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经典科幻文学:《生命 宇宙及一切》第18章5

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
The names of some of those commemorated were underlined and had asterisks against them. So, for instance, the name of a cow which had been slaughtered and of which Arthur Dent had happened to eat a fillet steak would have the plainest engraving, whereas the name of a fish which Arthur had himself caught and then decided he didn’t like and left on the side of the plate had a double underlining, three sets of asterisks and a bleeding dagger added as decoration, just to make the point.有的名字带有下划线和星号。比如,被阿瑟当作里脊牛排吃了的一头母牛的名字,下面什么也没加;而先被阿瑟捉住、后来他又不想要了于是丢到一边的一条鱼,名字下面有两条下划线,三颗星号,还有一把滴血的匕首图案,起强调作用。
And what was most disturbing about all this, apart from the Statue, to which we are, by degrees, coming, was the very clear implication that all these people and creatures were indeed the same person, over and over again.最令人难受的一点——除了那尊雕像,我们会谈到的——是这些人物、动物显然都是翻来覆去的同一个人。
And it was equally clear that this person was, however unfairly, extremely upset and annoyed.同样很显然,这个人无比气愤、无比恼怒——虽然有点不公平。
In fact it would be fair to say that he had reached a level of annoyance the like of which had never been seen in the Universe. It was an annoyance of epic proportions, a burning searing flame of annoyance, an annoyance which now spanned the whole of time and space in its infinite umbrage.实际上,公平地说,他的确经受着宇宙中前所未有的恼怒,那可是史诗级别的恼怒,是灼热如火的恼怒,这恼怒中包含着无限的不爽,可以覆盖整个时间和空间。
And this annoyance had been given its fullest expression in the Statue in the centre of all this monstrosity, which was a statue of Arthur Dent, and an unflattering one. Fifty feet tall if it was an inch, there was not an inch of it which wasn’t crammed with insult to its subject matter, and fifty feet of that sort of thing would be enough to make any subject feel bad. From the small pimple on the side of his nose to the poorish cut of his dressing gown, there was no aspect of Arthur Dent which wasn’t lambasted and vilified by the sculptor.他已将这恼怒倾注于中间那尊雕像的创作中。那,就是阿瑟·邓特的雕像——可一点儿也没有美化他的意思。五十英尺高的雕像,没有一寸不是充满着对所雕对象的侮辱。五十英尺的侮辱,足够让任何被雕者不高兴了。从他鼻子一侧的痘痘,到他睡袍毛糙的边缘,阿瑟·邓特的每个细节都是雕刻者的鞭笞对象。
Arthur appeared as a gorgon, an evil, rapacious, ravening, bloodied ogre, slaughtering his way through an innocent one-man Universe.阿瑟被塑造成一个戈耳工②,一个恶魔,专横、贪婪、嗜血,在一个无辜者的世界里大肆屠杀。
With each of the thirty arms which the sculptor in a fit of artistic fervour had decided to give him, he was either braining a rabbit, swatting a fly, pulling a wishbone, picking a flea out of his hair, or doing something which Arthur at first looking couldn’t quite identify.他那三十只手臂,凝聚了雕塑家最多的心血和感情。有的手正砸开一只兔子的头,有的在拍苍蝇,有的在拉许愿骨③,有的在捉头发里的跳蚤,还有的阿瑟自己也看不懂。
His many feet were mostly stamping on ants.他的脚大多是踩着蚂蚁的。
Arthur put his hands over his eyes, hung his head and shook it slowly from side to side in sadness and horror at the craziness of things.阿瑟用手蒙住双眼,低下了头,慢慢地摇着头,深感难过,也深感恐惧。
And when he opened his eyes again, there in front of him stood the figure of the man or creature, or whatever it was, that he had supposedly been persecuting all this time.他再次睁开眼时,面前站了一个人,或动物,或别的什么,总之就是他一直在残害那个家伙。
HhhhhhrrrrrraaaaaaHHHHHH! said Agrajag.“哼啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!”阿格拉贾格吼道。
He, or it, or whatever, looked like a mad fat bat. He waddled slowly around Arthur, and poked at him with bent claws.他,或它,或别的什么,看上去像只疯疯癫癫的胖蝙蝠。他颤巍巍地围着阿瑟走着,用他弯曲的爪子碰着阿瑟。
Look!.. protested Arthur.“你瞧……”阿瑟想要申辩。
HhhhhhrrrrrraaaaaaHHHHHH!!! explained Agrajag, and Arthur reluctantly accepted this on the grounds that he was rather frightened by this hideous and strangely wrecked apparition.“哼啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”阿格拉贾格不依不挠。阿瑟只得放弃争辩,看在这家伙古怪可怕的、破破烂烂的外表的份上。
Agrajag was black, bloated, wrinkled and leathery. His batwings were somehow more frightening for being the pathetic broken floundering things they were that if they had been strong, muscular beaters of the air. The frightening thing was probably the tenacity of his continued existence against all the physical odds.阿格拉贾格浑身漆黑、臃肿、粗糙、皱巴巴的,他的蝙蝠翅膀也许曾经强劲有力,但现在却是破得可怜,瑟瑟发抖,反而更加恐怖。而最恐怖的,还得数他不顾千难万险、坚持生存到现在的执著了。
He had the most astounding collection of teeth.他有一口最最骇人的牙齿。
They looked as if they each came from a completely different animal, and they were ranged around his mouth at such bizarre angles it seemed that if he ever actually tried to chew anything he’d lacerate half his own face along with it, and possibly put an eye out as well.看上去,那些牙齿似乎分别来自不同的动物。它们聚集在这张嘴里,角度相当诡异,看上去根本不可能嚼什么东西。因为只要一嚼,恐怕就会撕裂他自己的脸,可能连眼睛都会爆出来。
Each of his three eyes was small and intense and looked about as sane as a fish in a privet bush.他那三只眼睛,都是小小的,目光锐利,眼神正如一条被丢在灌木丛中的鱼那样抓狂。
I was at a cricket match, he rasped.“我去看过一场板球比赛!”他怒吼道。
This seemed on the face of it such a preposterous notion that Arthur practically choked.阿瑟觉得他说这话时表情非常荒谬,因此不知该说些什么。
Not in this body, screeched the creature, not in this body! This is my last body. My last life. This is my revenge body. My kill-Arthur-Dent body. My last chance. I had to fight to get it, too.“不是这个身体!”那个生物尖叫着,“不是这个身体!这是我最后的身体,我最后的生命。这是我的复仇体。用来杀阿瑟·邓特的身体,我最后的机会。也是我努力争取才的到的。”

The names of some of those commemorated were underlined and had asterisks against them. So, for instance, the name of a cow which had been slaughtered and of which Arthur Dent had happened to eat a fillet steak would have the plainest engraving, whereas the name of a fish which Arthur had himself caught and then decided he didn’t like and left on the side of the plate had a double underlining, three sets of asterisks and a bleeding dagger added as decoration, just to make the point.
And what was most disturbing about all this, apart from the Statue, to which we are, by degrees, coming, was the very clear implication that all these people and creatures were indeed the same person, over and over again.
And it was equally clear that this person was, however unfairly, extremely upset and annoyed.
In fact it would be fair to say that he had reached a level of annoyance the like of which had never been seen in the Universe. It was an annoyance of epic proportions, a burning searing flame of annoyance, an annoyance which now spanned the whole of time and space in its infinite umbrage.
And this annoyance had been given its fullest expression in the Statue in the centre of all this monstrosity, which was a statue of Arthur Dent, and an unflattering one. Fifty feet tall if it was an inch, there was not an inch of it which wasn’t crammed with insult to its subject matter, and fifty feet of that sort of thing would be enough to make any subject feel bad. From the small pimple on the side of his nose to the poorish cut of his dressing gown, there was no aspect of Arthur Dent which wasn’t lambasted and vilified by the sculptor.
Arthur appeared as a gorgon, an evil, rapacious, ravening, bloodied ogre, slaughtering his way through an innocent one-man Universe.
With each of the thirty arms which the sculptor in a fit of artistic fervour had decided to give him, he was either braining a rabbit, swatting a fly, pulling a wishbone, picking a flea out of his hair, or doing something which Arthur at first looking couldn’t quite identify.
His many feet were mostly stamping on ants.
Arthur put his hands over his eyes, hung his head and shook it slowly from side to side in sadness and horror at the craziness of things.
And when he opened his eyes again, there in front of him stood the figure of the man or creature, or whatever it was, that he had supposedly been persecuting all this time.
HhhhhhrrrrrraaaaaaHHHHHH! said Agrajag.
He, or it, or whatever, looked like a mad fat bat. He waddled slowly around Arthur, and poked at him with bent claws.
Look!.. protested Arthur.
HhhhhhrrrrrraaaaaaHHHHHH!!! explained Agrajag, and Arthur reluctantly accepted this on the grounds that he was rather frightened by this hideous and strangely wrecked apparition.
Agrajag was black, bloated, wrinkled and leathery. His batwings were somehow more frightening for being the pathetic broken floundering things they were that if they had been strong, muscular beaters of the air. The frightening thing was probably the tenacity of his continued existence against all the physical odds.
He had the most astounding collection of teeth.
They looked as if they each came from a completely different animal, and they were ranged around his mouth at such bizarre angles it seemed that if he ever actually tried to chew anything he’d lacerate half his own face along with it, and possibly put an eye out as well.
Each of his three eyes was small and intense and looked about as sane as a fish in a privet bush.
I was at a cricket match, he rasped.
This seemed on the face of it such a preposterous notion that Arthur practically choked.
Not in this body, screeched the creature, not in this body! This is my last body. My last life. This is my revenge body. My kill-Arthur-Dent body. My last chance. I had to fight to get it, too.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
implication [.impli'keiʃən]


n. 暗示,含意,牵连,卷入

decoration [.dekə'reiʃən]


n. 装饰,装饰品

dagger ['dægə]


n. 短剑,匕首

frightened ['fraitnd]


adj. 受惊的,受恐吓的

upset [ʌp'set]


adj. 心烦的,苦恼的,不安的
v. 推翻,

insult ['insʌlt]


vt. 侮辱,凌辱,辱骂
n. 侮辱,辱骂

tenacity [ti'næsiti]


n. 坚韧,固执,不屈不挠,顽固

annoyance [ə'nɔiəns]


n. 烦恼,生气,令人讨厌的人或事情

sane [sein]


adj. 心智健全的,理智的

bizarre [bi'zɑ:]


adj. 奇异的,怪诞的
n. 奇异花





