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经典科幻文学:《 再见 多谢你们的鱼》第24章1

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Chapter 24第24章
Luckily there was a strong updraft in the alley because Arthur hadn’t done this sort of thing for a while, at least, not deliberately, and deliberately is exactly the way you are not meant to do it.真是运气,巷子里面刚好有一阵强烈的上升气流,因为阿瑟已经很久没有做这事情了,至少很久没有刻意去做了,而且“刻意”正好是做这件事情的时候不该有的。
He swung down sharply, nearly catching himself a nasty crack on the jaw with the doorstep and tumbled through the air, so suddenly stunned with what a profoundly stupid thing he had just done that he completely forgot the bit about hitting the ground and didn’t.他飞快地往下翻,差点在门阶上撞碎了下巴,从空中跌了下去,于是突然之间因为自己做了这么愚蠢透顶的事情而吓懵了,完全忘记了自己马上就要撞上地面,所以他就没撞上地面。
A nice trick, he thought to himself, if you can do it.“不错的伎俩,”他心想,“如果能掌握的话。”
The ground was hanging menacingly above his head.大地在他头顶上方恶狠狠地悬着。
He tried not to think about the ground, what an extraordinarily big thing it was and how much it would hurt him if it decided to stop hanging there and suddenly fell on him. He tried to think nice thoughts about lemurs instead, which was exactly the right thing to do because he couldn’t at that moment remember precisely what a lemur was, if it was one of those things that sweep in great majestic herds across the plains of wherever it was or if that was wildebeests, so it was a tricky kind of thing to think nice thoughts about without simply resorting to an icky sort of general well-disposedness towards things, and all this kept his mind well occupied while his body tried to adjust to the fact that it wasn’t touching anything.他尽力不去想大地的事情,万一大地决定不再那么悬着,突然间落到他身上的话,那是多严重的事情啊,而且还会让他受多重的伤啊!为了代替这些念头,他尽力去想一些跟狐猴有关的好事,这的确是正确的做法,因为这时候他没法准确地记起来狐猴是什么,到底是那些大群大群庄严地穿过草原的管它什么玩意儿中的一只,还是一只羚羊什么的。所以去想狐猴是一个很巧妙的方法,你不用去找一些已经安排好的什么令人厌恶的事情来思考。这些都让他的大脑忙碌起来,而他的身体开始针对没有接触任何东西这一情况作出调整。
A Mars bar wrapper fluttered down the alleyway.一片玛氏(糖果公司名,德芙就是其旗下品牌)糖纸在巷子里拍打着地面。
After a seeming moment of doubt and indecision it eventually allowed the wind to ease it, fluttering, between him and the ground.糖纸看起来犹豫了一会,最后决定允许风把它带起来,在阿瑟和地面之间飘舞。
The ground was still hanging menacingly above his head, and he thought it was probably time to do something about that, such as fall away from it, which is what he did. Slowly. Very, very slowly.大地仍然在他头顶上方恶狠狠地悬着,他觉得现在大概是时候该做点什么了,比方说离地面远点,他就这么做了。缓慢地,非常、非常缓慢。
As he fell slowly, very, very slowly, he closed his eyes carefully, so as not to jolt anything.当他缓慢地,非常、非常缓慢地离开地面的时候,他把眼睛闭上了——很小心地,免得震动任何东西。
The feel of his eyes closing ran down his whole body. Once it had reached his feet, and the whole of his body was alerted to the fact that his eyes were now closed and was not panicked by it, he slowly, very, very slowly, revolved his body one way and his mind the other.闭眼的感觉在他全身流动。当这种感觉到达双脚时,他的整个身体都警觉到他的双眼闭上了这个事实,并且为此恐慌起来。他缓慢地,非常,非常缓慢地把身体向一个方向旋转,同时想着另一个方向。
That should sort the ground out.这样可以把地面丢一边去了。
He could feel the air clear about him now, breezing around him quite cheerfully, untroubled by his being there, and slowly, very, very slowly, as from a deep and distant sleep, he opened his eyes.他可以感觉的周围的空气变得清新起来,在身体四周清爽地流动,一点也不担心他在那里呆着。他缓慢地,非常、非常缓慢地,就像从一次深沉的睡眠中醒来那样,睁开了眼睛。
He had flown before, of course, flown many times on Krikkit until all the birdtalk had driven him scatty, but this was different.他以前飞过,当然了,在阪丘飞过很多次,直到鸟语把他搞昏了头为止,但是这次不一样。
Here he was on his own world, quietly, and without fuss, beyond a slight trembling which could have been attributable to a number of things, being in the air.现在他在自己的世界的空中,很平静,不慌不忙,只是有一点点因为一些事情而造成的微微颤抖。
Ten or fifteen feet below him was the hard tarmac and a few yards off to the right the yellow street lights of Upper Street.他下面十到十五英尺的地方是坚硬的泊油路,右边几码是阿佩尔街的黄色街灯。
Luckily the alleyway was dark since the light which was supposed to see it through the night was on an ingenious timeswitch which meant it came on just before lunchtime and went off again as the evening was beginning to draw in. He was, therefore, safely shrouded in a blanket of dark obscurity.幸运的是巷子很黑,那些灯本来应该整夜都亮着的,可是它们都装了一个巧妙的定时开关,设定为午饭后亮起来,天快黑的时候关掉。所以,他现在很安全地被黑暗包围着。
He slowly, very, very slowly, lifted his head to Fenchurch, who was standing in silent breathless amazement, silhouetted in her upstairs doorway.他缓慢地,非常、非常缓慢地抬头去看芬切琪,芬切琪这时候正惊讶的气都透不过来,无声地站着,在她楼上的前门里显出自己的轮廓。
Her face was inches from his.她的脸离他只有几英寸。
I was about to ask you, she said in a low trembly voice, what you were doing. But then I realized that I could see what you were doing. You were flying. So it seemed, she went on after a slight wondering pause, like a bit of a silly question.“我正准备问你,”她用发抖的声音小声说,“你在干什么的。可是然后我发现自己看到你在做什么了。你在飞。所以这看起来,”她疑惑地顿了顿,然后接着说,“是一个有点笨的问题。”
Arthur said:阿瑟说:
Can you do it?“你能做到吗?”
Chapter 24
Luckily there was a strong updraft in the alley because Arthur hadn’t done this sort of thing for a while, at least, not deliberately, and deliberately is exactly the way you are not meant to do it.
He swung down sharply, nearly catching himself a nasty crack on the jaw with the doorstep and tumbled through the air, so suddenly stunned with what a profoundly stupid thing he had just done that he completely forgot the bit about hitting the ground and didn’t.
A nice trick, he thought to himself, if you can do it.
The ground was hanging menacingly above his head.
He tried not to think about the ground, what an extraordinarily big thing it was and how much it would hurt him if it decided to stop hanging there and suddenly fell on him. He tried to think nice thoughts about lemurs instead, which was exactly the right thing to do because he couldn’t at that moment remember precisely what a lemur was, if it was one of those things that sweep in great majestic herds across the plains of wherever it was or if that was wildebeests, so it was a tricky kind of thing to think nice thoughts about without simply resorting to an icky sort of general well-disposedness towards things, and all this kept his mind well occupied while his body tried to adjust to the fact that it wasn’t touching anything.
A Mars bar wrapper fluttered down the alleyway.
After a seeming moment of doubt and indecision it eventually allowed the wind to ease it, fluttering, between him and the ground.
The ground was still hanging menacingly above his head, and he thought it was probably time to do something about that, such as fall away from it, which is what he did. Slowly. Very, very slowly.
As he fell slowly, very, very slowly, he closed his eyes carefully, so as not to jolt anything.
The feel of his eyes closing ran down his whole body. Once it had reached his feet, and the whole of his body was alerted to the fact that his eyes were now closed and was not panicked by it, he slowly, very, very slowly, revolved his body one way and his mind the other.
That should sort the ground out.
He could feel the air clear about him now, breezing around him quite cheerfully, untroubled by his being there, and slowly, very, very slowly, as from a deep and distant sleep, he opened his eyes.
He had flown before, of course, flown many times on Krikkit until all the birdtalk had driven him scatty, but this was different.
Here he was on his own world, quietly, and without fuss, beyond a slight trembling which could have been attributable to a number of things, being in the air.
Ten or fifteen feet below him was the hard tarmac and a few yards off to the right the yellow street lights of Upper Street.
Luckily the alleyway was dark since the light which was supposed to see it through the night was on an ingenious timeswitch which meant it came on just before lunchtime and went off again as the evening was beginning to draw in. He was, therefore, safely shrouded in a blanket of dark obscurity.
He slowly, very, very slowly, lifted his head to Fenchurch, who was standing in silent breathless amazement, silhouetted in her upstairs doorway.
Her face was inches from his.
I was about to ask you, she said in a low trembly voice, what you were doing. But then I realized that I could see what you were doing. You were flying. So it seemed, she went on after a slight wondering pause, like a bit of a silly question.
Arthur said:
Can you do it?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
deliberately [di'libəritli]


adv. 慎重地,故意地

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

majestic [mə'dʒestik]


adj. 宏伟的,高贵的,壮丽的

slight [slait]


adj. 轻微的,微小的,纤细的,脆弱的

ingenious [in'dʒi:njəs]


adj. 机灵的,精制的,有独创性的

eventually [i'ventjuəli]


adv. 终于,最后

doorway ['dɔ:wei]


n. 门口

fuss [fʌs]


n. 大惊小怪,小题大作,强烈不满或争吵



adj. 已占用的;使用中的;无空闲的 v. 占有(oc

indecision [.indi'siʒən]


adj. 犹豫
n. 下不了决心,拿不定主意





