My wife, when I was describing the items that would populate this list, exclaimed when I got to this one, "what, like rats?" Rats are indeed small animals and there are a lot of them (and people have been known to eat them in desperate situations). But no, we are not talking about rats in this case. Whether we are talking about placing a larger emphasis on animals that are not as problematic as cattle to raise as a food source. With this, there are a whole host of animals that can provide a dietary substitute for beef. Rabbits, squirrels, coon, goats, and the like are on the list. In fact, in many parts of the world, these animals are consumed on a regular basis. The benefit of such animals is that you can raise more of them, relative to cattle, for consumption. Or so say the experts. I haven't done the math, but a typical steer provides about 400 pounds of meat. This works out to about 1,600 servings (at 4 ounces per serving). Meanwhile, an average rabbit is about 5 pounds, and provides about half its weight in edible meat – so you would need about 160 rabbits for a comparable amount of meat.

Nevertheless, smaller critters – even in the necessary greater numbers – are comparatively inexpensive, and generate less greenhouse gas effects. In short, raising a gaggle of rabbits is a lot more economical, practical, and environmentally sound than a herd of cows. And honestly, grilled rabbit tastes pretty good!

Well, maybe not weeds in the traditional sense. But some experts suggest the dietary benefits of a weed-like vegetation called purslane. This particular strain of vegetation is a nutritionist's dream! It's loaded with stuff like vitamin A , omega-3 and beta carotene. According to one source, the chewy peddles of this weed (it really is a weed – it has the affectionate nickname of pigweed) is more nutritious than vegetables like carrots and spinach. That alone makes it worth its while. Reportedly, it also tastes good.
Unfortunately, at present, farmers hate Purslane because it chokes off other crops that are more profitable. But the great thing about weeds: the darn things tend to grow everywhere. Purslane has adapted itself to grow in dry environments, as well as areas with plentiful water, making in a prime choice for a crop in arid climates. As the world moves to more hardy food substances (especially those that are hardy and nutritious), we can expect to see vegetation, such as purslane, on our dinner plates in greater quantities. Yum.
3.Genetically Modified Food

Genetic manipulation is seen as the way of the future. The technology in this regards in still in the infancy stage, but the promise of being able to manipulate current foods into hardier, tastier and more nutritious stock is a prime motivator in this area. Essentially, we are talking about making existing food better. This includes shortening the growing times of crops, making them more resistant to insects and other issues that plague crops, increasing yields, enabling crops to grow in areas not normally suitable to do so, and more.
In fact, researchers are even speculating on engineering foods to fight certain diseases, like cancer. Imagine eating a piece of watermelon that has been genetically modified to provide a protein that allows someone with diabetes to forgo taking insulin. On a more immediate application, genetic manipulation will allow foods to taste even better, blend flavors, or even event totally new tastes to commonly known foods. We may be quite a ways from Star Trek-style food replicators, but the science of creating new food is right on our finger tips.

If you are smarter than me (and you probably are) then you more-than likely-understand the difference between nanofoods and the above-mentioned genetically modified food. Scientists swear that there is a distinct difference between the two. From what I can gather, nanofood is a somewhat less-ambitious scientific process. While genetically modified food involves altering the very genes of a food (changing the essence of item in question), nanofood technology restructures the molecular/atomic structure of foods using nanotechnology to produce nanoparticles.
A fine line for sure, but a difference nonetheless. These nanoparticles can alter a way that a food taste, what nutrients are produced, or extend the life of a particular food. Currently, this science is used in packaging, by extending shelf life (preservatives can be released into the food), improving product safety (by alerting consumers to spoiled food), and even repairing torn packaging through some sort of self-sealing process. One interesting development that is in the works by Kraft Foods is interactive products. Essentially, the company is attempting to use nanotechnology to cater a food's taste to individual consumers. Now that's getting food how you want it! Ultimately, what scientist hope to achieve is to be able to take this technology to the next level, and perform feats that are more in common with genetic modification – changing taste and providing increased nutritional benefits. Suffice to say, this stuff is definitely next-generation technology that approaches science fiction.
1.Something We Haven't Thought Of Yet

If you would have told folks 100 years ago, that we would have genetically altered seeds that would double the yield of crops, they probably would have thought you were reading too many science fiction novels. Yet fiction, as crazy as it may sound, is the harbinger of things to come. We were dreaming of reaching the moon long before we actually did it. In this same fashion, the unimaginable in regards to food will probably be tomorrow's reality. I mentioned earlier the food replicators on Star Trek. Well, do you also remember those handheld flip communicators they used? Take a look at the cell phones (older models now) that performed the same function. As such, it's not hard to imagine a machine that could actually produce any kind of food you desire right out of the molecules that are floating around in the air. Or maybe the nutrient-enhanced slime that the folks ate in The Matrix?
Farfetched? Maybe, but our imaginations will be the breeding grounds for the next evolution in food. As our food supplies continue to shrink, we will be forced to find ever new ways to feed our growing population. Perhaps the answer lies in space – new foods that can only be grown in the vacuum or on a space station. Or maybe we can find a way to make dirt tasty and nutritious. For certain, I've seen people make a delicacy out of lawn grass! Whatever the case, you can bet that our great grandchildren will find it hard to believe that we were actually eating meat from animals and vegetables that were grown in real soil. Just wait and watch!