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In the club trade, they are called PIs — it stands for “possibly intoxicated”. It’s a nice way of saying someone has drunk too much, and there is a list of things to look out for: falling over, falling asleep, crying or showing other signs of distress.

在酒吧行业,他们被称为PI,意思是“潜在醉鬼”(possibly intoxicated)。这是一种形容某些人喝得太多的婉转表达方式,而且对于这些人你还要提防一系列状况的发生:跌倒在地、酒醉不醒、嚎啕大哭或者表现出其他痛苦的迹象。
The staff don’t want anyone in the club who is overly drunk but they also don’t want to chuck them out on the street. So they bring them to a quiet area that acts as a holding bay and that’s where I come in. I’m part of a team of Christian volunteers called Club Angels, who work inside nightclubs and bars to assist those who are in a state. Sometimes we just provide a listening ear.
工作人员都不愿意看到酒吧里有人喝得烂醉如泥,但他们也不想把这些酒鬼扔到大街上去。于是他们把这些人带到一个安静的类似于控制间的地方,那也是我发挥作用的地方。我是基督教志愿者团队“天使俱乐部”(Club Angels)中的一员,我们在夜店和酒吧里工作,帮助那些出状况的人。有时,我们只是倾听而已。
A-level results night was mayhem. All I did was take sick buckets from people’s hands, empty them into the loo and give them back again. I’m not fazed by the sick, I’m being useful. And who else would do it if we didn’t? It’s not actually that bad to deal with: normally the clubbers haven’t eaten, they’ve just been drinking cocktails or Jägerbombs.
We always have baby wipes, alcohol gel, rubber gloves and hairbands to tie people’s hair back. We also carry sugary sweets and tissues. I focus on the Tiger Tiger nightclub in Croydon. People see stories in newspapers of drunk young people in city centres and they think, how debauched — they are drunk for the sake of it. But often it will be because those young people are dealing with problems, the same reason why older adults drink.
我们总会带着婴儿湿巾、酒精凝胶、橡胶手套以及可以把头发固定到脑后的发带。我们还会带些糖果和纸巾。我主要在位于克罗伊登(Croydon)的“老虎”(Tiger Tiger)夜店工作。人们在报纸上看到关于市中心那些喝得酩酊大醉的年轻人的报道,想到的是:多么堕落——他们是为了喝醉而喝醉。但是,这通常是因为这些年轻人遇到了问题,与年长些的成年人喝酒的原因如出一辙。
Meeting someone in a club when they are intoxicated is strange because they open up more than they usually would. Sometimes I sit and listen to someone and I think, I’m not surprised you’ve had a lot to drink. I would have a lot to drink if that happened to me.
One girl had just had a job interview and the guy interviewing her had come on to her. He said, “If you come back to mine, you can have the job.” The same girl was a full-time carer for her brother, who was very sick. Another person had had a recent abortion, another’s dad had been diagnosed with cancer. They are dealing with heavy problems so they are out drinking to relieve some of that pressure.
By day I’m a Pilates and yoga instructor, and I’ve also done some stand-up comedy. But I first heard about Club Angels at church. A speaker came to talk about it and she said, “This is an initiative we are setting up in London, would anyone like to volunteer?” I thought, that’s something I could do. I could identify with those people who have had too much to drink and need helping out.
My church, Central London Vineyard, is not like others. It’s a group that meets at night in a bar in Soho. It’s not a big building with singing, stuff that people are turned off by. It’s just real people like me.
我所属的教会——伦敦中央葡萄园(Central London Vineyard),和其他教会不一样。教友都是晚上在苏荷区(Soho)一家酒吧见面,没有那些让人兴趣索然的演唱和宏大的建筑,只有一些像我一样的活生生的人。
People are a bit suspicious of someone doing something for nothing. But Club Angels are not preaching, and we don’t try to convert people. We’ve got printed on our T-shirts, “PS We’re Christians, ask us if you want to know more.” And that’s it.
人们会对某些人不图回报地做一些事产生些许怀疑。但天使俱乐部不布道,我们也不试图说服别人皈依。我们的T恤上印着一行字:“PS We’re Christians, ask us if you want to know more(顺便提一句,我们是基督徒,如果你想了解更多,我们有问必答)”。仅此而已。
At the start of a shift we pray for the night, the staff, for joy and happiness for the clubbers and for everyone to have a great night. We finish at 3am. If there was lots of drama and tears and stories that night, I’m often still buzzing and stay up for a bit when I get home. I’m a night owl, and the work suits people who still have mindful energy late at night.
I also go out clubbing and drinking — but I don’t drink when I’m on duty. I’m never tempted because it’s not about me. I need to be on my best form. But it’s important that all of us have drunk alcohol and been in clubs so we can relate. I’m definitely not coming at it from a squeaky-clean perspective.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
interview ['intəvju:]


n. 接见,会见,面试,面谈
vt. 接见,采

rubber ['rʌbə]


n. 橡胶,橡皮,橡胶制品
adj. 橡胶的

dealing ['di:liŋ]


n. 经营方法,行为态度

pressure ['preʃə]


n. 压力,压强,压迫
v. 施压

convert ['kɔnvə:t,kən'və:t]


v. 变换,(使)转变,使 ... 改变信仰,倒置,兑换

distress [dis'tres]


n. 痛苦,苦恼,不幸
vt. 使痛苦,使苦恼

suspicious [səs'piʃəs]


adj. 可疑的,多疑的

assist [ə'sist]


n. 帮助,协助,协助的器械
vt. 帮助,协

initiative [i'niʃətiv]


adj. 创始的,初步的,自发的
n. 第一步

relieve [ri'li:v]


v. 减轻,救济,解除





