The Shanghai-Hong Kong bond connect programme, launched on Monday, offers a streamlined channel for international investors to access mainland China’s Rmb69tn ($10tn) interbank bond market, the world’s third-largest behind the US and Japan.
Here is a brief overview of the Chinese bond market in charts.
Government-linked entities dominate bond issuance. In addition to central government bonds, investors also treat policy bank bonds the same as sovereign bonds in terms of credit risk. China also launched a municipal bond market in 2014.
Policy banks — the largest is China Development Bank — are non-commercial, 100 per cent state-owned banks that lend in support of government priorities.
The corporate bond market includes debt from commercially oriented state-owned enterprises as well as local-government financing vehicles, which are special-purpose vehicles that provinces and cities use to finance infrastructure.
The term “interbank market” is a misnomer because the market includes a wide range of financial institutions. Still, commercial banks dominate the market in terms of ownership.
In addition to their on-balance-sheet holdings, they control even more bonds through the off-balance-sheet wealth management products that they sell to customers as a higher-yielding alternative to traditional savings deposits.
Overall liquidity in China’s government and corporate bond market is comparable to that of other debt markets in developing Asia. But within these broad categories, ease of buying and selling varies heavily by bond type. Many bonds barely change hands, with banks and other investors holding them to maturity.
Among sovereign bonds, policy bank bonds are often more liquid than treasuries. Among corporate bonds, medium-term notes approved by the People’s Bank of China are more liquid than so-called enterprise bonds overseen by the National Development and Reform Commission, the state planning agency.
The market is tilted towards short maturities, with a quarter currently due to mature in less than one year and 70 per cent in under five years.
Bond market turmoil this year has exacerbated this trend. New issuance has fallen sharply as the central bank has squeezed liquidity and the banking regulator has issued new regulations to discourage leveraged investment in the bond market.
Yield curve and credit spreads
Even in normal times, China’s yield curve is often flatter than that of other markets. Market turmoil in 2017 has amplified this tendency.
The yield curve is currently inverted as tight liquidity has hit demand for medium tenors of around five years. The short supply of longer tenors, by contrast, means that demand has remained strong.
China’s market is notorious for failing to price risk effectively. Many investors assume the government will bail out borrowers in danger of default, leading to moral hazard. But defaults have risen in recent years, weakening the assumption of an implicit government guarantee for all debt.
Foreign investors regard local credit-rating agencies with suspicion because they virtually never give ratings below AA minus. The agencies reply that riskier companies know they cannot access the market and therefore don’t seek ratings at all.