The things we dreamed of as children — the desire to explore the undersea world of Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea or the longing to have the powers of a superhero — are often fascinations that stay with us our whole lives.
孩提时代,我们就怀抱着梦想——探索儒勒·凡尔纳(Jules Verne)《海底两万里》(Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea)中的海底世界,或是成为超级英雄——这些梦想让我们魂牵梦萦,伴随我们一生。
It’s no wonder, then, that no one really outgrows toys. The difference is that the toys get bigger, better, more expensive and more high-tech as people get older and richer. And no one needs mum’s permission.
Look at the images to see some of the most extravagant, unexpected and just plain fun toys for those with deep pockets.