英文原文【英文原文】Burj Dubai, the World's Tallest Skyscraper, Provides a View 'At the Top'From 'At the Top,' the name given to the observatory on the Burj Dubai, you can see the fa...2010-01-05 编辑:vicki 标签:
英文原文【英文原文】Caveat Lector! Ten Predictions for 2010I said it last year - and I'll say it again. There is only one activity more thankless than predicting the future - and that is publicly sh2010-01-04 编辑:vicki 标签:
What are China's most popular online slang terms as we approach the end of the decade? One popular choice could be "Life is a cup, it's up to you to decide whether it's a drinki...2010-01-04 编辑:vicki 标签:
Drinking a small glass of wine a day can protect women against dementia, a new study has claimed.一项新研究发现,每日小酌一杯,有助于防止女性痴呆。Research by academics at the University of Glasgow s2009-12-30 编辑:vicki 标签:
Do you take part in office gossip? I don't like to think of myself as a gossip, but I have to admit I often do it. In my turbulent industry, I justify my behavior--perhaps wrongly--by reasonin...2009-12-29 编辑:vicki 标签:
英文原文【英文原文】'Hijacked By High-Speed Trains'China will launch what it calls the world's fastest railway service linking Wuhan and Guangzhou in two days, shortening the 10.5-hour trip to...2009-12-28 编辑:vicki 标签:
完美圣诞礼物能用公式算出来!Formula for the perfect Christmas toy – calculator required 圣诞节即将到来,很多父母都开始为给孩子挑选一份完美的圣诞礼物而发愁。英国心理学家克利夫?阿诺尔最近创制了一个完美2009-12-25 编辑:vicki 标签:
英文原文【英文原文】Asked Tuesday how Christmas would differ this year, eight-year-old firstdaughter Sasha Obama showed she is quite comfortable with the perks of dad's job, replying: "It will be e2009-12-24 编辑:vicki 标签:
英文原文【英文原文】The Year's Buzziest Fashion BrandsDubai World Launches Revamp TalksDubai World's bid to restructure about $22 billion of debt kicked off, but an initial meeting with creditors d2009-12-22 编辑:vicki 标签:
英文原文【英文原文】The Year's Buzziest Fashion BrandsFashion labels are always chasing buzz, a popularity quotient that's hard to manufacture and even harder to measure. But fashion Web sites and2009-12-21 编辑:vicki 标签:
赫本生前服饰伦敦拍卖 拍价超预期
英文原文【英文原文】Former Royal Ballet principal dancer Darcey Bussell poses in a Valentino black ruffle-edged cocktail gown from 1970-1971, in London, December 7, 2009. The dress previously owned b2009-12-14 编辑:vicki 标签:
奥巴马领诺贝尔和平奖 不讳言战争
英文原文【英文原文】Obama Accepts Nobel Peace Prize, Discusses WarsPresident Barack Obama accepted the Nobel Peace Prize on Thursday, defending his ability to seek peace while fighting two wars abroa2009-12-11 编辑:vicki 标签:
英文原文【英文原文】China to U.S.: Try Harder on EmissionsWill President Obama's offer of a 17% reduction in U.S. greenhouse-gas emissions by 2020 be enough to break the impasse at the Copenhagen cl2009-12-09 编辑:vicki 标签:
电视剧《蜗居》走红 直面房奴辛酸生活
正在中国走红的电视连续剧《蜗居》(Dwelling Narrowness)描写了姐妹两人在繁华的大都市上海经受的各种困难,将镜头对准了大城市中不那么光鲜的房奴的一面:房价的上涨、以及由此给年轻人的理想造成的巨大打击。Dwel2009-12-02 编辑:vicki 标签:
美感恩节票房创纪录 《新月》继续领跑
英文原文【英文原文】Hollywood is giving thanks this holiday season.According to early estimates, Summit Entertainment's 'The Twilight Saga: New Moon' finished first at the box office, pulling ...2009-11-30 编辑:vicki 标签:
电影《三人行》热映 赵薇自曝被古天乐狂抽耳光
为了让镜头看起来更真实,赵薇近日透露,在拍摄电影《三人行》时,她被合作演 -
非洲国家现在开始意识到了学习汉语的重要性。 - 3
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