In a major management change at Bloomberg L.P., Matthew Winkler, the editor in chief and longtime disciple of Michael R. Bloomberg, the company’s founder, is being replaced by the top editor of The Economist.
彭博资讯公司(Bloomberg L.P.)管理层发生重大调整:公司创始人迈克尔·R·布隆伯格(Michael R. Bloomberg)的长期追随者、主编温以乐(Matthew Winkler)的职位,将由《经济学人》(The Economist)总编来接替。
John Micklethwait, who has been editor in chief of The Economist since 2006 and has worked for the publication for the last 27 years, will become the new editor in chief of Bloomberg.
约翰·米克尔思韦特(John Micklethwait)从2006年开始担任《经济学人》总编,过去27年一直在这家杂志任职,他将成为彭博的新主编。
Mr. Winkler, who has worked for Bloomberg for 25 years, will become editor in chief emeritus. A news release issued by Bloomberg credited Mr. Winkler with building “a global news organization that now includes more than 2,400 reporters and editors who are producing 5,000 daily stories from more than 150 bureaus around the world.”
在彭博工作了25年的温以乐将成为该机构的名誉主编(editor in chief emeritus)。彭博发布的一则新闻稿中说,温以乐“打造了一个拥有2400多名记者和编辑的全球新闻机构,他们每天从世界各地的150多家分社发出5000篇报道”。
The move is a major change for Bloomberg, which has been undergoing a transition since Mr. Bloomberg ended his tenure as New York mayor. In September, Mr. Bloomberg said he would take back the reins of the company and that a former deputy mayor, Daniel L. Doctoroff, who ran the organization in his place, would leave by the end of the year.
此举代表着彭博的一个重大调整。自从布隆伯格卸任纽约市长以来,彭博一直在转型。布隆伯格今年9月称,他将重掌这家公司,而代替他负责公司运营的前副市长董德融(Daniel L. Doctoroff)将于年底卸任。
At last week’s 85th anniversary celebration for Bloomberg BusinessWeek, the organization’s newsmagazine, Mr. Bloomberg displayed a deep engagement with the news side of his company. He spoke with guests about the magazine in detail and spoke extensively at the event.
上周,在公司旗下新闻杂志《彭博商业周刊》(Bloomberg BusinessWeek)创刊85周年的庆典上,布隆伯格展示了对公司新闻业务的深度参与,他与来宾详细地讨论了这本杂志,并在活动中滔滔不绝地发表了演说。
Kevin Sheekey, a senior executive at Bloomberg, said in an email that the moves were forward-looking and a chance to position the company to thrive in the years to come.
彭博高管凯文·席基(Kevin Sheekey)在一封邮件中说,这些举措具有前瞻性,也是让公司调整定位,从而在未来数年蓬勃发展的机遇。
“Mike’s view has always been to make changes to the business when you’re growing and things are going well,” Mr. Sheekey said. “He would rather prepare for the future than react to it.”
The Economist has been on the forefront of trying to make digital news profitable. In November, it rolled out a paid app called The Economist Espresso, which provides daily summaries of five articles, each no longer than 150 words.
《经济学人》在尝试通过数字新闻盈利方面一直走在前列。今年11月,它推出了付费应用“The Economist Espresso”。这个应用每天提供五篇文章的摘要,每篇摘要篇幅不超过150词。
While The Economist’s total circulation in the United States declined to 795,501 in 2014 from 833,104 in 2013, its digital audience is growing, according to the Alliance for Audited Media.
根据审计媒体联盟(Alliance for Audited Media)的数据,尽管《经济学人》在美国的总发行量从2013年的833104份,下降到了2014年的795501份,其数字受众的规模却在不断扩大。
The Economist has 81,680 buyers of its app in the United States, compared with 62,523 at the same time a year ago.
“When Mike left City Hall, he said the only two publications he would read are Bloomberg Businessweek and The Economist,” Mr. Sheekey said. “He has enormous respect for John and what he’s done.”