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D'Antoni has long since been redeemed, if one had the nerve to argue his coaching acumen was in need of redemption.

Mike After revolutionizing the NBA with his freewheeling system as the head coach of the seven seconds or less Phoenix Suns, D'Antoni's star dimmed under the league's two biggest spotlights, failing with the New York Knicks, and then the Los Angeles Lakers.
But both of those franchises have proven to be beyond salvation amidst petty squabbles within ownership and out-of-touch front offices.
Since D'Antoni last coached, echoes of his philosophy have permeated throughout the entire NBA—his tenets gaining validation with victoriesby the Miami Heat, San Antonio Spurs, Golden State Warriors and Cleveland Cavaliers.
A season after the Houston Rockets became the lone quality team to make the Los Angeles Clippers seem like a joyous, fun-loving unit, James Harden and company have been reinvigorated; baptized and born again by shooters, pace and D'Antoni's commandments.
That alone deserves a Coach of the Year nod.
So while there's no need for redemption, retribution would certainly be a nice capstone to the foundations he and Daryl Morey have laid in Houston this year.
After all, it was Gregg Popovich, working with Tim Duncan, who worked as the final gatekeeper of orthodoxy to a Suns' reign that would never truly materialize.
The Spurs' success against the Suns was viewed by some as a repudiation of the pace-and-space system D'Antoni teams thrived in. In reality, most of the Spurs' slight advantages stemmed from having Tim Duncan, a top 10 player all-time, to bend the math—and the series—in the Spurs' favor.
But even then, the Suns, with Steve Nash working the pick and roll with Amare Stoudemire and Shawn Marion, forced Popovich to sprinkle more speed and shooting into the lineups, adapting to the matchup.
When it opposed them, the Spurs held the D'Antoni offense at bay as best as anyone could. When it suited Popovich, he adapted the offense to fit his needs, winning a title by incorporating elements of that system in 2014.
This season, the Rockets rank third in the NBA in pace (100.0) and second in offensive rating (114.7 points per 100 possessions per Basketball-Reference), mirroring those Suns, who ranked first in pace (95.8) and offensive rating (111.5 points per 100 possessions) at a time the league was slower.
这个赛季,火箭的回合数在NBA排第三(100.0),并且在进攻效率方面排第二(每100回合114.7分 根据Basketball-Reference)。而反观之前的太阳,他们在回合数(95.8)和进攻效率(每100回合111.5分)都能排第一,那时候联盟的节奏更慢。
These Spurs, on the other hand, rate slower (relative to the rest of the league) than the 2003 iteration of the Spurs that kicked off the Big Three era, clocking in at No. 27 (94.2), compared to No. 20 in 2003 (90.0). Though both teams are similar in terms of offensive rating (again, relative to the rest of the league in each respective season).

More than ever, Popovich and D'Antoni represent a clash of opposing styles, with the Spurs—in and odd twist of fate—now squarely on the other side of the mainstream with two-big alignments and a plethora of midrange jumpers.

Not since Duncan's MVP days have the Spurs funneled so much of their offense through such a singular point.
Instead of an equal-opportunity spread motion offense, the Spurs' movement now works to find Kawhi Leonard in his spots, many of them in places Duncan used to work. From there, they find corner three-pointers and shots outside of the restricted area. And while they're still open shots outside of Leonard, they're far from the three-point barrage and layup lines that Houston can produce.
Instead of an equal-opportunity spread motion offense, the Spurs' movement It also remains Popovich's preference to stay with two bigs, pairing LaMarcus Aldridge with either David Lee, Pau Gasol or Dewayne Dedmon. The Spurs' spread attack from years' past gained its versatility form Boris Diaw, who allowed San Antonio to reap the benefits of small ball while remaining big.
But Leonard comes with some abilities Duncan did not, improving as a pick and roll ball handler with every game, accessing more places on the floor than Duncan did and needing fewer people to do it.
These Rockets, likewise, have some wrinkles that D'Antoni's Suns did not. The problem teams often tried to pose to Steve Nash was to disrupt his balance between playmaking and scoring, daring him to stray away from pass-first tendencies.
James Harden has no qualms about dipping into either extreme on that spectrum. He will light teams up for 40 or 50 points without a second thought while still managing to put together enough assists to keep his teammates happy.
In these ways, Harden and Leonard are as close to proxies as Nash and Duncan as the league has.
So it's appropriate that the Rockets should meet the Spurs in the playoffs for the first time since the David Robinson and Hakeem Olajuwon days, with D'Antoni meeting Popovich coaching a team in this form.
Popovich is on record as hating the three-pointer, but pragmatic enough to utilize it and appreciative enough of the Rockets and Harden to praise them. The Spurs have always gone their own way, oblivious to the narratives of the league while contributing to the evolution of the game.
This isn't a battle for the soul of the league in the same way it was between San Antonio and Phoenix. It's not even a battle for redemption.
A win for the Rockets would be a nice story for D'Antoni's narrative. The Spurs are the team have denied or delayed so many legacies. This series doesn't need any of that to be enticing, but it certainly makes it more fun.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
reap [ri:p]


vt. 收割,收获,获得
vi. 收割

disrupt [dis'rʌpt]


vt. 分裂,干扰,打断,妨碍,使破裂

spread [spred]


v. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒



n. 良心之谴责;不安

joyous ['dʒɔiəs]


adj. 充满快乐的,使人高兴的

opposing [ə'pəuziŋ]


adj. 反作用的,反向的,相反的,对立的 动词oppo

pragmatic [præg'mætik]


adj. 实际的,实用主义的

ownership ['əunəʃip]


n. 所有权

validation [,væli'deiʃən]


n. 批准;确认;生效

spectrum ['spektrəm]


n. 光谱,范围,系列





