Most people have to reach for the same credit card when standing at a till paying for purchases in a store. But Walter Cavanagh from California can choose to use one of the 1,497 cards that he owns, which are worth $1.7m, and make him a record breaker.
Walter Cavanagh, 73, from Santa Clara, started collecting the cards as a bet with a friend in the 1960s to see who could collect the most in the space of a year.
He quickly acquired a stash of 143 and even collected a number of limited edition cards such as a sterling silver card from Mapes Hotel.
In 1971, a friend contact Guinness World Records, and he was named as the man with the most credit cards.
And every year since, he has been in the record books as he continued his collection, as he was determined to stay as the world record holder.
His credit score is nearly perfect, as he actually only uses one card and pays it off monthly.