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经典科幻文学:《生命 宇宙及一切》第29章1

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Chapter 2929
Tell us, said the thin, pale-faced Krikkiter who had stepped forward from the ranks of the others and stood uncertainly in the circle of torchlight, handling his gun as if he was just holding it for someone else who’d just popped off somewhere but would be back in a minute, do you know anything about something called the Balance of Nature?“请告诉我们,”那位瘦削、苍白的版求人站了出来,其他人站在后面,映着电筒的光,有些不知所措。说话人手上有把枪,可看他的样子,仿佛只是替某人拿着,而那个人很快就会回来似的,“你们了解‘大自然的平衡’这个东西吗?”
There was no reply from their captives, or at least nothing more articulate than a few confused mumbles and grunts. The torchlight continued to play over them. High in the sky above them dark activity continued in the Robot zones.俘虏们一言不发。他们最多算是发出了一些迷惑的咕哝声。光柱投在他们身上。他们头顶的天空中,仍是那些机器人战区。
It’s just, continued the Krikkiter uneasily, something we heard about, probably nothing important. Well, I suppose we’d better kill you then. He looked down at his gun as if he was trying to find which bit to press.“只不过是……”版求人有点紧张地说,“我们听说的一点东西而已。也许并不重要。嗯……我想我们还是杀了你们吧。”他低头看看枪,仿佛在找该按哪儿似的。
That is, he said, looking up again, unless there’s anything you want to chat about?“或者……”他又抬头说道,“你们还想聊点什么?”
Slow, numb astonishment crept up the bodies of Slartibartfast, Ford and Arthur. Very soon it would reach their brains, which were at the moment solely occupied with moving their jawbones up and down. Trillian was shaking her head as if trying to finish a jigsaw by shaking the box.司拉提巴特法斯、福特和阿瑟,觉得后背一阵麻木。他们的脑子也快麻木了。不过,现在脑子还在忙于努力控制下巴张开的程度。崔莉安摇着头,像是想用摇盒子的办法拼出拼图一样。
We’re worried, you see, said another man from the crowd, about this plan of universal destruction.“你们瞧,”对方的另一个人开口道,“我们有点担心那个摧毁宇宙的计划。”
Yes, added another, and the balance of nature. It just seemed to us that if the whole of the rest of the Universe is destroyed it will somehow upset the balance of nature. We’re quite keen on ecology, you see. His voice trailed away unhappily.“是的。”第一个人说,“还有大自然的平衡。因为,如果把宇宙其他地方都毁掉,可能损害到大自然的平衡。我们很重视环保的。你们瞧……”他说着说着,声音低了下来,似乎有点不快。
And sport, said another, loudly. This got a cheer of approval from the others.“还有体育!”又一个人大声说道,引起不少赞同之声。
Yes, agreed the first, and sport… He looked back at his fellows uneasily and scratched fitfully at his cheek. He seemed to be wrestling with some deep inner confusion, as if everything he wanted to say and everything he thought were entirely different things, between which he could see no possible connection.“是的,”第一个表示同意,“还有体育……”他回头望了望同伴们,挠挠脸颊,似乎正与自己内心深处的迷惑作斗争,好象他要说的都不是自己真正所想,甚至没有任何联系似的。
You see, he mumbled, some of us… and he looked around again as if for confirmation. The others made encouraging noises. Some of us, he continued, are quite keen to have sporting links with the rest of the Galaxy, and though I can see the argument about keeping sport out of politics, I think that if we want to have sporting links with the rest of the Galaxy, which we do, then it’s probably a mistake to destroy it. And indeed the rest of the Universe… his voice trailed away again –… which is what seems to be the idea now…“你们瞧……”他嘟哝着,“我们中有些人,”他看了看其他人,似乎在寻求确认,其他人用嗯声表示了支持。“我们中有些人,”他接着说,“很想和银河系其他地区保持体育方面的交流——当然,关于体育要不要脱离政治也会有争议的。我想,如果要和其他地区保持体育交流的话,那毁灭也许是个错误……而且,银河系的其他地区……”他的声音又低了下来,“似乎是……”
Wh… said Slartibartfast. Wh…“什……” 司拉提巴特法斯开口道,“什……”
Hhhh… ? said Arthur.“怎……”阿瑟开口道。
Dr… said Ford Prefect.“那……”福特开口道。
OK, said Trillian. Let’s talk about it. She walked forward and took the poor confused Krikkiter by the arm. He looked about twenty-five, which meant, because of the peculiar manglings of time that had been going on in this area, that he would have been just twenty when the Krikkit Wars were finished, ten billion years ago.“行了。”崔莉安开口道,“咱们谈谈吧。”她走上前去,拉住那可怜的版求人。他约摸二十五岁,也就是说,版求战争结束的时候,他才二十。当然,此地的时间被扭曲过,实际上那是一百亿年前了。
Trillian led him for a short walk through the torchlight before she said anything more. He stumbled uncertainly after her. The encircling torch beams were drooping now slightly as if they were abdicating to this strange, quiet girl who alone in the Universe of dark confusion seemed to know what she was doing.崔莉安带着他,一言不发地往前走。他不知所措地跟着她。四周的光柱也弱了下来,似乎大家都只得听从这位女孩的领导,因为她是黑暗蒙昧的宇宙中唯一一位清醒的人了。
She turned and faced him, and lightly held both his arms. He was a picture of bewildered misery.她转向他,轻轻抓住他的双臂。他则是一脸的忧郁和迷茫。
Tell me, she said.“告诉我吧。”她说。

Chapter 29
Tell us, said the thin, pale-faced Krikkiter who had stepped forward from the ranks of the others and stood uncertainly in the circle of torchlight, handling his gun as if he was just holding it for someone else who’d just popped off somewhere but would be back in a minute, do you know anything about something called the Balance of Nature?
There was no reply from their captives, or at least nothing more articulate than a few confused mumbles and grunts. The torchlight continued to play over them. High in the sky above them dark activity continued in the Robot zones.
It’s just, continued the Krikkiter uneasily, something we heard about, probably nothing important. Well, I suppose we’d better kill you then. He looked down at his gun as if he was trying to find which bit to press.
That is, he said, looking up again, unless there’s anything you want to chat about?
Slow, numb astonishment crept up the bodies of Slartibartfast, Ford and Arthur. Very soon it would reach their brains, which were at the moment solely occupied with moving their jawbones up and down. Trillian was shaking her head as if trying to finish a jigsaw by shaking the box.
We’re worried, you see, said another man from the crowd, about this plan of universal destruction.
Yes, added another, and the balance of nature. It just seemed to us that if the whole of the rest of the Universe is destroyed it will somehow upset the balance of nature. We’re quite keen on ecology, you see. His voice trailed away unhappily.
And sport, said another, loudly. This got a cheer of approval from the others.
Yes, agreed the first, and sport… He looked back at his fellows uneasily and scratched fitfully at his cheek. He seemed to be wrestling with some deep inner confusion, as if everything he wanted to say and everything he thought were entirely different things, between which he could see no possible connection.
You see, he mumbled, some of us… and he looked around again as if for confirmation. The others made encouraging noises. Some of us, he continued, are quite keen to have sporting links with the rest of the Galaxy, and though I can see the argument about keeping sport out of politics, I think that if we want to have sporting links with the rest of the Galaxy, which we do, then it’s probably a mistake to destroy it. And indeed the rest of the Universe… his voice trailed away again –… which is what seems to be the idea now…
Wh… said Slartibartfast. Wh…
Hhhh… ? said Arthur.
Dr… said Ford Prefect.
OK, said Trillian. Let’s talk about it. She walked forward and took the poor confused Krikkiter by the arm. He looked about twenty-five, which meant, because of the peculiar manglings of time that had been going on in this area, that he would have been just twenty when the Krikkit Wars were finished, ten billion years ago.
Trillian led him for a short walk through the torchlight before she said anything more. He stumbled uncertainly after her. The encircling torch beams were drooping now slightly as if they were abdicating to this strange, quiet girl who alone in the Universe of dark confusion seemed to know what she was doing.
She turned and faced him, and lightly held both his arms. He was a picture of bewildered misery.
Tell me, she said.

“什……” 司拉提巴特法斯开口道,“什……”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
confused [kən'fju:zd]


adj. 困惑的;混乱的;糊涂的 v. 困惑(confu

universal [.ju:ni'və:səl]


adj. 普遍的,通用的,宇宙的,全体的,全世界的

approval [ə'pru:vəl]


n. 批准,认可,同意,赞同

circle ['sə:kl]


n. 圈子,圆周,循环
v. 环绕,盘旋,包围

destruction [di'strʌkʃən]


n. 破坏,毁灭,破坏者

confirmation [.kɔnfə'meiʃən]


n. 确认,证实,基督教的坚信礼

confusion [kən'fju:ʒən]


n. 混乱,混淆,不确定状态

astonishment [əs'tɔniʃmənt]


n. 惊讶,令人惊讶的事

misery ['mizəri]


n. 痛苦,悲惨的境遇,苦难

upset [ʌp'set]


adj. 心烦的,苦恼的,不安的
v. 推翻,





