To Fred it was the confirmation of all his fears, and he told Alan how unsatisfactory such pick-ups must be, wishing he could find a permanent friend from the academic world. (He did not know anything about Neville.)
A great believer in family life, Fred felt that Alan envied him the course that he had taken since 1947.
Alan found a large mushroom, which to the Claytons' amazement he said was edible, so they cooked and ate it.
Afterwards Alan sent a thank-you note, with more notes on astronomy, and a homemade sundial in a cardboard box.
It was hardly a grand farewell.
Neither, indeed, did his Guildford visit take on a leavetaking character, and his last note to his mother, written shortly after these visits, ended with some information about a shop he had found in London where 'some quite remarkably cheap things in glass suitable for wedding presents etc.' could be bought.
Neither of his two close postwar friends, Robin and Nick Furbank, had any clear idea that an end was approaching.