 跨度,跨距,间距
vt. 横跨,贯穿,估

swamp [swɔmp]


n. 沼泽,湿地
v. 淹没,陷于沼泽

declare [di'klɛə]


v. 宣布,声明,申报





