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经典科幻文学:《 再见 多谢你们的鱼》第19章

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Ford Prefect was irritated to be continually wakened by the sound of gunfire.福特.普里弗克特很不爽自己总是被枪炮声吵醒。
He slid himself out of the maintenance hatchway which he had fashioned into a bunk for himself by disabling some of the noisier machinery in his vicinity and padding it with towels. He slung himself down the access ladder and prowled the corridors moodily.他溜出维修舱,他把自己附近的一些吵人的机器关了并盖上毛巾从而将维修舱打造成了自己的铺位。他爬下入口的梯子然后在走廊心情烦躁地巡视着。
They were claustrophobic and ill-lit, and what light there was was continually flickering and dimming as power surged this way and that through the ship, causing heavy vibrations and rasping humming noises.走廊里充斥着幽闭恐惧症和糟糕的照明,那里的灯受流向飞船的电力高峰影响,不停地闪烁和变暗,伴随着沉重的震动和烦人的嗡嗡声。
That wasn’t it, though.但这不是他要找的。
He paused and leaned back against the wall as something that looked like a small silver power drill flew past him down the dim corridor with a nasty searing screech.他停了下来靠回墙上,某个银色的看上去像小型机械钻的玩意儿从他身旁呼啸而过飞下阴暗的走廊,伴随着恐怖灼人的尖锐刮擦声。
That wasn’t it either.这也不是他要找的。
He clambered listlessly through a bulkhead door and found himself in a larger corridor, though still ill-lit.他无精打采地爬上舱壁门,置身于一个更大的走廊,但照明依然很糟糕。
The ship lurched. It had been doing this a fair bit, but this was heavier. A small platoon of robots went by making a terrible clattering.这艘船突然倾斜了。这船早就倾斜了不少,但这次更严重。一小排机器人经过,弄出来一大堆噪音。
Still not it, though.但这依然不是他要找的。
Acrid smoke was drifting up from one end of the corridor, so he walked along it in the other direction.刺鼻的烟雾从走廊的一端飘起,于是他走向另一端。
He passed a series of observation monitors let into the walls behind plates of toughened but still badly scratched perspex.他经过墙上的一系列观测显示器,那些显示器装在强化过但仍伤痕累累的塑料防护板后面。
One of them showed some horrible green scaly reptilian figure ranting and raving about the Single Transferable Vote system. It was hard to tell whether he was for or against it, but he clearly felt very strongly about it. Ford turned the sound down.其中一个屏幕上面有一些可怕的绿色爬虫形带鳞怪物,咆哮嘶吼着关于单记移让式比例代表法(注)的事情。很难说他是支持还是反对这种投票制度,但他明显地对它有种非常强烈的感情。福特把声音调小了。
That wasn’t it, though.但这不是他要找的。
He passed another monitor. It was showing a commercial for some brand of toothpaste that would apparently make you feel free if you used it. There was nasty blaring music with it too, but that wasn’t it.他经过了另一台显示器。上面是一个关于某种牌子的牙膏的广告,声称你如果使用了它就会很快让你感觉到自由。广告里面也有恶心的刺耳音乐,但这不是他要找的。
He came upon another, much larger three-dimensional screen that was monitoring the outside of the vast silver Xaxisian ship.他经过另一台显示器,更加巨大的三维屏幕上显示着外面庞大的银色爱克西斯战舰。
As he watched, a thousand horribly beweaponed Zirzla robot starcruisers came searing round the dark shadow of a moon, silhouetted against the blinding disc of the star Xaxis, and the ship simultaneously unleashed a vicious blaze of hideously incomprehensible forces from all its orifices against them.他看到一千艘全副武装的吉尔拉机器人星际巡洋舰鏖战在月亮的暗影中,轮廓掩映在爱克西斯星炫目的光环之下,与此同时那爱克西斯战舰从所有的炮孔中释放出可怕的难以理解的邪恶的能量束进行还击。
That was it.要找的就是这个。
Ford shook his head irritably and rubbed his eyes. He slumped on the wrecked body of a dull silver robot which clearly had been burning earlier on, but had now cooled down enough to sit on.福特烦躁地摇了摇头揉着眼睛。他一屁股倒在一个暗银色机器人的残骸上,那个机器人很明显是刚才烧毁的,但现在已经冷却到能让人坐在上面的地步了。
He yawned and dug his copy of The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy out of his satchel. He activated the screen, and flicked idly through some level three entries and some level four entries. He was looking for some good insomnia cures. He found Rest, which was what he reckoned he needed. He found Rest and Recuperation and was about to pass on when he suddenly had a better idea. He looked up at the monitor screen. The battle was raging more fiercely every second and the noise was appalling. The ship juddered, screamed, and lurched as each new bolt of stunning energy was delivered or received.他打了个呵欠,从包里翻出他的那本《银河系漫游指南》。他启动屏幕,漫不经心地翻看一些三级条目和四级条目。他在找一些治疗失眠的好方法。他找到“休息” 条目,觉得这可能是他所需要的。他找到了“休息”和“恢复”条目,正打算结束查找时,突然想到了一个更好的点子。他查看监视屏。战斗每秒都在逐渐白热化,发出震耳欲聋的恐怖声音。每发出一束能量波或被击中一次都让船颤抖,尖叫,倾斜。
He looked back down at the Guide again and flipped through a few likely locations. He suddenly laughed, and then rummaged in his satchel again.他再一次回顾指南的内容,浏览了一些可能的位置。突然间,他爆发出大笑,接着又开始翻他的包。
He pulled out a small memory dump module, wiped off the fluff and biscuit crumbs, and plugged it into an interface on the back of the Guide.他拽出一个小记忆存储器,掸掉上面的绒毛和饼干屑,把它插进了指南后面的面板上。
When all the information that he could think was relevant had been dumped into the module, he unplugged it again, tossed it lightly in the palm of his hand, put the Guide away in his satchel, smirked, and went in search of the ship’s computer data banks.当所有他认为有关的信息全都存了进去之后,他又把它拔了出来,在手掌上轻轻翻弄着。他把指南放回了包里,得意地笑着,开始寻找飞船的数据库。
Ford Prefect was irritated to be continually wakened by the sound of gunfire.
He slid himself out of the maintenance hatchway which he had fashioned into a bunk for himself by disabling some of the noisier machinery in his vicinity and padding it with towels. He slung himself down the access ladder and prowled the corridors moodily.
They were claustrophobic and ill-lit, and what light there was was continually flickering and dimming as power surged this way and that through the ship, causing heavy vibrations and rasping humming noises.
That wasn’t it, though.
He paused and leaned back against the wall as something that looked like a small silver power drill flew past him down the dim corridor with a nasty searing screech.
That wasn’t it either.
He clambered listlessly through a bulkhead door and found himself in a larger corridor, though still ill-lit.
The ship lurched. It had been doing this a fair bit, but this was heavier. A small platoon of robots went by making a terrible clattering.
Still not it, though.
Acrid smoke was drifting up from one end of the corridor, so he walked along it in the other direction.
He passed a series of observation monitors let into the walls behind plates of toughened but still badly scratched perspex.
One of them showed some horrible green scaly reptilian figure ranting and raving about the Single Transferable Vote system. It was hard to tell whether he was for or against it, but he clearly felt very strongly about it. Ford turned the sound down.
That wasn’t it, though.
He passed another monitor. It was showing a commercial for some brand of toothpaste that would apparently make you feel free if you used it. There was nasty blaring music with it too, but that wasn’t it.
He came upon another, much larger three-dimensional screen that was monitoring the outside of the vast silver Xaxisian ship.
As he watched, a thousand horribly beweaponed Zirzla robot starcruisers came searing round the dark shadow of a moon, silhouetted against the blinding disc of the star Xaxis, and the ship simultaneously unleashed a vicious blaze of hideously incomprehensible forces from all its orifices against them.
That was it.
Ford shook his head irritably and rubbed his eyes. He slumped on the wrecked body of a dull silver robot which clearly had been burning earlier on, but had now cooled down enough to sit on.
He yawned and dug his copy of The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy out of his satchel. He activated the screen, and flicked idly through some level three entries and some level four entries. He was looking for some good insomnia cures. He found Rest, which was what he reckoned he needed. He found Rest and Recuperation and was about to pass on when he suddenly had a better idea. He looked up at the monitor screen. The battle was raging more fiercely every second and the noise was appalling. The ship juddered, screamed, and lurched as each new bolt of stunning energy was delivered or received.
He looked back down at the Guide again and flipped through a few likely locations. He suddenly laughed, and then rummaged in his satchel again.
He pulled out a small memory dump module, wiped off the fluff and biscuit crumbs, and plugged it into an interface on the back of the Guide.
When all the information that he could think was relevant had been dumped into the module, he unplugged it again, tossed it lightly in the palm of his hand, put the Guide away in his satchel, smirked, and went in search of the ship’s computer data banks.

他打了个呵欠,从包里翻出他的那本《银河系漫游指南》。他启动屏幕,漫不经心地翻看一些三级条目和四级条目。他在找一些治疗失眠的好方法。他找到“休息” 条目,觉得这可能是他所需要的。他找到了“休息”和“恢复”条目,正打算结束查找时,突然想到了一个更好的点子。他查看监视屏。战斗每秒都在逐渐白热化,发出震耳欲聋的恐怖声音。每发出一束能量波或被击中一次都让船颤抖,尖叫,倾斜。
重点单词   查看全部解释    
blaze [bleiz]


n. 火焰,烈火
vi. 燃烧,发光

bolt [bəult]


n. 螺栓,插销,门闩
v. 闩住,插销,(突

brand [brænd]


n. 商标,牌子,烙印,标记
vt. 打烙印,

appalling [ə'pɔ:liŋ]


adj. 令人震惊的,可怕的

relevant ['relivənt]


adj. 相关的,切题的,中肯的

drill [dril]


n. 钻孔机,钻子,反复操练,播种机
v. 钻

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

dull [dʌl]


adj. 呆滞的,迟钝的,无趣的,钝的,暗的

shadow ['ʃædəu]


n. 阴影,影子,荫,阴暗,暗处
vt. 投阴

toothpaste ['tu:θpeist]


n. 牙膏





