Snobby city firms are refusing to hire talent from poor backgrounds because they do not follow tradition, a report says.
Managers can often place as much importance on speech, accent, dress and behavior as on skills and qualifications.
Firms are also recruiting from a small pool of elite universities and hire those who "fit in" while ignoring talented but less advantaged candidates, according to Social Mobility Commission research.
Its report says: "Relatively opaque codes of conduct extend to dress."
To provide one example, for men, wearing brown shoes with a business suit is generally considered unacceptable within investment banking and corporate finance.
"Issues relating to dress may seem superficial and relatively simple for individuals to adopt. But interviewees suggested they do play a material role in the selection process as demonstration of 'fit'."
Banks mostly hire from an only select handful of universities, including Oxbridge and the London School of Economics.
And the report warned the requirement to do work experience or internships benefits those with "informal networks" and erects a further barrier to entry.
Alan Milburn, Commission chairman, said: "Bright, working-class kids are being systematically locked out of top jobs in investment banking because they may not attend elite universities or understand arcane culture rules.
"It is shocking that some investment banks still judge candidates on whether they wear brown shoes."