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经典科幻文学:《 再见 多谢你们的鱼》第5章1

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a powerful organ. Indeed, its influence is so prodigious that strict rules have had to be drawn up by its editorial staff to prevent its misuse. So none of its field researchers are allowed to accept any kind of services, discounts or preferential treatment of any kind in return for editorial favours unless:《银河系漫游指南》是本强悍的出版物。 事实上,由于它的影响力如此巨大,编辑们不得不制定一些严格的纪律以防止此书被滥用。因此任何职业调查员都不得为他人提供方便以换取任何形式的服务、折扣或优惠政策,但以下情况除外:
a) they have made a bona fide attempt to pay for a service in the normal way;a)他们诚心诚意地想用正常方式付账但不被接受;
b) their lives would be otherwise in danger;b)他们若不这么做,将小命不保;
c) they really want to.c)他们实在想这么做。
Since invoking the third rule always involved giving the editor a cut, Ford always preferred to much about with the first two.由于直接引用第三条规定总是能让编辑也受益,所以福特总是特别喜欢援引前两条。
He stepped out along the street, walking briskly.他精神抖擞地走上了大街。
The air was stifling, but he liked it because it was stifling city air, full of excitingly unpleasant smells, dangerous music and the sound of warring police tribes.空气是沉闷的,但福特很喜欢,因为这是一个沉闷城市的空气,充满了令人兴奋的异味、危险的音乐以及警察派系火并的声音。
He carried his satchel with an easy swaying motion so that he could get a good swing at anybody who tried to take it from him without asking. It contained everything he owned, which at the moment wasn’t much.他一边走一边用顺手的方式甩着背包,这样他就可以把包甩向任何试图抢包的人。包里装着他的全部家当,虽然此刻里面其实并没什么东西。
A limousine careered down the street, dodging between the piles of burning garbage, and frightening an old pack animal which lurched, screeching, out of its way, stumbled against the window of a herbal remedies shop, set off a wailing alarm, blundered off down the street, and then pretended to fall down the steps of a small pasta restaurant where it knew it would get photographed and fed.一辆豪华轿车在燃烧的垃圾和受惊的牲畜间夺路而行。那些牲畜跌撞着,尖叫着,偏离道路,倚在草药店的窗户上,触发了凄厉的警报,最后在一家小意大利餐馆前假装跌倒,它们知道自己在那儿可以被拍照留念,还有饲料可吃。
Ford was walking north. He thought he was probably on his way to the spaceport, but he had thought that before. He knew he was going through that part of the city where people’s plans often changed quite abruptly.福特在往北走。他认为自己是在往太空港走,但他刚才也是这么认为的。他明白自己正穿越的城区里的居民经常喜欢改主意。
Do you want to have a good time? said a voice from a doorway.“你想找点乐子吗?”从一个门口里传出声音。
As far as I can tell, said Ford, I’m having one. Thanks.“只要我还能消受,”福特说,“但我现在已经有乐子了,谢谢。”
Are you rich? said another.“你有钱么?”另一个声音说。
This made Ford laugh.这把福特逗笑了。
He turned and opened his arms in a wide gesture.Do I look rich? he said.他转过去,将双臂张开。“我像是有钱的主儿吗?”他说。
Don’t know, said the girl. Maybe, maybe not. Maybe you’ll get rich. I have a very special service for rich people…“我哪儿知道,”那个女孩说。“也许是,也许不是。也许你以后会有钱的。我对于有钱人有项非常特别的服务。”
Oh yes? said Ford, intrigued but careful. And what’s that?“哦?是吗?”福特好奇而又小心地问着。“那是什么?”
I tell them it’s OK to be rich.“我告诉他们有钱是件好事。”
Gunfire erupted from a window high above them, but it was only a bass player getting shot for playing the wrong riff three times in a row, and bass players are two a penny in Han Dold City.枪声从他们上方高高的窗户中传出,但只是一个贝司手因为连续弹错了三次反复段而被毙掉,贝司手在汉杜德城就值一块两毛五。
Ford stopped and peered into the dark doorway.福特停下来,凝视着黑暗的门洞。
You what? he said.“你什么?”他说。

The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a powerful organ. Indeed, its influence is so prodigious that strict rules have had to be drawn up by its editorial staff to prevent its misuse. So none of its field researchers are allowed to accept any kind of services, discounts or preferential treatment of any kind in return for editorial favours unless:
a) they have made a bona fide attempt to pay for a service in the normal way;
b) their lives would be otherwise in danger;
c) they really want to.
Since invoking the third rule always involved giving the editor a cut, Ford always preferred to much about with the first two.
He stepped out along the street, walking briskly.
The air was stifling, but he liked it because it was stifling city air, full of excitingly unpleasant smells, dangerous music and the sound of warring police tribes.
He carried his satchel with an easy swaying motion so that he could get a good swing at anybody who tried to take it from him without asking. It contained everything he owned, which at the moment wasn’t much.
A limousine careered down the street, dodging between the piles of burning garbage, and frightening an old pack animal which lurched, screeching, out of its way, stumbled against the window of a herbal remedies shop, set off a wailing alarm, blundered off down the street, and then pretended to fall down the steps of a small pasta restaurant where it knew it would get photographed and fed.
Ford was walking north. He thought he was probably on his way to the spaceport, but he had thought that before. He knew he was going through that part of the city where people’s plans often changed quite abruptly.
Do you want to have a good time? said a voice from a doorway.
As far as I can tell, said Ford, I’m having one. Thanks.
Are you rich? said another.
This made Ford laugh.
He turned and opened his arms in a wide gesture.Do I look rich? he said.
Don’t know, said the girl. Maybe, maybe not. Maybe you’ll get rich. I have a very special service for rich people…
Oh yes? said Ford, intrigued but careful. And what’s that?
I tell them it’s OK to be rich.
Gunfire erupted from a window high above them, but it was only a bass player getting shot for playing the wrong riff three times in a row, and bass players are two a penny in Han Dold City.
Ford stopped and peered into the dark doorway.
You what? he said.

《银河系漫游指南》是本强悍的出版物。 事实上,由于它的影响力如此巨大,编辑们不得不制定一些严格的纪律以防止此书被滥用。因此任何职业调查员都不得为他人提供方便以换取任何形式的服务、折扣或优惠政策,但以下情况除外:

重点单词   查看全部解释    
strict [strikt]


adj. 严格的,精确的,完全的

frightening ['fraitniŋ]


adj. 令人恐惧的,令人害怕的 动词frighten的

row [rəu,rau]


n. 排,船游,吵闹
vt. 划船,成排

misuse [mis'ju:z]


vt. & n. 误用,滥用



adj. 好奇的;被迷住了的 v. 引起…的兴趣;使迷惑

doorway ['dɔ:wei]


n. 门口

swing [swiŋ]


n. 摇摆,改变,冲力
v. 摇摆,旋转,动摇

limousine ['liməzi:n]


n. 豪华轿车

abruptly [ə'brʌptli]


adv. 突然地,莽撞地,陡峭地,不连贯地

galaxy ['gæləksi]


n. 银河,一群显赫之人





