It was a little more than a year ago when Bazley decided to forgo a scholarship at Syracuse for a potential path to the NBA via the G League. He then opted to skip the G League as well to instead focus on preparing for the draft. After his brief flirtation with joining the G League, Bazley signed an endorsement deal with New Balance that included a one-year internship with the Boston-based sneaker company.
During that year, when he wasn't working out at the company's facility in preparation for his eventual jump into the draft, he was immersing himself in the business side of basketball. He spent time working directly with multiple divisions at New Balance, ranging from marketing to apparel to product testing. He was involved in the design process, and got an up-close look at the manufacturing process at New Balance's factory.
While some endorsers get a taste of that with their sneaker companies, Bazley got far more up-close experience, not just getting a tour on a quick visit, but having the opportunity to spend days sitting in meetings, doing product testing and contributing in meaningful ways beyond just picking a sneaker he liked. In true 21st century NBA fashion, Bazley also got to learn about building a personal brand from New Balance's digital and social teams, even using his Instagram account to provide insight into what his internship was like.
Now that Bazley has transitioned fully from "intern" to "endorser," Cassidy's goal is for his former intern to be "the most knowledgeable, insightful athlete in the game about the shoe industry and how things are made and developed and get on the feet of elite athletes and what the industry is like." But for Bazley, the internship went far beyond just basketball and shoes.
Bazley is now moving on to his second job ever, forward for the Thunder. It's a job that has already seen its description change, thanks to Oklahoma City's offseason trades of Paul George and Russell Westbrook.
"His ability to handle the ball at his size is really, really unique, and defensively he's got great range for a young player at that size, as well," Thunder GM Sam Presti said. "It's going to be a process with him. We'll have to be patient. We understand that. But at that range of the draft, to be able to get a player that has those ballhandling skills at 6-foot-9 is pretty unique."
“以他的身高,能有这样的处理球能力真得非常非常罕见,在防守端,对于他这样身高的年轻球员来说,他的防守范围也已经很大了,”雷霆总经理Sam Presti说。“对他来说这是一个过程。我们都必须有耐心。我们理解。但在这样一个顺位,还能得到一个有出色控球能力的6尺9寸(约2.5米)球员真得很罕见。”
Bazley was able to show off some of those skills in Las Vegas, but the initial steps of his transition to the NBA game were not without difficulties. Having not played in a formal setting since the 2018 McDonald's All-American Game, Bazley looked rusty in his Thunder debut, going scoreless and attempting just two shots. However, he showed steady improvement in his four summer league outings, eventually putting up 11 points and making 3 of 5 3-point attempts in OKC's final game of the summer.
Because of the Thunder's roster turnover, Bazley has a unique opportunity to contribute in OKC as a rookie. Bazley might not hit that 20-minute-per-night milestone, but he's excited for the opportunity to prove himself.
As Bazley begins to adjust to the NBA game, he does so with no regrets on how he got there. While his path took him away from organized basketball for a year, it also gave him an early start on the off-court transition to being a professional. He learned much-needed skills like money management and communication, and said he feels better prepared for the adversity that every NBA rookie faces.
"There's going to be times where you hit a roadblock in the league where you're not getting the minutes you wanted or say you're injured and you're not able to play and you don't know how to handle that," he said. "I do."
Rich Paul said players looking to take this path can't be doing it solely for the money. Just like it was for Bazley, it has to be with a bigger goal in mind. "For those chosen few that decide to take another route, there's an alternate route, but the steps are very, very strategic and you have to embrace the process," he said. "It can't be about anything besides, 'I'm willing to do the work and position myself to take on the challenge that I have ahead.' And if you do that, you tend to reside on the side of success."