Bio-labs in Ukraine only part of troubles created by US worldwide
美国生物实验室曝光,谁才是地球祸害王? | 小象漫评
The Ukraine crisis has unveiled the US bio-labs in that country to the world.
随着俄乌冲突推进 美国在乌克兰的生物实验室 再也瞒不住世人
How could one imagine that they researched how viruses were transmitted from bats to humans?
真不敢想 这些实验室竟然还研究 如何把蝙蝠病毒传播给人
They blame China for leaking the novel coronavirus — but they have been doing the research on such viruses.
怪不得他们指责中国 原来是他们自己一直在惹祸
While running its bio labs worldwide, the US has also been fabricating lies in the global public opinion fields.
美国不仅做生物武器实验 还特别擅长编造谎言 整天组织水军 在全世界舆论场里投弹
They said China has hackers, but actually it is the US attacking others in cyberspace.
还动不动说中国有黑客 其实是他们自己 每天都网络攻击别国
They sell weapons to the world, and claim to be defending peace.
往全世界卖武器的是他们 制裁别国却号称维护“和平”的还是他们
For every dollar they earn worldwide, there are people suffering.
他们挣的每一块美元 背后都有别国人民的苦难
Time for US politicians to correct their wrongdoings. The less trouble they create for the world, the better.
劝美国政客善良 多为世界想想 你们少添点乱 世界就少了一些麻烦