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经典科幻文学:《生命 宇宙及一切》第11章7

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Robots, said Zaphod, what are you robots doing here?“机器人,”赞福德说,“你们这些机器人在这儿干嘛?”
We have come, rasped the robot, for the Gold of the Bail.“我们是来,”机器人冷酷地说,“取金横木的。”
Zaphod nodded. He waggled his gun to invite further elaboration. The robot seemed to understand this.赞福德点点头。他挥了挥手中的枪,似乎在鼓励进一步的阐述。机器人似乎也明白了。
The Gold Bail is part of the Key we seek, continued the robot, to release our Masters from Krikkit.“金横木是钥匙的一部分,”机器人继续道,“用来将我们的主人从版求星上救出来。”
Zaphod nodded again. He waggled his gun again.赞福德又点点头,他又挥了挥枪。
The Key, continued the robot simply, was disintegrated in time and space. The Golden Bail is embedded in the device which drives your ship. It will be reconstituted in the Key. Our Masters shall be released. The Universal Readjustment will continue.“钥匙,”机器人继续着,“在时空中分裂了。金横木就藏在你的飞船的驱动器里。它将被用于重组钥匙。我们的主人将被释放。宇宙的重整将继续进行。”
Zaphod nodded again.赞福德再次点点头。
What are you talking about? he said.“你在说什么啊?”他说。
A slightly pained expression seemed to cross the robot’s totally expressionless face. He seemed to be finding the conversation depressing.一丝痛苦的表情似乎在机器人完全呆滞的脸上一闪而过。它仿佛觉得这场谈话很令人沮丧。
Obliteration, it said. We seek the Key, it repeated, we already have the Wooden Pillar, the Steel Pillar and the Perspex Pillar. In a moment we will have the Gold Bail…“灭绝。”它说,“我们要寻找钥匙,”它重复道,“我们已经找到了木柱、钢柱和有机玻璃柱。很快我们就会拥有金横木……”
No you won’t.“不你们不会的。”
We will, stated the robot.“我们会的。”机器人声明。
No you won’t. It makes my ship work.“不你们不会的。它是我飞船的驱动器。”
In a moment, repeated the robot patiently, we will have the Gold Bail…“很快,”机器人耐心地重复,“我们就会拥有金横木……”
You will not, said Zaphod.“你们不会的。”赞福德道。
And then we must go, said the robot, in all seriousness, to a party.“之后我们得去,”机器人无比严肃地说,“一个派对。”
Oh, said Zaphod, startled. Can I come?“噢,”赞福德惊奇地说,“我能来吗?”
No, said the robot. We are going to shoot you.“不,”机器人说,“我们要向你开枪。”
Oh yeah? said Zaphod, waggling his gun.“噢是吗?”赞福德摇摇他的枪。
Yes, said the robot, and they shot him.“是的。”机器人说,它们就开枪了。
Zaphod was so surprised that they had to shoot him again before he fell down.赞福德太过惊讶,所以他又挨了一枪才倒下去。

Robots, said Zaphod, what are you robots doing here?
We have come, rasped the robot, for the Gold of the Bail.
Zaphod nodded. He waggled his gun to invite further elaboration. The robot seemed to understand this.
The Gold Bail is part of the Key we seek, continued the robot, to release our Masters from Krikkit.
Zaphod nodded again. He waggled his gun again.
The Key, continued the robot simply, was disintegrated in time and space. The Golden Bail is embedded in the device which drives your ship. It will be reconstituted in the Key. Our Masters shall be released. The Universal Readjustment will continue.
Zaphod nodded again.
What are you talking about? he said.
A slightly pained expression seemed to cross the robot’s totally expressionless face. He seemed to be finding the conversation depressing.
Obliteration, it said. We seek the Key, it repeated, we already have the Wooden Pillar, the Steel Pillar and the Perspex Pillar. In a moment we will have the Gold Bail…
No you won’t.
We will, stated the robot.
No you won’t. It makes my ship work.
In a moment, repeated the robot patiently, we will have the Gold Bail…
You will not, said Zaphod.
And then we must go, said the robot, in all seriousness, to a party.
Oh, said Zaphod, startled. Can I come?
No, said the robot. We are going to shoot you.
Oh yeah? said Zaphod, waggling his gun.
Yes, said the robot, and they shot him.
Zaphod was so surprised that they had to shoot him again before he fell down.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

release [ri'li:s]


n. 释放,让渡,发行
vt. 释放,让与,准

bail [beil]


n. 杓,保释,保证金,担保人,把手 vt. 往外舀水,



n. 驱动器;驱动力;驱动程序(drive的复数形式)

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

pillar ['pilə]


n. 柱子,支柱,核心(人物)
vt. 用柱支

universal [.ju:ni'və:səl]


adj. 普遍的,通用的,宇宙的,全体的,全世界的

slightly ['slaitli]


adv. 些微地,苗条地

embedded [im'bedid]


adj. 植入的,内含的,深入的 v. 埋入,植入,深入

seriousness ['siəriəsnis]


n. 严肃,认真





