Everyone suffers from Ukraine crisis except US arms dealer
俄乌冲突谁受益?美国军工复合体! 小象漫评
The Russia-Ukraine conflict is still going on, with innumerable families suffering. However, on the other side of the Earth, some people are counting their bloody money.
俄乌冲突仍在继续 乌克兰大地上在上演惨剧 但在地球的另一边 有人正在数沾满鲜血的钱
They are the US arms dealers and those in the US military-industrial complex. These US parasites suck blood globally.
没错! 就是美国军工复合体 也是美国维护霸权 从全世界吸血的利器
Wherever there is a conflict, there are their weapons.
这个世界哪儿不太平 背后总有他们的身影
They have sold nuclear submarine technology to Australia threatening regional peace;
他们往澳大利亚卖核潜艇 威胁地区和平与稳定
They sell weapons to Taiwan to try and prevent China’s reunification;
往台湾卖武器 阻碍中国两岸统一
They sell weapons to the Middle East, making things even more messy.
往中东战乱区卖武器 把局面搞的更乱
They even sell rifles to US people, who face the risk of being shot every day.
甚至往本国也卖武器 搞得偌大一个美国 天天都有枪击
They make money, and the people of the world pay the price.
美国军火商赚的盆赢钵满 战区人民妻离子散!
Ironically, it is the same US that calls for “peace and human rights”.
讽刺的是 美国明明是武器贩子 却号称维护和平与人权
Time to refute their lies so that the world knows the truth.
早日揭穿这张画皮 才能维护和平与正义