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经典科幻文学:《生命 宇宙及一切》第24章

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Chapter 2424
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.如果你认为,凭着马铃薯就能解决一些重要问题的话,那你可就错了。
For instance, there was once an insanely aggressive race of people called the Silastic Armorfiends of Striterax. That was just the name of their race. The name of their army was something quite horrific. Luckily they lived even further back in Galactic history than anything we have so far encountered twenty billion years ago when the Galaxy was young and fresh, and every idea worth fighting for was a new one.举个例子。曾经有一个极其好战的民族,名叫撕痕万条星的撕拉铠甲魔。那只是他们民族的名称,他们军队的名称还要恐怖。幸运的是,他们的生存年代比我们早很多——两千亿年,比谁都早。那时,银河系年轻力盛,每一个新思想都值得为之奋斗。
And fighting was what the Silastic Armorfiends of Striterax were good at, and being good at it, they did a lot. They fought their enemies (i.e. everybody else), they fought each other. Their planet was a complete wreck. The surface was littered with abandoned cities which were surrounded by abandoned war machines, which were in turn surrounded by deep bunkers in which the Silastic Armorfiends lived and squabbled with each other.“斗”正是撕痕万条星的撕拉铠甲魔最擅长的事。他们斗得可不少。他们与敌人战斗(敌人=其他任何人),他们和自己人战斗。他们的星球简直就是废墟。星球上,布满了死城,死城周围堆满了废弃军火,军火四周则都是深深的地堡,撕拉铠甲魔人住在里面,互相争吵不休。
The best way to pick a fight with a Silastic Armorfiend was just to be born. They didn’t like it, they got resentful. And when an Armorfiend got resentful, someone got hurt. An exhausting way of life, one might think, but they did seem to have an awful lot of energy.要跟撕拉铠甲魔人开战最简便的方式,就是来到这个世界上。他们不喜欢,他们很生气。撕拉铠甲魔人一生气,后果就很严重。也许你会想:这活得多累啊?可他们似乎有着无穷的生命力。
The best way of dealing with a Silastic Armorfiend was to put him into a room of his own, because sooner or later he would simply beat himself up.解决一个撕拉铠甲魔人最简便的方式,就是让他独处于一室。很快他就会杀掉自己的。
Eventually they realized that this was something they were going to have to sort out, and they passed a law decreeing that anyone who had to carry a weapon as part of his normal Silastic work (policemen, security guards, primary school teachers, etc.) had to spend at least forty-five minutes every day punching a sack of potatoes in order to work off his or her surplus aggressions.后来,他们也发现,有些东西需要加以分辨。于是,他们通过了一项新法规:凡是需要经常携带武器的职业人员(如警察、保安、小学教师等),每天至少要花四十五分钟的时间捶打一袋马铃薯,以便消耗其过剩的攻击性。
For a while this worked well, until someone thought that it would be much more efficient and less time-consuming if they just shot the potatoes instead.这一规定实行后不久,情况就变了——人们觉得,用枪打马铃薯更有效率,更省时间。由此,导致了新一轮的无差别枪击热潮。他们为这次大型战争激动不已。
This led to a renewed enthusiasm for shooting all sorts of things, and they all got very excited at the prospect of their first major war for weeks.撕痕万条星的撕拉铠甲魔,还有一项突出成就,便是——第一次让电脑惊呆了。
Another achievement of the Silastic Armorfiends of Striterax is that they were the first race who ever managed to shock a computer.那是一台巨型太空媒介电脑,名叫黑克特,即使在今天也是最强的电脑之一。它是第一台模拟真实大脑的电脑,每一个组成部分,都携带着整体的范式。因此,它能够更加灵活地思考,想象力更加丰富。当然,还能被惊呆。
It was a gigantic spaceborne computer called Hactar, which to this day is remembered as one of the most powerful ever built. It was the first to be built like a natural brain, in that every cellular particle of it carried the pattern of the whole within it, which enabled it to think more flexibly and imaginatively, and also, it seemed, to be shocked.当时,撕痕万条星的撕拉铠甲魔族,正同撕塔星的苦熬鬼战士族打仗。然而这次情况不妙。这次战争,需要趟过苦泽达的辐射湿地,穿越费拉费加的火焰山脉,它们都不是什么好地方。
The Silastic Armorfiends of Striterax were engaged in one of their regular wars with the Strenuous Garfighters of Stug, and were not enjoying it as much as usual because it involved an awful lot of trekking through the Radiation Swamps of Cwulzenda, and across the Fire Mountains of Frazfraga, neither of which terrains they felt at home in.后来,哑哑锯星的扼喉匕首狂族也参战了。于是,他们还得把战场开辟到卡费思的伽玛山洞里,开辟到瓦冷古腾的冰雪风暴之中。这时,他们终于受够了,便要求黑克特设计出一种终极武器来。
What do you mean, asked Hactar, by Ultimate?“终极……”黑克特问道,“是什么意思呢?”
To which the Silastic Armorfiends of Striterax said:撕痕万条的撕拉铠甲魔答曰:
Read a bloody dictionary, and plunged back into the fray.“他妈的翻字典去。”便又投入了战斗。
So Hactar designed an Ultimate Weapon.黑克特就设计了一种终极武器。
It was a very, very small bomb which was simply a junction box in hyperspace that would, when activated, connect the heart of every major sun with the heart of every other major sun simultaneously and thus turn the entire Universe in to one gigantic hyperspatial supernova.那是一颗很小很小的炸弹。其实,只是个超空间的插线板。一旦启动,它就会自动将所有大型恒星的中心地带连通,将整个宇宙变成一颗巨大无比的超新星。
When the Silastic Armorfiends tried to use it to blow up a Strangulous Stilettan munitions dump in one of the Gamma Caves, they were extremely irritated that it didn’t work, and said so.然而,正当撕拉铠甲魔想用它炸掉伽玛山洞里、扼喉匕首狂族的废弃军火时,却发现它不能启动,于是勃然大怒。他们又找到黑克特,跟它说了。
Hactar had been shocked by the whole idea.黑克特真是惊呆了。
He tried to explain that he had been thinking about this Ultimate Weapon business, and had worked out that there was no conceivable consequence of not setting the bomb off that was worse than the known consequence of setting it off, and he had therefore taken the liberty of introducing a small flaw into the design of the bomb, and he hoped that everyone involved would, on sober reflection, feel that…他解释说,自己确实斟酌过终极武器的事。他觉得,引爆它的后果将会空前绝后的严重,因此,他自作主张,设计的时候留了一点点瑕疵。他希望有关人士都能理智地、清楚地认识到……
The Silastic Armorfiends disagreed and pulverized the computer.撕拉铠甲魔人拒绝接受解释,并把他碎尸万段。
Later they thought better of it, and destroyed the faulty bomb as well. Then, pausing only to smash the hell out of the Strenuous Garfighters of Stug, and the Strangulous Stilettans of Jajazikstak, they went on to find an entirely new way of blowing themselves up, which was a profound relief to everyone else in the Galaxy, particularly the Garfighters, the Stilettans and the potatoes.三思过后,他们把那颗不能用的炸弹也毁掉了。随后,他们先后解决了撕塔星的苦熬鬼战士和哑哑锯星的扼喉匕首狂。最后,再用一种颇为新颖的方式解决了自己。全银河系都为之倍感欣慰,特别是鬼战士族、匕首狂族和马铃薯们。
Trillian had watched all this, as well as the story of Krikkit. She emerged from the Room of informational Illusions thoughtfully, just in time to discover that they had arrived too late.崔莉安看完了这些故事,也看了版求的故事。她心事重重地走出信息幻影室,然后发现,他们几个到得太迟了。

Chapter 24
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.
For instance, there was once an insanely aggressive race of people called the Silastic Armorfiends of Striterax. That was just the name of their race. The name of their army was something quite horrific. Luckily they lived even further back in Galactic history than anything we have so far encountered twenty billion years ago when the Galaxy was young and fresh, and every idea worth fighting for was a new one.
And fighting was what the Silastic Armorfiends of Striterax were good at, and being good at it, they did a lot. They fought their enemies (i.e. everybody else), they fought each other. Their planet was a complete wreck. The surface was littered with abandoned cities which were surrounded by abandoned war machines, which were in turn surrounded by deep bunkers in which the Silastic Armorfiends lived and squabbled with each other.
The best way to pick a fight with a Silastic Armorfiend was just to be born. They didn’t like it, they got resentful. And when an Armorfiend got resentful, someone got hurt. An exhausting way of life, one might think, but they did seem to have an awful lot of energy.
The best way of dealing with a Silastic Armorfiend was to put him into a room of his own, because sooner or later he would simply beat himself up.
Eventually they realized that this was something they were going to have to sort out, and they passed a law decreeing that anyone who had to carry a weapon as part of his normal Silastic work (policemen, security guards, primary school teachers, etc.) had to spend at least forty-five minutes every day punching a sack of potatoes in order to work off his or her surplus aggressions.
For a while this worked well, until someone thought that it would be much more efficient and less time-consuming if they just shot the potatoes instead.
This led to a renewed enthusiasm for shooting all sorts of things, and they all got very excited at the prospect of their first major war for weeks.
Another achievement of the Silastic Armorfiends of Striterax is that they were the first race who ever managed to shock a computer.
It was a gigantic spaceborne computer called Hactar, which to this day is remembered as one of the most powerful ever built. It was the first to be built like a natural brain, in that every cellular particle of it carried the pattern of the whole within it, which enabled it to think more flexibly and imaginatively, and also, it seemed, to be shocked.
The Silastic Armorfiends of Striterax were engaged in one of their regular wars with the Strenuous Garfighters of Stug, and were not enjoying it as much as usual because it involved an awful lot of trekking through the Radiation Swamps of Cwulzenda, and across the Fire Mountains of Frazfraga, neither of which terrains they felt at home in.
What do you mean, asked Hactar, by Ultimate?
To which the Silastic Armorfiends of Striterax said:
Read a bloody dictionary, and plunged back into the fray.
So Hactar designed an Ultimate Weapon.
It was a very, very small bomb which was simply a junction box in hyperspace that would, when activated, connect the heart of every major sun with the heart of every other major sun simultaneously and thus turn the entire Universe in to one gigantic hyperspatial supernova.
When the Silastic Armorfiends tried to use it to blow up a Strangulous Stilettan munitions dump in one of the Gamma Caves, they were extremely irritated that it didn’t work, and said so.
Hactar had been shocked by the whole idea.
He tried to explain that he had been thinking about this Ultimate Weapon business, and had worked out that there was no conceivable consequence of not setting the bomb off that was worse than the known consequence of setting it off, and he had therefore taken the liberty of introducing a small flaw into the design of the bomb, and he hoped that everyone involved would, on sober reflection, feel that…
The Silastic Armorfiends disagreed and pulverized the computer.
Later they thought better of it, and destroyed the faulty bomb as well. Then, pausing only to smash the hell out of the Strenuous Garfighters of Stug, and the Strangulous Stilettans of Jajazikstak, they went on to find an entirely new way of blowing themselves up, which was a profound relief to everyone else in the Galaxy, particularly the Garfighters, the Stilettans and the potatoes.
Trillian had watched all this, as well as the story of Krikkit. She emerged from the Room of informational Illusions thoughtfully, just in time to discover that they had arrived too late.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
munitions [mju:'niʃənz]


n. 军火,弹药 名词munition的复数

achievement [ə'tʃi:vmənt]


n. 成就,成绩,完成,达到

ultimate ['ʌltimit]


n. 终极,根本,精华
adj. 终极的,根本

primary ['praiməri]


adj. 主要的,初期的,根本的,初等教育的

galaxy ['gæləksi]


n. 银河,一群显赫之人

dealing ['di:liŋ]


n. 经营方法,行为态度

aggressive [ə'gresiv]


adj. 侵略的,有进取心的,好斗的

beat [bi:t]


v. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动
n. 敲打,

efficient [i'fiʃənt]


adj. 效率高的,胜任的

security [si'kju:riti]


n. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券





