Enchantment is the precondition of all dramatic art.
In this enchantment the Dionysian reveler sees himself as satyr, and as satyr, in turn, he sees the god.
In his transformation he sees a new vision, which is the Apollinian completion of his state.
And by the same token this new vision completes the dramatic act.
Thus we have come to interpret Greek tragedy as a Dionysian chorus which again and again discharges itself in Apollinian images.
Those choric portions with which the tragedy is interlaced constitute, as it were, the matrix of the dialogue, that is to say, of the entire stage-world of the actual drama.
所以,那些交织在悲剧中的合唱部分,就仿佛是全部所谓对白。即,整个舞台境 界,戏曲本部的娘胎。
This substratum of tragedy irradiates, in several consecutive discharges, the vision of the drama--a vision on the one hand completely of the nature of Apollinian dream-illusion and therefore epic, but on the other hand, as the objectification of a Dionysian condition, tending toward the shattering of the individual and his fusion with the original Oneness.
Tragedy is an Apollinian embodiment of Dionysian insights and powers, and for that reason separated by a tremendous gulf from the epic.
所以,悲剧乃是醉境中的认识和影响具体化为梦境,因此悲剧与史诗 之间隔着一个深渊。