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卫星导航仪 室内导航前景无限

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

GPS satellite navigation was made for me. I used to be the world’s most lost person.


I don’t know quite which non-quality I possess that causes this, but I still painfully recall the 1994 Birmingham, Alabama, fiasco — an hour for a two-mile drive. And the two hours in 1974 I spent trying to escape a French town with no signposts.


So when in 1996 I trialled one of the first satnav systems, fitted by Philips to a Range Rover — £12,000, wheel sensors included and if you knocked a wheel on the kerb, it all had to be recalibrated — I was more excited than by any other tech advance before or since.

因此,当我在1996年试用刚刚问世的一套卫星导航系统的时候,之前或之后的其他技术进步都没有比这更令人兴奋的了。这套导航系统由飞利浦(Philips)安装在一辆路虎揽胜(Range Rover)上,包括车轮传感器在内价格达1.2万英镑,如果车轮磕上马路牙子,那就得重新校正。

But navigation indoors, where satellites don’t work, is another question. For someone who even gets lost on the way to the bathroom, it would be the dream. I was not joking in a March column when I begged for someone to invent a way of locating my wife — or indeed any given product — in Sainsbury’s.


There have been some interesting and successful pilots for indoor location by big tech companies. But I am thrilled to report that now a tiny British company, Pointr — the archetypal Shoreditch, beanbags in the meeting room start-up — seems to have really cracked indoor direction finding.


Unannounced, Pointr’s system, which offers indoor navigation accurate to a metre, is currently being trialled by a huge London department store (I can’t say which yet), a leading British supermarket (ditto), a big London rail station and four major airports worldwide.


I had a tortuous but fascinating briefing the other day on those accursed beanbags (Dear Tech Startups, please go back to chairs) and then went to see a live Pointr installation. And it absolutely works. For me, it felt like a replay of 20 years ago and that prototype satnav moment.


The Pointr demo was on the 39th floor of One Canada Square at Canary Wharf in London, the tall, fat centrepiece building, each floor of which contains 30,000 sq ft of prime getting-lost real estate.

Pointr是在伦敦金丝雀码头第一加拿大广场(One Canada Square)的第39层进行展示的。第一加拿大广场是一座高大宽阔的中心大楼,每层都有3万平方英尺的很容易让人迷路的空间。

There are 250 fintech start-ups in Space 39, as it’s called, along with public areas. Using Pointr, even I was able to find legendarily tricky places like the gents more or less sure-footedly.

这个名为“Space 39”的楼层有250家金融科技初创企业,还有一些公共区域。使用Pointr导航系统,即便是我也多少能够稳妥地找到男厕这么隐秘的地方。

Back in Shoreditch, Pointr’s Axel Katalan told me just how big the business of locating people and assets indoors could be.

回到肖尔迪奇区,Pointr的阿克塞尔•考陶隆(Axel Katalan)告诉我,室内定位人和东西的业务有多广阔。

“It’s for airport passengers to see where they are, where the gate is, how long it will take to get there. But also think of libraries, hospitals, warehouses, factories, retail, even casinos. Anywhere big enough to get lost. And it is also usable by the visually impaired, using audio cues.”


Part of the business case for Pointr is that when people at stations and airports are confident about getting where they need to be, they will relax and explore the retail opportunities, which they will also be able to locate more easily.


Operators of such venues also get a trade-off in the form of detailed “heat maps” of where people (at least those carrying mobile phones with Bluetooth) cluster. These maps are apparently something of a data holy grail — traffic mapping is currently done by people with hand clickers.


The technology for Pointr is based on Bluetooth beacons, coin-sized, battery-powered discs mostly made, curiously, by Polish companies. Beacons were once touted as the future of marketing, but people weren’t keen on being marketed at; navigation may be their rebirth. It took 450 beacons to kit out the London department store, installed secretly at night over a week.


But don’t supermarkets like you getting lost so you’ll find more to buy? Yes, Mr Katalan says, but precious footfall data are even more important to them. The only retail venue to date that has told Pointr they prefer people being confused is the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul — home to one of the 25-strong start-up’s three overseas offices, alongside Munich and Dubai.

但超市不是希望你迷路,以便购买更多东西吗?考陶隆表示,答案是肯定的,但宝贵的客流数据对他们来说更为重要。迄今只有伊斯坦布尔的Grand Bazaar告诉Pointr,它们希望顾客在超市中迷路。伊斯坦布尔是这家25人初创企业的3个海外办公室所在地之一,另两个地方是慕尼黑和迪拜。

So is indoor nav a keeper? Mr Katalan believes it’s at the stage WiFi was 10 years ago: alien to most people, but on its way to being a tech staple.


I have a feeling that 10 years from now, those unable to find their way around a big public space will be as annoyingly retro as people today who don’t have GPS and stop their car to ask a pedestrian — normally me — for directions.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
prototype ['prəutətaip]


n. 原型,雏形

bazaar [bə'zɑ:]


n. 市集,商场,义卖的地方

fiasco [fi'æskəu]


n. 惨败 n. 酒瓶子

range [reindʒ]


n. 范围,行列,射程,山脉,一系列
v. 排

column ['kɔləm]


n. 柱,圆柱,柱形物,专栏,栏,列

estate [is'teit]


n. 财产,房地产,状态,遗产

navigation [.nævi'geiʃən]


n. 航行,航海,导航

confident ['kɔnfidənt]


adj. 自信的,有信心的,有把握的

keen [ki:n]


adj. 锋利的,敏锐的,强烈的,精明的,热衷的 <

detailed [di'teild]


adj. 详细的





